Vērpalu atzīts par vainīgu dopinga lietošanā
Starptautiskā Slēpošanas federācijas (FIS) antidopinga komisija ir paziņojusi galīgo lēmumu igauņu slēpotāja Andrusa Vērpalu dopinga lietā, atzīstot viņu par vainīgu, vēsta Igaunijas mediji.
Slavenākais un panākumiem bagātākais igauņu slēpotājs Andruss Vērpalu pieķerts dopinga lietošanā – šāda ziņa sporta sabiedrību pāršalca jūlija sākumā, jo igauņu sportista 29. janvārī sacensībās Otepē nodotās dopinga analīzes pozitīvas. Īsi pēc tam viņa komanda iesniedza pierādījumus, mēģinot pierādīt, ka tā ir tikai un vienīgi kļūda, taču nu paziņots, ka pierādījumi nav bijuši pietiekami pārliecinoši, lai dopinga analīžu rezultāti tiktu atzīti par nederīgiem.
Lēmumu sportists nu var apstrīdēt Starptautiskajā Sporta arbitrāžas tiesā Lozannā.
Vērpalu savas karjeras laikā izcīnījis divus olimpiskā čempiona titulus (2002., 2006.), divreiz triumfējis pasaules čempionātā (2001., 2009.), kā arī pa reizei ticis pie sudraba kā pasaules čempionātā (1999.), tā olimpiādē (2002.). Piecreiz igauņu slēpotājs atzīts par savas valsts labāko sportistu un saņēmis daudz citus apbalvojumus.
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Sport - Postimees.ee
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Te būs interesants komentārs no kāda ārzemju sporta ziņu portāla pēc tam, kad SOK paziņoja, ka priecājas par Austriešu trenera notiesāšanu.
Samaranch is Spanish. Spanish Federation has a long history in doping. Each year you see a plethora of Spanish cyclists, footballers and track and field athletes getting caught for doping only for their Federation to excuse them and anull their suspensions. There is no such thing as clean/honest sport these days. XC skiing might actually be one of the cleanest ones right now. If you read some of the things fans are saying over on sites like ESPN or Eurosport, you will see that the vast majority of them don’t care if athletes are taking drugs. If it increases the performance, it makes for great competition, it builds excitement, ratings skyrocket, and more money is flowing in and out of those sports.
“Let them take HGH. It’s a naturally produced hormone. If it makes a player better, then I say go for it.” Top rated comment on ESPN.com about Mike Jacobs (Colorado Rockies) testing positive for HGH. Unfortunately, the Russians were not the only ones using drugs in sports at the time, nor are they the only ones doing so now. Money is what is driving individuals and teams to take PED’s. Why do you think there is so much corruption in the NCAA team sports right now? These people will do anything to win. With more money, teams are able to find new ways to cheat, and they will always be a step ahead of the testers (enter professional cycling). The more money and support you have from fans, sponsors and potentially federal governments, the easier it is to cheat. Plus, if there are any positive drug tests, the leagues/organizations would want those to be lesser names. In tennis, the athletes who have tested positive for banned substances in the last few years have been mostly middling players. The organizations can ill afford to ban their top stars, because they know how much that’s gonna hurt their brand and how much appeal and money will be lost. Plus, as I said with the Spanish federation, most federations will see to protect their own athletes. Nobody wants to have their homegrown athletes banned
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