4. If an attacking player stands or holds his stick in the goal crease when the puck enters the goal net, unless he has been physically interfered with, by the action of any defending player so as to cause him to be in the goal crease when the puck enters the goal net, unless if in the opinion of the Referee, he had sufficient time to get out of the crease or unless Rule 470 applies.
check rules first when the puck was entering the net his skates were clearly in the crease
es gribētu tevi satikt un pasveicināt tavu seju ar kieģeli !
Kili rakstīja: muļķis ir Kirovs, kas nepārzin hokeja noteikumus
4. If an attacking player stands or holds his stick in the goal crease when the puck enters the goal net, unless he has been physically interfered with, by the action of any defending player so as to cause him to be in the goal crease when the puck enters the goal net, unless if in the opinion of the Referee, he had sufficient time to get out of the crease or unless Rule 470 applies.
check rules first when the puck was entering the net his skates were clearly in the crease
Kili rakstīja: muļķis ir Kirovs, kas nepārzin hokeja noteikumus
4. If an attacking player stands or holds his stick in the goal crease when the puck enters the goal net, unless he has been physically interfered with, by the action of any defending player so as to cause him to be in the goal crease when the puck enters the goal net, unless if in the opinion of the Referee, he had sufficient time to get out of the crease or unless Rule 470 applies.
check rules first when the puck was entering the net his skates were clearly in the crease
VISI, KAM RŪP, RAKSTAM FEDERĀCIJAI!!!!! PAR GODĪGU SPĒLI, NEVIS UZPIRKTIEM TIESNEŠIEM, KĀ ŠIE, ATVAINOJOS, KR*PĻI!!!! Dear Ice Hockey Federation, Explain what THE H*LL WAS THAT??!!!! Your BRIBED referees just stole a game from us!!!!! How much did the referees get for this game, huh?!! People want to know that!!! It is obvious even for the blind that this was preshared game!! How could they just STEAL a fair play from Latvia?? How can you hire such unscrupulous villains??? Is this really your vision of a FAIR PLAY???? Yours faithfully, Truly dissappointed and devastated Latvian fans RAKSTAM UZ VISĀM ADRESĒM: office@iihf.com media@iihf.com webmaster@iihf.com info@2014.iihfworlds.com
tigerrens rakstīja: VISI, KAM RŪP, RAKSTAM FEDERĀCIJAI!!!!! PAR GODĪGU SPĒLI, NEVIS UZPIRKTIEM TIESNEŠIEM, KĀ ŠIE, ATVAINOJOS, KR*PĻI!!!! Dear Ice Hockey Federation, Explain what THE H*LL WAS THAT??!!!! Your BRIBED referees just stole a game from us!!!!! How much did the referees get for this game, huh?!! People want to know that!!! It is obvious even for the blind that this was preshared game!! How could they just STEAL a fair play from Latvia?? How can you hire such unscrupulous villains??? Is this really your vision of a FAIR PLAY???? Yours faithfully, Truly dissappointed and devastated Latvian fans RAKSTAM UZ VISĀM ADRESĒM: office@iihf.com media@iihf.com webmaster@iihf.com info@2014.iihfworlds.com
gola nebija, layvieši kārtējo reizi parāda savu nožēlojamo dabu! Baltkrievi bijaaa pārāki, un uzvarēja godīgi! Cik latviju ir vilkuši, nav jau jums pašiem kauns ka par visām varītēm tiekat glābti no izkrišanas lejā?
It kā viss pareizi,bet sajūta tāda,ka džeks īsti nezina par ko runā-sita pa galvu,ripai nepieskārās...Galvenais bija vai nebija spēle vārtsarga laukumā...Un te nu jāsaka,ka viens čehu āksts var sačakarēt mums visu čempi !!!
tu vispaar to epizodi redzeeji? man liekas ka nee jo tevis rakstiitie noteikumi shai epizodei nu nekaadi nedar
Kili rakstīja: muļķis ir Kirovs, kas nepārzin hokeja noteikumus
4. If an attacking player stands or holds his stick in the goal crease when the puck enters the goal net, unless he has been physically interfered with, by the action of any defending player so as to cause him to be in the goal crease when the puck enters the goal net, unless if in the opinion of the Referee, he had sufficient time to get out of the crease or unless Rule 470 applies.
check rules first when the puck was entering the net his skates were clearly in the crease
Skonto-Barcelona 3:0 rakstīja: gola nebija, layvieši kārtējo reizi parāda savu nožēlojamo dabu! Baltkrievi bijaaa pārāki, un uzvarēja godīgi! Cik latviju ir vilkuši, nav jau jums pašiem kauns ka par visām varītēm tiekat glābti no izkrišanas lejā?
Skonto-Barcelona 3:0 rakstīja: gola nebija, layvieši kārtējo reizi parāda savu nožēlojamo dabu! Baltkrievi bijaaa pārāki, un uzvarēja godīgi! Cik latviju ir vilkuši, nav jau jums pašiem kauns ka par visām varītēm tiekat glābti no izkrišanas lejā?
Āksts, ej fano par savu skonta un beidz te gaisu smirdināt.
Kili rakstīja: muļķis ir Kirovs, kas nepārzin hokeja noteikumus
4. If an attacking player stands or holds his stick in the goal crease when the puck enters the goal net, unless he has been physically interfered with, by the action of any defending player so as to cause him to be in the goal crease when the puck enters the goal net, unless if in the opinion of the Referee, he had sufficient time to get out of the crease or unless Rule 470 applies.
check rules first when the puck was entering the net his skates were clearly in the crease
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Ko var zināt,varbūt varam sarunāt spēli pret šveici.
+14 [+] [-]
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+7 [+] [-]
+2 [+] [-]
Brillītes uzliec.
[+] [-]
biļete iznāk?
+3 [+] [-]
Dear Ice Hockey Federation,
Explain what THE H*LL WAS THAT??!!!! Your BRIBED referees just stole a game from us!!!!! How much did the referees get for this game, huh?!! People want to know that!!! It is obvious even for the blind that this was preshared game!! How could they just STEAL a fair play from Latvia?? How can you hire such unscrupulous villains??? Is this really your vision of a FAIR PLAY????
Yours faithfully,
Truly dissappointed and devastated Latvian fans
+3 [+] [-]
Nezinu vai tā būtu pareiza rīcība, bet tajā brīdī, kad notika , tas, kas notika , tā bija pirmā doma galvā.
+4 [+] [-]
Dear Ice Hockey Federation,
Explain what THE H*LL WAS THAT??!!!! Your BRIBED referees just stole a game from us!!!!! How much did the referees get for this game, huh?!! People want to know that!!! It is obvious even for the blind that this was preshared game!! How could they just STEAL a fair play from Latvia?? How can you hire such unscrupulous villains??? Is this really your vision of a FAIR PLAY????
Yours faithfully,
Truly dissappointed and devastated Latvian fans
+3 [+] [-]
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+3 [+] [-]
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+4 [+] [-]
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+1 [+] [-]
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