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Power Rankings (as of April 25)

Power Rankings (as of April 25)

1.CANADA (+/-0)
My name is Stamkos. Steven Stamkos.

2.RUSSIA (+/-0)
Taking care of Bryz-ness

Jagr and friends feast on Danish pastry

4.SWEDEN (+/-0)
Wings and Canucks not required (thank you, Linus)

5.FINLAND (+/-0)
When the going gets tough, the PP gets going

USA! USA! More fun to coach than San Jose!

Huet is tough to score on--oh, wait, that wasn't Huet?

8.SLOVAKIA (+/-0)
Everybody owes Lubos Bartecko a dinner

9.LATVIA (+3)
We thought Jack Johnson was a Hawaiian singer-songwriter

10.GERMANY (+/-0)
Put Erich Kühnhackl in

11.DENMARK (+2)
World leader in wind power--blown out by the Czechs

12.BELARUS (-3)
At least the Canadian Parliament left Doan alone, or it would have been 9-1

13.HUNGARY (+3)
Our secret weapons: Levente Szuper, and pre-game goulash

14.NORWAY (-3)
Penalties are like zombies--kill them or they will kill you

15.FRANCE (+/-0)
If Johnny Hallyday had performed instead of Krokus, we would have won

16.AUSTRIA (-2)
In other news, Bruno hits theatres on July 10

Tulkot bija slinkums, domāju, paši sapratīsiet. Tik klāt pieliku par cik vietām (+/-) kura komanda ir mainījusi savu poziciju pēc pirmās kārtas spēlēm. Enjoy!

Slēpts komentārs no bloķēta lietotāja

  +1 [+] [-]

, 2009-04-26 11:20, pirms 15 gadiem
cool4life rakstīja: 9 ..... der!
nee, vajag augstaak!

  +1 [+] [-]

, 2009-04-26 11:24, pirms 15 gadiem
Slovākus un Šveici vēl uz leju

  +1 [+] [-]

, 2009-04-26 11:31, pirms 15 gadiem
par latviešiem labs
Slēpts komentārs no bloķēta lietotāja