Runā, ka...: The star may leave Leksand - heading to KHL Johan Ryno has received a completed contract proposal from Dinamo Riga
He has nine points in the qualification matches and played a big part in the promotion to the premier league.
Now Sportbladet reveal that Johan Ryno, 26, is moving away from the club.
He has received a contract proposal from the KHL team Dinamo Riga.
- Of course it attracts, it's crazy flattering.A round of qualification matches remaining, but Leksand is already league ready.
Then the club's sporting director promised to retain most of the current squad for next season .
But one of its biggest stars risk losing Leksand.
"Have no rush"
After the success of the season, 36 points in the headlines, and a further nine in the qualification matches, Johan Ryno heading to the KHL.
Even now, he has a complete contract proposal to consider.
- It is crazy flattering and obviously attractive and interesting to go to the KHL. It's damn fun and proof that I had done something good this season, says striker - without telling the Russian club is all about.
But Sportbladet can reveal that it is about Dinamo Riga, who missed the playoffs and finished last in the Western Division this season.Stjärnan kan lämna Leksand – på väg till KHL |...
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šobrīd Leksand ir spēcīgāki par nevienu vien Elitserien komandu. Tas, ka formāli viņi ir Allsvenskan neko nenozīmē - pārspēļu turnīrā par vietu Elitserien viņi miltos samala abas Elitserien komandas.
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Par Džonsonu kurš nebija īpaši labs šitais Ryno būs uz pusi sliktāks!
Cerams ka šitais nenotiks!
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Pie tam neaizmirsīsim, ka tas pats Ābols lielu daļu karjeras ir pavadījis tieši Allsvenskan un gan, jau kontakti viņam šajā līmenī ir saglabājušies.
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Pie labiem partneriem visas sezonas garumā, arī Ivanāns un Bičevskis būtu guvuši vairāk vārtus!
Spēlējot 1.maiņā kādā SKA, kura visus ņēma priekšā REG turnīrā, arī Ivanāns savus 5us golus būtu iemetis, tikai uz tā rēķina, ka partneri viņu apgādātu ar izcilām piespēlēm!
Mani šis spēlētājs pagaidām neuzrunā!
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