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Video: Pepe Reina pasniedz angļu valodas stundu Ikeram Kasiljasam. XD

Virsrakstā viss ir paskaidrots. :P :D
Vērtējums: +10

  +1 [+] [-]

, 2009-08-06 00:28, pirms 15 gadiem

paldies par video

  +2 [+] [-]

, 2009-08-06 18:48, pirms 15 gadiem

Pepe Reina is the best goalkeeper in the world!

- Pepe Reina is the worst goalkeeper in the world!

  +1 [+] [-]

, 2009-08-06 19:02, pirms 15 gadiem
reikons rakstīja: LOL!

Pepe Reina is the best goalkeeper in the world!

- Pepe Reina is the worst goalkeeper in the world!
Hmm, perfecto.