Alonso liecinās pret "McLaren"
Divkārtējais pasaules čempions Formula-1 seriālā, "McLaren" komandas braucējs Fernando Alonso Starptautiskajai Automobiļu federācijai (FIA) iesniegs dokumentus, kas pierādīs, ka "McLaren" ir spiegojuši "Ferrari" komandas tehnisko informāciju.
13. septembrī paredzētajā tiesas sēdē Alonso var apliecināt, ka pa elektronisko pastu saņēmis vēstules no "Ferrari" darbiniekiem. FIA jau ir brīdinājusi Alonso, ka, ja gadījumā šīs liecības izrādīsies nepatiesas, tad spāņu braucēju uz mūžu izslēgs no Formula-1 sacīkstēm.
Izmantotie resursi:
Foto: Scanpix
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bļin nevar pats uzvarēt, tad meklē problēmas, kuro reizi jau pierādās ka nav komandas pilots. Ja kas ar bijis, tad viņam tieši būtu no tā jābūt ieguvējam.
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Hamiltonu jau neskar zaudētie punkti, jo tie tiks zaudētie tikai konstruktora kausa izcīņā
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"Alonso was placed in an impossible position as the alleged recipient of an unsolicited e-mail containing information about the Ferrari car. The electronic missive was allegedly posted in his inbox by McLaren test driver and friend Pedro de la Rosa, who, in turn, had received the mail from Mike Coughlan, the McLaren chief designer at the centre of the espionage affair."
Pasakiet, kur šeit gan ir rakstīts, ka vēstule saņemta no Ferrari???
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tā kā nav jau pirmā reize, kad šamais izdarās bedaudz bagatska stilā
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nolaižot to pa burbuli, pārējiem paveras daudz rožaināka nākotne ...
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Full letter from Mosley to McLaren drivers
Friday, September 7th 2007, 12:03 GMT
Dear Mr De La Rosa
As you will be aware, the FIA has recently investigated whether, how and to what extent McLaren was in possession of confidential Ferrari technical information. The FIA has subsequently been made aware of an allegation that one or more McLaren drivers may be in possession, or that such drivers have recently been in possession, of written evidence relevant to this investigation.
In the interests of the sport and the Championship it is important that the FIA as the regulator establishes unequivocally and rapidly whether or not this allegation has any basis in fact.
The FIA therefore formally requests that you produce copies of any relevant documents which may be in your possession or power of procurement and which may be relevant to this case. For these purposes "documents" includes all written materials such as emails, letters, electronic communications, text messages, notes, memoranda, drawings, diagrams, data, or other material, stored in any physical, "hard copy" or electronic form.
In particular (though without limiting the generality of this request), the FIA wishes to receive copies of any electronic communications (howsoever conveyed or stored) which may be relevant to this case and which make reference to Ferrari, Nigel Stepney or any technical or other information coming from or connected with either Ferrari or Mr Stepney.
In the event that you are aware of the existence or previous existence of any document falling within the above description but are not in a position to produce it, please describe the content of the document in question, the circumstances under which it came to your knowledge and the reasons why you are unable to produce it.
In the event that you are unsure as to whether any document falls within the above description, kindly submit it (or a description of it) and the FIA will assist in making a determination. You will appreciate that there is a duty on all competitors and Super Licence holders to ensure the fairness and legitimacy of the Formula One World Championship.
It is therefore imperative that if you do have any such information, you make it available to us without delay. I can confirm, given the importance of this issue, that any information you may make available in response to this letter will not result in any proceedings against you under the International Sporting Code or the Formula One regulations. However, in the event that it later comes to light that you have withheld any potentially relevant information, serious consequences could follow.
We are sending identical letters to Fernando Alonso and Lewis Hamilton. We look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience. Thank you very much for your co-operation.
Yours sincerely
Max Mosley
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Bobij, pat ja būtu palicis 1 posms 5 punkti nav daudz, F1 jebkurā brīdi var notikties kāda tehniska kļūme un braucējs izstājās ...
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Following the FIA's confirmation that one or more of the team's drivers could be in possession of key evidence, La Gazzetta dello Sport quoted sections of an email exchange between test driver Pedro de la Rosa and his Spanish countryman, world champion Fernando Alonso.
"Do you know that I've found out how Ferrari is able to get its tires to work to perfection?" de la Rosa was quoted as writing to Alonso earlier this year.
He added: "Nigel Stepney told Mike Coughlan."
"I don't believe it," Alonso reportedly replied.