Maskalāns: "Miņins nepelnīti saņēma gada sportista titulu"
Latvijas bobsleja pilots Edgars Maskalāns intervijā "Latvijas Avīzei" asi kritizējis savu komandas biedru Jāni Miņinu, uzskatot, ka pērnā gada nogalē viņš nepelnīti saņēmis gada sportista titulu. Tāpat Maskalāns izteicis neapmierinātību ar bobsleja saimniecībā pastāvošo kārtību.
"Jāapsēžas, jāapdomā dzīve, un tad jau redzēs. Pēdējo divu sezonu laikā manas domas par sportu Latvijā ir mainījušās, arī par sistēmu bobslejā. Ja ir tāda attieksme pret otro komandu, tad Pasaules kausos jāpiedalās tikai vienai ekipāžai. Nav jēgas tērēt nodokļu maksātāju un sponsoru naudu tikai ķeksīša pēc – lūk, mums ir divas ekipāžas," sacīja Maskalāns, uzsverot, ka ir apmierināts ar divniekos sasniegto astoto vietu Vankūveras olimpiādē, taču četriniekos cerēja iekļūt desmitniekā, kas neizdevās (11. vieta).
Maskalāns atzina, ka viņu neapmierina princips "Visu Miņinam", jo uzskata, ka Latvijas vadošais bobsleja pilots nav ne ar ko labāks par viņu: "Uzskatu, ka tas ir tuvredzīgi - viņam dod visu labāko, mums atstāj pārpalikumu. Šādā situācijā vēl prasīt rezultātu vai kaut ko pārmest – man tas jau ilgāku laiku sēž iekšā... Miņinam visu sezonu taupīja slieču komplektu, ar kuru viņš pērn uzvarēja Eiropas čempionātā, bet šosezon tās ne reizi neuzlika, komplekts pat netika nomarķēts. Bet mums pamēģināt nedeva! Viss tikai Miņinam, bet – ar ko viņš ir labāks? Ne ar ko!"
"Uzskatu, ka pērn viņam nepelnīti piešķīra gada sportista titulu, vajadzēja dot Martinam Dukuram vai arī kādam no stūmējiem – Daumantam [Dreiškenam], Intaram [Dambim] vai Osim [Oskaram Melbārdim]. Tas, kā viņi vasarā trenējas un kā Miņins – tās ir divas dažādas lietas," uzsvēra Maskalāns, piebilstot, ka Miņina apgalvojumi par to, ka viņš divarpus stundas trenējoties svaru zālē ir muļķības.Tāpat Edgars atklāja, ka kopš nesenas pagātnes abu sportistu attiecības ir pasliktinājušās, lai gan iepriekš viņš uzskatīja, ka abi ar Miņinu esot labu draugi.
Latvijas Bobsleja federācijas viceprezidents Zintis Ekmanis neslēpa, ka liela nozīme ir tehnikai, ko pierādīja Maskalāna iespētais Vankūverā: : ''Apmierināts ar olimpiskajām spēlēm nevaru būt, bet – kā liktenis lēma, tā ir. Pasaules kausu sacensībās Edgars netika tik augstu kā šeit. Viņam laikam ir laba psiholoģiskā sagatavotība, divniekos palīdzēja arī iespēja braukt ar Miņina bobu. Tas pierāda to, cik liela loma ir tehnikai. Mēs nevaram atļauties divus divniekus, arī šo nopirka Latvijas Bobsleja federācijas prezidents Jānis Kols."
Izmantotie resursi:
Latvijas Avīze
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* February 23, 2010 11:24 PM | Comments0Recommend131
* By Joe O'Connor
Story provided by
National Post
The man is not normal. He could be insane. The man had a stomach ache, a "big pain" he says, for two days. A pain so bad it felt like the devil himself was doing a drum roll in his lower intestine. But the man did not want to miss any training, so he went to the track and tightened his belt to hold back the pain.
WHISTLER, B.C. -- The man is not normal. He could be insane. The man had a stomach ache, a "big pain" he says, for two days. A pain so bad it felt like the devil himself was doing a drum roll in his lower intestine. But the man did not want to miss any training, so he went to the track and tightened his belt to hold back the pain.
Next came a fever, one so bad he sweated through his sheets. Then the man felt a little better. Then he felt much worse. And then he was rushed by helicopter from Whistler to a hospital in Vancouver where he had emergency surgery -- on the opening night of the Olympic Games -- to remove the appendix that burst when he tightened his belt to hold back the pain.
"After surgery I had two days in hell," the man said Tuesday. "My muscles were paralyzed. I couldn't breath. I was [hyperventilating]. That was one terrible day, and the second was the hiccups. But not like five minute hiccups, half an hour. Each time when I drink something, I was like [hiccup, hiccup, hiccup].
"Can you imagine the pain if I do hiccups two days after surgery? That was two days in hell. Now, I don't care about crashes."
It is a good thing that he does not care, since Janis Minins is a bobsled pilot, a possibly insane Latvian who crashed his sled during training on Monday. Which was 10 days after he had emergency surgery to remove his appendix and nine days after doctors told him there was no way he was going to compete at the Olympics.
"Some doctor said I need to sign somewhere, that I take risk in me, but I look healthy," Minins says. "OK, I lost eight kilos, and I tried [Tuesday] to run with the sled. It felt good. You know, after lying in bed for two or three days, you have the feeling that all your muscles are a little bit sleepy, and I need to wake them up fast. [Monday's training] crash wake up my head, so now I hope my muscles will wake up."
The 29-year-old was alert enough, and gifted enough, to pilot his four-man rig to first place at the 2009 World Cup event in Whistler. (That was after he and his team survived on a homemade diet of grilled chicken, wiener schnitzel, boiled potatoes, and cucumber and tomato salad to save money so they could actually afford to be at the event).
Minins' Whistler win tagged him as a contender heading into 2010. That is, until he was airlifted to Vancouver. Surgery cost him a chance to slide in the two-man event, but with Latvia searching for its third Olympic medal, and with Minins now able to stand upright, there was no way he was going to miss out on the four-man race starting Friday.
"He is definitely insane," Steven Holcomb, the pilot of USA-1, said. "You've seen his eyes."
Every bobsledder is slightly brain damaged. Think about what they do: hop in a metal tube. Hurtle down a track at 150 km/h. Even Holcomb, who says he is a "normal guy," is not so normal at all. Until he had surgery to correct a degenerative eye disease, he was essentially sliding blind.
"I guess you could say that was pretty crazy," Holcomb said.
Minins has taken nuts to a new level. It is not his fault. He blames his father, the man who plunked him on a dirt bike when he was five years old.
"I lost my fear," he says. "In the beginning, I thought my crazy father is pushing me all the time to try everything, so I tried a lot sports and one of the craziest sports was dirt bike. I keep trying to drive a little bit, but very careful. Not jump."
He still rides a motorcycle. There was the hush-hush incident that occurred last summer when Minins, also the upstanding member of parliament for the Latvian municipality of Kaldiga, was howling along on his father's Harley Davidson. There was a 90-degree turn. Minins lost control. He did not turn.
"I went straight and flied into a cemetery," he says. "I woke up, [brushed] myself off. It was not fast, just 80 km/h. It was normal, not 150 km/h."
Not like rocketing around the Whistler Sliding Centre in a bobsled, without an appendix, and with a madcap gleam in his eye.
"I think after this, what happened now, I think everybody will say that maybe I am a little bit, not a little bit but a lot crazy," Minins says. "But you know it happens once every four years, the Olympics, and I just feel myself that I can do it, and nobody will [tell] me to stop."
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Tas, ka sportisti sāk nerespektēt treneri arī mēdz būt Latvijā pazīstams sindroms.
Tas, ka vecās tradīcijas iet līdzi laikam ilgtermiņā - arī paskarbi!!!
Padoms Latvijas bobsleja federācijai:
1) Ja tehnika tiek gadavota un slieces pirktas par LBF naudu, tad vajag PLASTISKU rīcību - labākās slieces uz konkrēto trasi tiek labākajiem, otrās labākas nākošajiem, nevis 1.-3. komplekts (uz mūžu...) pie vadošā pilota, tad nākošie citiem!!!
2) Ja komandas ir neatkarīgas, tad katras pašas piesaista sponsorus un taisa to labāko, lai LAT konkurentu komandai izgriestu pogas, tad arī ņaudēšana pēc Olimpiskajiem cikliem būs izskausta.
3) LBF tieciet skaidrībā ar savu sportistu IQ un publicititāti presē. Tā Miņina raudāšana par naudas nemitīgo trūkumu tam zēnam lika aizmirst par pašu galveno - trenēšanos....!
4) Novēlu radikāli mainīt savu darbošanās stilu un neuztraukties par Prūsi - nav viņš labākais variants Latvijai. Pārsvarā strādā uz sevi , ne komandai...! Un tas BOBī pēc Upatnieka tiek pārmantots gadiem ! Neredzu radošu darbību (Dukuru piemērs vien ko vērts!!!)
Novēlu kārtīgu darbu nākošjā Olimpiskajā ciklā un veiksme tad mūs nepametīs!
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Ja viņš izcīnītu medaļu, tad vēl varētu runāt par to, ka Janka nepelnīti ir Nr.1.
Bet man par šo ir sakāms tikai viens...Nesen Abramovičs arī izteica pretenzijas, ka Zubkovam ir labāka tehnika kā viņam...Un tagad Maskalāns. Izskatās, ka Edgars ir kontaktējies ar Abramoviču!
Viens viedais vārdā Oļegs Znaroks reiz teica "Mēs vienmēr pārdzīvojam par krieviem, tāpēc, ka mēs principā… esam krievi."....
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Pie tam medijos ir radīts mīts par Maņinu kā supertalantu, ko pierāda vairums komentāru šajā tēmā no cilvēkiem, kam ir diezgan maz izpratnes par bobsleju.
Tas, ka Maskalāns braucot ar Miņina tehniku uzrādīja labākus rezultātus par pašu boba saimnieku, jau ir pierādījies. Par četriniekiem var tikai zīlēt.
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