Bertānam vakara agrā spēle Bostonā, Porziņģis pret "Hornets"
Šovakar jau 20:00 Sanantonio "Spurs" ar Dāvi Bertānu ierindā aizvadīs NBA maču pret Bostonas „Celtics”, kamēr Kristaps Porziņģis un „Knicks” naktī 2:30 uzņems Šarlotas „Hornets”.
Aizvadītajā naktī ASV atzīmēja Pateicības dienu, līdz ar to NBA spēles netika aizvadītas. Savukārt šonakt sagaidāms īsts basketbola maratons, jo laukumā dosies visas 30 līgas komandas. Kā pirmās to darīs Bostonas „Celtics” un Sanantonio „Spurs” komandas jau šovakar 20:00 pēc Latvijas laika. Tā būs Dāvja Bertāna pirmā NBA spēle, kas sāksies Latvijas līdzjutējiem salīdzinoši parocīgā laikā. Kā Rietumu konferences pārstāvei „Spurs” šādas spēles ir retāk nekā, piemēram, „Knicks”. Šosezon Sanantonio bez šī vakara mača būs vēl trīs spēles, kas sāksies ātrāk par Latvijas pusnakti – 12. februārī pret Porziņģi un "Knicks", 26. februārī pret „Lakers” un otrajā aprīlī pret „Jazz”.
Bertāns iepriekšējā spēlē laukumā izgāja divreiz un parādīja diametrāli pretēju sniegumu. Pirmajā puslaikā viņš visai acīmredzami „krita” ārā no spēles, taču sev izkārtotos brīvos tālmetienus realizēja. Pēc sarunas ar Toniju Pārkeru uz rezervistu soliņa un puslaika pārtraukuma Bertāns otrajā puslaikā jau darbojās citā līmenī, regulāri tika galā ar saviem sedzamajiem, ar pārtvertu bumbu, atlētisku danku ātrajā uzbrukumā un ar spēcīgu bloku pret garāku pretspēlētāju uzkurināja savu komandu.
Kopumā Bertāns pret „Hornets” guva 11 punktus, trāpot visus četrus metienus no spēles. Tas ir viņa rezultativitātes rekords NBA, kamēr kopumā 12 spēlēs viņš vidēji sametis 3.2 punktus un trāpījis 44% tālmetienu. Tas ir trešais labākais rādītājs līgas debitantu vidū.
„Spurs” tikmēr uzvarējusi jau septiņās spēlēs pēc kārtas un ar uzvaru bilanci 12-3 pieteikusies uz kārtējo 50 uzvaru sezonu. „Spurs” un „Clippers” ir vienīgās komandas līgā, kas joprojām nav ne reizi zaudējušas izbraukumā. Šovakar Grega Popoviča vadīto komandu gan sagaida pārbaudījums Bostonas „Celtics” izskatā, kas tiek piesaukta pie Austrumu konferences favorītēm.
Bostonai sezonas sākums gan neizdevās pārāk gluds, jo traumu dēļ vairākas spēles izlaida Els Horfords un Džā Krauders. Viņu atgriešanās palīdzēja uzvarēt visās trīs iepriekšējās spēlēs, taču „Celtics” īstais līderis joprojām ir augumā mazais, bet ārkārtīgi grūti nosedzamais saspēles vadītājs Aizeja Tomass. Viņš vidēji spēlē sametis 26.2 punktus un izdalījis 6.1 rezultatīvu piespēli. Protams, Horforda klātbūtne zem groziem Tomasam nāk tikai par labu. Savukārt pret „Spurs” līderi Kavai Lenardu „Celtics” var piedāvāt aizsardzībā ļoti labi spēlējošo Eivriju Bredliju.
„Celtics” ir piektā jaunākā komanda līgā, ņemot vērā spēlētāju vidējo vecumu. Tikai Horfords jau pārsniedzis 30 gadu slieksni, kamēr „Spurs” ir trešā vecākā komanda līgā ar spēlētāju vidējo vecumu 28.6 gadi.
Debitantu precizitāte tālmetienos
V. | Spēlētājs | Komanda | Tālm. % | Tālmetieni |
1. | Džoels Embīds | 76ers | 46.2% | 12/26 |
2. | Džamals Marejs | Nuggets | 45% | 27/60 |
3. | Dāvis Bertāns | Spurs | 44% | 11/25 |
4. | Mindaugs Kuzminsks | Knicks | 42.1% | 8/19 |
5. | Dario Šaričs | 76ers | 39.6% | 19/48 |
6. | Domants Sabonis | Thunder | 39.5% | 17/43 |
Kristaps Porziņģis tikmēr Amerikā liek runāt par savu piederību Visu Zvaigžņu spēles kandidātiem. Vidēji spēlē šosezon viņš sadragājis 21 punktu un, neskatoties uz lielu pieaugumu izdarīto metienu ziņā, pratis uzlabot savu precizitāti līdz 50% līmenim. Ar viņa palīdzību „Knicks” guvusi četras uzvaras pēdējās piecās spēlēs un sasniegusi neitrālu uzvarēto un zaudēto spēļu attiecību (7-7).
„Nav tā, ka es pēkšņi pieliku savā arsenālā 1000 jaunas kustības,” Ņujorkas medijiem sacījis Porziņģis. „Vienkārši esmu mierīgāks, kad saņemu bumbu „postā”, varu mierīgi pagriezties, un manu metienu neviens tā īsti nevar kavēt. Sāku saprast, cik garš es patiesībā esmu un cik grūti pretinieku aizsargam ir aizsniegties līdz manis mestajai bumbai.”
Nujorkai un Porziņģim priekšā divas spēles pret „Hornets” – viena šonakt Ņujorkā un nākamā rīt Šarlotā, kur pavisam nesen viesojās Bertāns un „Spurs”, uzvarot ar 114:119. „Hornets” 14 spēlēs guvusi astoņas uzvaras un Austrumu kopvērtējumā ir nedaudz priekšā Ņujorkai.
Šarlotas sastāvā trīs spēles pēc kārtas izlaidis centrs Koudijs Zellers, kura vietā sākumsastāvā iziet agrāk ļoti augstā līmenī spēlējošais Rojs Hiberts. Spēka uzbrucēja pozīcijā savukārt stabila ir Mārvina Viljamsa vieta. Viņš vidēji spēlē guvis 10 punktus, taču izceļas ar ļoti sliktu precizitāti metienos no spēles, šosezon trāpot tikai 33% metienu. Bijušais „Hawks” un „Jazz” uzbrucējs Šarlotas komandā ļoti bieži izpilda tālmetienus, taču ar 2,06m garu augumu ir zem līgas vidējā spēka uzbrucēja līmeņa un šajā ziņā piekāpjas Porziņģim ļoti daudz.
„Knicks” rindās tikmēr sagaidāma Žoakima Noā atgriešanās pēc slimības un iepriekšējo divu maču izlaišanas. Tikmēr Deriku Rouzu sagaida duelis saspēles vadītāja pozīcijā pret vidēji spēlē 25 punktus metošo Kembu Vokeru. Viņš pret „Spurs” trāpīja visus četrus tālmetienus un nebija pārāk tālu no „triple-double” (26+9+7).
Austrumu konferences pašreizējās "play-off" komandas
V. | Komanda | U-Z |
1. | Klīvlendas Cavaliers | 11-2 |
2. | Atlantas Hawks | 10-5 |
3. | Toronto Raptors | 9-6 |
4. | Bostonas Celtics | 9-6 |
5. | Čikāgas Bulls | 9-6 |
6. | Šarlotas Hornets | 8-6 |
7. | Ņujorkas Knicks | 7-7 |
8. | Milvoki Bucks | 6-7 |
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''...kur pavisam nesen viesojās Bertāns un „Spurs”, uzvarot ar 114:199...''
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Ps. lai KP rada klasi
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1. Biedriņš 3247 pts
2. Porziņģis 1322 pts
3. Vētra 45 pts
4. Bertāns 38 pts
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Un kā tad ar pati intriģējošāko "agro" spēli 12.februārī starp Porziņģi un Bertānu? Arī liekas, ka bija agrā spēle 22:30....
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Gundars Vetra Player Profile, Minnesota...
Biedriņa/Porziņģa/Bertāna status meklē kaut vai tajā pašā
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KP saplosīs Hornetus lupatās ar 30+
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Kristaps Porzingis was amazing once again in Tuesday night’s victory over the Blazers. He poured in a game-high 31 points, including a dizzying array of dunks and step-back three-pointers.
Porzingis has exceeded even the loftiest of expectations early in his career. After the first few weeks and months, it was clear that he was uniquely gifted. However, considering he was so slight of build and was still adjusting to living in America and playing in the NBA, most believed it would take him years before he grew into his game and his body.
It was assumed that Anthony would remain the team’s focal point and face of the franchise for the foreseeable future. Eventually, as his career was winding down toward the back end of his contract, Porzingis would have hopefully improved enough by that point so that ‘Melo would feel content passing the torch to his young protege.
However, there is an uncomfortable truth that New Yorkers have to now confront: Carmelo Anthony is no longer the Knicks’ best player.
While Anthony has slowed a bit (Carmelo’s regression is most painfully obvious on the defensive end of the floor), Porzingis’ game has developed at warp speed.
Porzingis is clearly the best all-around player in New York right now. KP’s intoxicating blend of length, athleticism, confidence and incredible skill has him playing at a truly elite level, despite the fact that he’s only 21 years old.
It’s his ability to contribute, and at times dominate, at both ends of the floor that truly separates Porzingis from his peers. He is the currently the only player in the NBA leading his team in both made three-pointers and blocked shots. And consider this: Last season, Steph Curry became the first player in NBA history to shoot above 50 percent from the floor, 40 percent from three-point territory and 80 percent from the free throw line, while attempting more than five three-pointers per game. Porzingis is currently shooting 50.2 percent from the floor, 39 percent from downtown and 78 percent from the charity stripe, while averaging 5.5 three-point attempts per game.
Over the Knicks’ last 10 games, Porzingis is averaging 23.6 points, 7.6 rebounds, 2.4 three-pointers, 0.9 blocks and 0.8 steals, while shooting 52.6 percent from the floor.
Over the Knicks’ last 10 games, Anthony is averaging 23.1 points, 5.9 rebounds, 2.3 three-pointers, 0.4 blocks and 0.7 steals, while shooting 46.6 percent from the floor.
The advanced metrics show an even greater divide. Porzingis’ 2016-17 PER currently sits at 22.2. ‘Melo clocks in at 20.1. Porzingis’ Real Plus/Minus of 3.43 ranks 15th best in the NBA this season. ‘Melo is 35th at 2.03.
Everyone from fans to the front office to the coaches and the players knew that Porzingis passing Anthony in the pecking order would occur at some point down the road. It was widely acknowledged that ‘Melo was the present and KP was the future.
Only that’s no longer true. Porzingis is both. It’s all happened sooner than we expected.
Now, it will be fascinating to see how this all plays out.
With that said, don’t expect any fireworks. One of the reasons New Yorkers have fallen head over heals in love with Porzingis is his unselfish attitude and modest, self-effacing personality. Porzingis has almost always said the right thing since responding to draft days boos with a smile and an innocuous quip about being happy to have the opportunity to win over New Yorkers. For a kid that could now easily view himself as the new ‘King of New York,’ he’s bashful even being mentioned as a potential prince.
Porzingis has also unfailingly deferred to Anthony, both on and off the court.
After Sunday’s win over the Hawks, Porzingis was quick to correctly credit ‘Melo as a crucial component to his own individual success.
“Without Melo, it would be much more difficult for me to get those 30 points, or 28,” Porzingis said. “People don’t realize that. But that’s how it is. He draws a lot of attention, and he’s the main focus for the other team. That opens up stuff for me. So without him, it would be much more difficult.
“I’m happy to have him and D-Rose and guys who are really aggressive driving to the basket, who draw so much attention for me to be able to get those wide-open looks and then attack. It’s good sometimes that we have that. Without them, it would be much more difficult.”
And he is 100 percent right. In many respects, Porzingis is blessed to not only play alongside a terrifically talented player in Anthony, but also a person who is comfortable in the bright lights of the big city. Anthony is the player whom reporters will run to for a quote when Phil Jackson says or does something that draws negative attention to the team. Anthony will be the one forced to face the music and will be asked the tough questions about unmet expectations if the Knicks fail to advance to the playoffs. Porzingis will eventually have to shoulder the responsibility that comes along with being the face of the franchise, but delaying this inevitability for as long as possible likely only benefits him and the Knicks long-term.
And to his credit, Anthony, by all accounts, has been a trusted and respected mentor to Porzingis. He’s taken the young Latvian under his wing since inviting Porzingis to his personal gym for workouts last summer. Recently, ‘Melo has been effusive in his praise of Porzingis. Earlier this week, Anthony acknowledged Porzingis turns him into a fan on a nearly nightly basis.
“I’m still in awe of kind of some of the things he does on the court. Like yesterday, he made a move and I’m like, ‘Damn.’ You know what I mean? I’m still like a fan of kind of his talent and his skill level,” Anthony said. “I always thought it would kind of take longer to get acclimated. He’s doing a great job with just kind of taking it day by day, still getting a feel for the game and figuring it out on the fly.”
Nonetheless, as Porzingis’ game continues to grow, so will his fame. How will Anthony handle the attention slowly shifting away from his side of the locker room? When the NBA universe starts recognizing Kristaps as the Knicks’ top talent, how will it impact Anthony? At some point, the Knicks will have to seriously consider running plays for KP on the final possessions of close games. Will it be a tough pill for the prideful Carmelo to swallow? It would be only natural for him to have a tough time adjusting to a new role, and a lower ranking in the team hierarchy.
Still, there are obvious advantages for Anthony and reasons he should embrace KP’s accession. ‘Melo is the most efficient and effective version of himself when is set up as a catch-and-shoot scorer. The offense tends to grind to a halt when he dribbles seconds off the shot clock in isolation attempts. He should embrace the space-and-pace brand of basketball espoused by Jeff Hornacek and powered by point guards Derrick Rose and Brandon Jennings, as well as Porzingis. As we have seen in summer’s past, “Olympic ‘Melo” is a force to be reckoned with.
There is no denying that ‘Melo remains an incredibly skilled player – one of the best offensive players on the planet. Still, playing alongside an emerging superstar in Porzingis will require a recalibration on his part.
After all, it’s been a very, very long time since Carmelo Anthony wasn’t the best player on his own basketball team.
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Zirgam jāsmejas
Un Džā?!?!??!?!?!
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A kas ar best4sportu un nba tv? Nekas tur nav?
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Skaties uz telefonu majas, atkartojumus. Cik uzziet. Šī nav reklāma.
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novelciet sopcast progu un skataties
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Iesaku jau iepriekš ad-block, jo reklāmas, kā vienmēr, var būt ļoti daudz
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slikta kvalitate
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Boston Celtics Vs San Antonio 25/11/2016 NBA...
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Ja nav līki pirksti, tad ātrāk ir atrast box score nevis te komentāros prasīt..... daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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Saite prieks telefoniem.. Un nelec reklamas uz paša video.. Reklamas gan nesaidam.. Un google chrome
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Jo nu arī spēles momentos grūti tikt, jo gluži nebija nekāds pavērsiena punkts... kā bija -10, tā ir -10.
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Tor man nepatīk ar savu spēles stilu. Tik lādē DeRouzans midarangerus. Un MIL pagaidām ir dissapointing
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KP iet uz Curry rekordu pašlaik
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Bet paralēli gan iet gan KP gan LAC, tad tās vairāk interesēs.
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Tos Bostonas kraķus nav iespējams klausīties
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Nevari aizsardzībā nosegt, tad arī uzbrukumā bumbu neredzēsi!
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Jaieposto būs šis spurs twiterii
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Bertānu ne tikai komandas aizsardzībā apspēlē, bet arī 1vs1!
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Nebija milzīgs koeficients, bet daudzi jutās pārliecināti, ka sametīs.
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never mind jau atradu
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Ar viņu laukumā Spurs +9
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NYK komentētāji, kuru komandu tiesneši krietni vairāk pret Bostonu apbižoja, pat ne tuvu tā nesūdzējās.
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Breens + JVG + Marc Jacksons ir komentētāju dream team
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Un BOS "visu zinošie" komentētāji tak arī pieminēja, ka BOS tak ieskriesies un viss būs...
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Lasu sito kkaa nepatiikami labi..kritika komplimentaa...
A small note on Bertans: I don't think there's anyone in the league who focuses as much on always boxing out as he does while still being unable to get a board to save his life. Fortunately the others gang rebounded when he was on the court. Even with that issue — which should be solved if he puts on some muscle — he was amazing on Friday. Hopefully he can continue to play at a high level going forward.
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acestream df2068aa88eaa65edfee60d36845dbc87a0087a4 ENG
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Flash: NBA 2
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