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Spamojiet, bet nejau kaa xero, 5 postus peec kaartas uzraksta, tjipa pats ar sevi runaa :)

Ja Račam kāds nepatīk, viņš pasaka man(kicker92) un es viņu izdupsēšu ārā no šī posta :)

  -1 [+] [-]

, 2008-11-26 18:32, pirms 16 gadiem
GZA rakstīja: Ir pierādījumi, ka Bērziņonkuls nav beidzis vidusskolu? Un pierādījumi, ka tev ir 19. gadu...
Un kaa lai tev pieraada???

  +3 [+] [-]

, 2008-11-26 20:55, pirms 16 gadiem
chester16 rakstīja: Un kaa lai tev pieraada???
Stulbākais ir tas, ka Bērzs ir pabeidzis vidusskolu un ka tavi apgalvojumi ir aplami. Congratulations, you suck!

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, 2008-11-26 21:52, pirms 16 gadiem
chester16 rakstīja: Un kaa lai tev pieraada???
Noskenē pasi un aizkrāso svarīgākos datus, piemēram, personas kodu utml.

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, 2008-11-26 21:55, pirms 16 gadiem
SpeedKing rakstīja: Noskenē pasi un aizkrāso svarīgākos datus, piemēram, personas kodu utml.
Tad izprintēsim un iesim uz šamā vārdu izmantot visādas opcijas.
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, 2008-11-27 20:36, pirms 16 gadiem
GZA rakstīja: ~~Integrācija, bļ*
Kas es pēc panka vai Džuliusa Kasablankasa izskatos? Man jau ir ģimene, nevaru dzīvot tā kā Raimis. ~~
Muse fan, bļ.e.
Nu ja tu izskatīties pēc tā Džuliusa, kas sapīpējies filmējas "12:51" dziesmas klipā, tu gāztu jaunus rokmūzikas kalnus. ķip Oh really your folks are away now?
Nekad neesmu sapratis, kāpēc tev ir tāds riebums pret Muse.

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, 2008-11-27 20:37, pirms 16 gadiem
Booyaka619 rakstīja: Laila?
Nea, apmīzta brīnumsiena.

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, 2008-11-27 20:59, pirms 16 gadiem
Mēs brauc pie Smoļensk un Smoļensk brauc pie mums
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, 2008-11-27 22:32, pirms 16 gadiem
GZA rakstīja: Riebums nav liels. Man patīk pāris gabali... Bet šajam mazajam riebumam ir pāris iemesli :
1. Vienkārši besī viņu apokaliptiskais skanējums, sajūta tāda, ka viņi mums mēģina iepotēt, ka viņi ir gudrāki par mums visiem. Un kad būs klāt Pasaules Galiņš, viņi no laimes vai mīzīs biksēs, sak, mums bija taisnība. ;
2. Piedodiet, bet britu grupa, kas izklausās pēc amīšiem ir pilnīgs [cenzēts] ;
3. Vēl krīt uz nerviem fakts, ka šie trīs džeki neizmanto pilnībā savu milzīgo potenciālu un talantu. Ja grupā ir tik izcils pianists kā Metjū Belamijs, tad izcilam LP, kas mainītu daudz ko rokmūzikā, bija jābūt jau sen-sen atpakaļ. Nākamais albums jau būs sestais. C'mon, džeki, es zinu, ka jūs varat labāk.
Vai tad ir jau pieci albumi? Es tā skaitu, bet man tikai četri sanāk.
Man savukārt Muse vienmēr šķituši pārvērtēti.
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, 2008-11-27 23:35, pirms 16 gadiem
GZA rakstīja: Ieskaitīju arī saundtreku filmai Hullabū jeb kaut kā tā.
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, 2008-11-27 23:49, pirms 16 gadiem
Demar 21 rakstīja: ''Muse'' valda!

Radiogalva un Oāze var tikai pienest dvieļus Belamijam

Un Belamijs tos var pazemīgi pasniegt Bilijam Korganam.
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, 2008-11-28 21:36, pirms 16 gadiem

It is so easy to make shish kebabs at home, it is surprising they are not a mainstay. If you combine vegetables and fruits along with your choice of meat, you literally have a meal on a stick. Kids get a big kick out of helping not only make kebabs, but choosing their own combinations, so do let them help. Here are a few tips and hints to keep in mind:

• Wooden bamboo skewers are inexpensive and easy to find, but they must be soaked at least 30 minutes in water (preferably warm to the touch) prior to use. This keeps them from easily catching fire. If you get into the shish kebab habit, then you may wish to invest in stainless steel reusable skewers.

• Wash all meats and seafood thoroughly and pat dry before skewering and adding to marinade.

• Be sure to marinate in the refrigerator to avoid food-borne bacteria.

• Meats should optimally be cut in uniformly-sized 1 to 2-inch cubes for quick and even cooking.

• Fatty meats can be cooked at a higher temperature. Lean meats will need a longer time at a lower heat.

• Choose firm-textured fish (salmon, tuna, mahi mahi, swordfish, shark, etc.) and shellfish.

• Parboil vegetables such as bell peppers, zucchini, carrots and other dense foods before skewering if you like them fully-cooked in the end product. Baby new potatoes can be scrubbed and par-boiled in skins or use canned whole potatoes.

• When using marinade, a large heavy-duty plastic zip or cooking bag works great for prepared skewers. Be sure to get most of the air out before sealing so the contents are covered with the marinade, and turn the bag often while marinating.

• Marinade is not necessary. You can also just season with your favorite herbs and spices.

• Kebabs can be grilled, broiled or baked. If you don't have a barbecue, you might want to look into an electric table-top indoor barbecue.

• If using marinade, be sure to marinate at least 30 minutes before cooking. Overnight is even better if you have time to prepare ahead. Discard marinade. Do not reuse it. Prepare a separate batch if you need a dipping sauce.

• Alternate meat with vegetables and fruit on the skewers. Be creative.

• A light spray of cooking oil will help keep the kebabs from sticking. Turn the kebabs often for even cooking.

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, 2008-11-28 21:39, pirms 16 gadiem
šiškebabs rakstīja: SHISH-KEBAB

It is so easy to make shish kebabs at home, it is surprising they are not a mainstay. If you combine vegetables and fruits along with your choice of meat, you literally have a meal on a stick. Kids get a big kick out of helping not only make kebabs, but choosing their own combinations, so do let them help. Here are a few tips and hints to keep in mind:

• Wooden bamboo skewers are inexpensive and easy to find, but they must be soaked at least 30 minutes in water (preferably warm to the touch) prior to use. This keeps them from easily catching fire. If you get into the shish kebab habit, then you may wish to invest in stainless steel reusable skewers.

• Wash all meats and seafood thoroughly and pat dry before skewering and adding to marinade.

• Be sure to marinate in the refrigerator to avoid food-borne bacteria.

• Meats should optimally be cut in uniformly-sized 1 to 2-inch cubes for quick and even cooking.

• Fatty meats can be cooked at a higher temperature. Lean meats will need a longer time at a lower heat.

• Choose firm-textured fish (salmon, tuna, mahi mahi, swordfish, shark, etc.) and shellfish.

• Parboil vegetables such as bell peppers, zucchini, carrots and other dense foods before skewering if you like them fully-cooked in the end product. Baby new potatoes can be scrubbed and par-boiled in skins or use canned whole potatoes.

• When using marinade, a large heavy-duty plastic zip or cooking bag works great for prepared skewers. Be sure to get most of the air out before sealing so the contents are covered with the marinade, and turn the bag often while marinating.

• Marinade is not necessary. You can also just season with your favorite herbs and spices.

• Kebabs can be grilled, broiled or baked. If you don't have a barbecue, you might want to look into an electric table-top indoor barbecue.

• If using marinade, be sure to marinate at least 30 minutes before cooking. Overnight is even better if you have time to prepare ahead. Discard marinade. Do not reuse it. Prepare a separate batch if you need a dipping sauce.

• Alternate meat with vegetables and fruit on the skewers. Be creative.

• A light spray of cooking oil will help keep the kebabs from sticking. Turn the kebabs often for even cooking.
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