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Raikonens nobrauc no ceļa un finišē 17. vietā

Raikonens nobrauc no ceļa un finišē 17. vietā
Kimi Raikonens

Vakar notiekošajā Somijas rallija čempionāta otrajā posmā - "Vaakuna Ralli" uzvaru izcīnīja Jari Ketomā. "Ferrari" komandas pilots Kimi Raikonens ar "Fiat Abarth Grande Punto S2000" kopvērtējumā izcīnīja 17. vietu, lai arī vienu brīdi bija piektais.

Pēc pirmajiem diviem posmiem vadībā bija izvirzījies Juha Salo, kurš par 0,2 sekundēm apsteidza Ketomā. Raikonens pēc diviem posmiem atradās desmitajā vietā. Trešajā posmā tehniska defekta dēļ izstājās Salo ekipāža un rallija vadībā izvirzījās Ketomā. Raikonens pēc trīs dopiem bija jau septītais.

Ketomā ar katru posmu lēnām palielināja savu pārsvaru, un pēc piektā posma savu tuvāko sekotāju Jusi Valimakī apsteidza par 11,9 sekundēm. Sestajā posmā Raikonens nobrauca no ceļa. Lai tiktu atpakaļ, somu sportistam bija nepieciešamas sešas minūtes, kas kopvērtējumā viņu atsvieda uz 17. vietu.

Pārliecinošu uzvaru beigās izcīnīja Ketomā, kurš par 27 sekundēm apsteidza Jarko Nikaru. Trešais palika Jusi Valimakī, bet Raikonenam beigās 17. vieta.

"Vaakuna Ralli"

''Vaakuna Ralli'' rezultāti

1.Jari KetomaaSubaru Impreza WRX Sti56:19.4
2.Jarkko NikaraMitsubishi Lancer E9+0:27.8
3.Jussi VälimäkiMitsubishi Lancer E9+0:49.2
4.Kristian SohlbergSubaru Impreza WRX+1:01.1
5.Jukka KetomäkiMitsubishi Lancer E10+1:05.7
6.Teemu ArminenSubaru Impreza WRX+1:45.1
7.Marko KakkoMitsubishi Lancer E9+2:13.7
8.Joni NikkoMitsubishi Lancer E9+2:24.7
17.Kimi RäikkönenFiat Grande Punto S2000+8:09.4

Izmantotie resursi:

     [+] [-]

, 2009-02-22 15:28, pirms 16 gadiem
ja, kimi rallija brauc tiesam loti atzistami

  +1 [+] [-]

, 2009-02-22 15:30, pirms 16 gadiem
Interviewer: Kimi Raikkonen, it's hard to swipe the smile from your face, what kind of day did you have?

KR: Pretty nice altough we hit the snowdrift at the second last section, and badly after that, I mean it slowed my time by 7 minutes but other than that I had a fun time.

I: So you had to do shovel work?

KR: Fortunately not, because we had such great audience. The place we drove off was good and we got help at getting the car out of the ditch.. of course it would have been nice to come to the finish without problems but my own little mistake paid.

I: What kind of situation it was? Did Kaj drop from the notes?

KR: (laughing) No no no, it was my own mistake.. I drove too fast.. but great roads and I had fun nevertheless, so no complaints.

I: Now you drove your second race of rally, how much has a rally bug bitten you?

KR: Well I have always wanted to try it, and why not now, I have nothing else better to do. It's nice to drive a little and this being a different kind of racing so it always educates you and I bet if there's more time I'll drive more.

I: Are we going to see you this season in a (gravel) rally race?

KR: Well like I said, it's hard to say right now but let's see how I have time and I think I'll drive when there's time and nothing else.. just for the practise it's nice

I: Last question, season 2009 in F1 is around the corner, how does the new Ferrari feel and what kind of goals do you have for the season?

KR: Well pretty nice of course, but the car will change a lot before the first race.. we will try to win and we won't try anything else than that. we will see that on the first race what kind of package everybody has but I think we should have a competitive car.

I: so you don't think you'll need Kaj Lindström next to you in F1?? (laughing)

KR: (laughs) no I think it's more learning by heart, so I think I'll get along alone.

  +1 [+] [-]

, 2009-02-22 15:32, pirms 16 gadiem

  -2 [+] [-]

, 2009-02-22 16:02, pirms 16 gadiem
švaki Kimim iet rallijā. labākais auto nepalīdz.

  +1 [+] [-]

, 2009-02-22 16:03, pirms 16 gadiem
Laikam par kaut ko aizdomājās

     [+] [-]

, 2009-02-22 16:04, pirms 16 gadiem
veciits rakstīja: švaki Kimim iet rallijā. labākais auto nepalīdz.
to vien maaki kaa stulbi muldeet.....kimi riskeeja aatrak pabrauca un nesanaaca, tu pat to nemaaki