Deiviss atveseļojas
Latviešu basketbolista Andra Biedriņa pārstāvētā kluba Goldensteitas ”Warriors” aizsargam Baironam Deivisam veiksmīgi veikta ceļgala operācija.
Izmantotie resursi:
Latviešu basketbolista Andra Biedriņa pārstāvētā kluba Goldensteitas ”Warriors” aizsargam Baironam Deivisam veiksmīgi veikta ceļgala operācija.
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Pippen, 41, hasn't played since February 2004, when a left knee injury forced him to retire. But he told reporters Thursday that he wants to return, hopefully to a contender that could make use of his experience in a playoff run.
He said he's in good shape, his knee is fine and he'd even be willing to sign a 10-day contract to prove what he can do.
"I'm not going to be a nonstop high-flyer like I was in my prime," Pippen said. "But I can still run. I can still dunk. But most of all, I know the game."
If Scottie Pippen returns to the NBA, will he be successful?
Pippen is in Las Vegas, where he will take part in the Shooting Stars contest during NBA All-Star weekend. Bulls guard Ben Gordon and Candice Dupree of the WNBA's Chicago Sky will be Pippen's teammates in the contest.
"I'm thinking of trying to come back for the playoffs," Pippen said. "Something like the last two months of the season, somewhere I can come back and play limited minutes to start, play point forward for someone and build toward the playoffs. It's something I've been thinking about for the last three months."
Pippen said he'd like to eventually become an NBA coach and would be willing to apprentice as an assistant as well.
''But I'd like to play first," he said. "I feel I still have a year and a half of basketball left in me if I'm put in the right situation. I'd even be willing to sign a 10-day contract. At least that would be a start. I just want a chance to show that I can still help a
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als ar jackson tiiri labi tagad speeleee..monta visspaar zveers..richardson liekas tiiri labs deiviss nevisai patiik..tieshi domaaju vinja speeles stils
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eliss, davis, j rich, harringtons, jacksons, pietrus, biedrs, barnes un ari Azabuike,, ka ari fiols ja kapaa kadas 10 min splee, ka ari powels ari kadas 5-7 min, kopaa varetu buut laba blice
tikai japacieshas manuprat lidz nakamgadam ja visi speletu bez traumam rezultati butu
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vinsh censhas meklet andri zem groza, vinsh ir labs, ja protmas biezi vinjam ir zems metienu procents, bet vinsh dala daudz piespeles un vinsh ir vajadzigs komandai
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nesaprotu kas visiem pret deivisu
vinsh censhas meklet andri zem groza, vinsh ir labs, ja protmas biezi vinjam ir zems metienu procents, bet vinsh dala daudz piespeles un vinsh ir vajadzigs komandai
pilnigi manas domas, Deiviss ir ljoti vajadzigs GSW
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