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Sandis Ozoliņš uzsācis ārstēšanos no pārmērīgas alkohola lietošanas

Andris Liepa
Andris Liepa

Latvijas izlases aizsargs Sandis Ozoliņš ir brīvprātīgi uzsācis ārstēšanos pret pārmērīgu apreibinošo vielu lietošanu. Aizsargs piedalīsies ārstniecības programmā, kuru uzrauga NHL un NHL Spēlētāju asociācija.

Sandis Ozoliņš personīgu iemeslu dēļ nepiedalījās pēdējos trīs “Mighty Ducks” treniņos. NHL mačos 33 gadus vecais aizsargs nav piedalījies kopš 27.novembra, kad guva ceļgala savainojumu.

Latvijas hokeja izlases treneris Leonīds Beresņevs Ozoliņu ir iekļāvis sastāvā dalībai Turīnas olimpiskajās spēlēs.

“”Mighty Ducks” īpašnieki, menedžments, treneri un spēlētāji no visas sirds atbalsta Sandi un viņa ģimeni šajā laikā un atbalsta viņa lēmumu meklēt profesionālu palīdzību,” teikts Ozoliņa pārstāvētā NHL kluba oficiālajā paziņojumā.

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, 2005-12-29 23:44, pirms 19 gadiem
kam negadaas... gan jau buus ok...turies OZO..!!

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, 2005-12-29 23:48, pirms 19 gadiem
Turies, ozo!!! Sado tam zaljajam puukjim, un atgriezies laukumaa. Veel gadus 2-3 vari mieriigi rukaat!!! Turies!

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, 2005-12-29 23:52, pirms 19 gadiem
Neko citu, kaa atru un veiksmiigu izvesljoshanos nevaram noveeleet, es arii ticu, ka mees te visi esma kopaa ar Sandi. Galvenais, ka pats ir to sapratis un grib mainiities. ticiiba sev un ticiiba Dievam ir galvenais, lai tiktu uz pareizaa celjaa!

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, 2005-12-29 23:56, pirms 19 gadiem
A kaa tad tagad ir, kaa taa arsteeshanaas izpauzas, jaauzturas reeali kaada kliinikaa, vai arii ir tikai kaut kaada programma, karoce kaa ar treninjiem un speleshanu.

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, 2005-12-30 00:01, pirms 19 gadiem
[cenzēts]...kas notiek no jums komenteetaajiem kaads kaadreiz vispaar taa pavairaak i kaadreiz iekjeeris un meegjinaajis futbolu paspeeleet, diez vai vareetu pavilkt, pirmais jau ko sakjertu buutu sirds, nu kaut kaa neticas ka dzzeks vareetu kost un speeleet pasaules augstaakajaa liigaa varbuut ar "zaali" tas i apvienojums, bet ar alkaholu toch ne, sirds jau sen buutu atteikusi...
Nezinu kas shim par probleemaam, bet ar alkaholu diezin vai taas vareetu buut saistiitas...

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, 2005-12-30 00:10, pirms 19 gadiem
to morgan tu labāk palasi kaut tos pašus "Melnās ripas bruņiniekus", "Irbes kā mūris" un citus izdevumus par Dinamo laikiem tur dažs labs vel zem promilēm vārtus meta iekšā. Iespējams tas protams cik ilgi to izvilks sirds un aknas tas ir cits jautājums.

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, 2005-12-30 00:21, pirms 19 gadiem

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, 2005-12-30 00:30, pirms 19 gadiem
tas ir 1.apriilja joks vai kaa? ja taa tad nedaudz par agru...

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, 2005-12-30 00:47, pirms 19 gadiem

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, 2005-12-30 00:58, pirms 19 gadiem
lai jau veseljojas! varam tikai iedomaties kas ar sho notiks kad beigs karjeru un nebus metis mieru saviem kodieniem.. tfu tfu!

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, 2005-12-30 00:58, pirms 19 gadiem
...un kas zin ja nebutu vinjam shadu probleemu, kada tad vinjam butu taa NHL statistika

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, 2005-12-30 00:59, pirms 19 gadiem
Es nesaprotu par ko tāds šoks? Es drīzāk priecātos, ka beidzot ies ārstēties

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, 2005-12-30 01:13, pirms 19 gadiem
zeel man vinja!!dzekins tak viens no labakjiem uzbruukosajiem aizsargiem visaa NHL!!!

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, 2005-12-30 01:19, pirms 19 gadiem
Lai veicas.

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, 2005-12-30 01:36, pirms 19 gadiem
Sandža nebaidos teikt, ka mēs[Latvija] tevi atbalstam!! !

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, 2005-12-30 02:09, pirms 19 gadiem
visu to labaako ciinoties...

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, 2005-12-30 02:48, pirms 19 gadiem
Nu jā, bet sen jau te visi kladzināja par šo tēmu! Daudzi negribēja ticēt un brauca virsū tiem, kuri pieminēja promilles, bet nu tas jau sen bija zināms! Kaut kad jaut tas burbulis plīst!

P.S. Veiksmīgu atgriešanos!

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, 2005-12-30 05:48, pirms 19 gadiem
Nu ko varat jau sākt apdirst Sandi vai arī viņu atbalstīt! Esam kopā ar mūsu mazās Latvijas vienu no lielākajiem varoņiem Sandi Ozoliņu (labā nozīmē)!!!! Sandi gaidam Tevi Turīnā!!!!

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, 2005-12-30 06:04, pirms 19 gadiem
nu vecis... )

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, 2005-12-30 06:04, pirms 19 gadiem
p.s. bilde ari labaa
Slēpts komentārs no bloķēta lietotāja

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, 2005-12-30 08:04, pirms 19 gadiem
Novēlu Ozo pēc iespējas ātrāk izveseļoties un pagūt vēl uzspēlēt. Es ceru, ka viņu negaida tāds liktenis kā Fleury...


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, 2005-12-30 08:05, pirms 19 gadiem
njaa tad nu beidzot. veiksmi un izturiibu, tad jau arii otraa jauniiba atnaaks un buus par veiksmiigaam speeleem ko no riita palasiit.
Slēpts komentārs no bloķēta lietotāja

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, 2005-12-30 08:59, pirms 19 gadiem
njaa NHL sezonas saakums bija ceriigs un vareeja buut veel ceriigaaks 3 muuseejie NHL Skrastinsh, Ozolinsh, Ivanans + veel vareeja cereet uz Irbiiti

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, 2005-12-30 08:59, pirms 19 gadiem
Gan jo viss būss labi

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, 2005-12-30 09:01, pirms 19 gadiem
mna taads jautaajums a Puče veel kautkur straadaa par zhurnaalistu?!?!?! Ja jaa interesanti ko vinsh pa sho teemu vareetu pastaastiit!!!!))

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, 2005-12-30 09:09, pirms 19 gadiem
m.v.p. , Puče ir NRA galvenais redaktors.

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, 2005-12-30 09:16, pirms 19 gadiem
puče zina daudz, bet nestāstīs, jo čomus nenodod... vispār - kāda starpība, kas ir noticis un kā, labi, ka ozis pats gribt tikt uz pekām, jo alkoholiķiem šādu lēmumu pieņemt ir baigi smagi.

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, 2005-12-30 09:24, pirms 19 gadiem
nu to jau nevar zinaat vai pac vai kaads cits vinju aisuutijis vai klubs piedraudeejis ar sankcijaam u.t.t. mees neuzinaasim nekad kaa ir iisteniibaa
Slēpts komentārs no bloķēta lietotāja

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, 2005-12-30 10:11, pirms 19 gadiem
TURIES!!!! Un zini, ka īsti fani tevi atbalsta visā!!!

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, 2005-12-30 10:25, pirms 19 gadiem
Lai veicas ar ārstēšanos!

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, 2005-12-30 10:26, pirms 19 gadiem
būs labi!!!

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, 2005-12-30 11:07, pirms 19 gadiem
December 30, 2005

ST. LOUIS — Mighty Duck defenseman Sandis Ozolinsh has voluntarily entered the NHL's substance-abuse and behavioral health program and will leave the team for an indefinite amount of time, officials with the league, the players' union and the team said Thursday.

Ozolinsh, 33, will receive treatment at an undisclosed facility under the joint care of Dr. Dave Lewis of the NHL and Dr. Brian Shaw of the NHL Players' Assn. NHL spokesman Frank Brown said there is no set period for treatment and that the length of time will be determined by Lewis and Shaw.

"It is up to the evaluation of the administering physicians," Brown said.

Neither league nor union officials, who are prohibited from commenting on substance-abuse cases, disclosed the exact nature of Ozolinsh's problem.

Team officials first grew alarmed when the six-time All-Star failed to show up for practice Monday — the first one held after a four-day Christmas break.

Attempts were made to reach Ozolinsh, but to no avail. He then failed to make the team bus Tuesday as the Ducks prepared to leave for Columbus, Ohio — the first stop on a three-game trip. The Ducks are currently in St. Louis, where they play the Blues on Saturday.

League and NHLPA officials said Thursday that Ozolinsh is being considered a "Stage 1" case, or someone who is a first-time patient.

In that scenario, Ozolinsh will not be penalized by the team or the league. If he violates the terms of the treatment and prescribed aftercare program, he will be considered "Stage 2" and could face suspension without pay.

The league and union are jointly paying for Ozolinsh's treatment.

The substance-abuse program was part of the 1995 collective-bargaining agreement and launched the next year.

Of immediate concern to Duck officials and teammates was Ozolinsh's health and welfare.

"We certainly support Sandis' decision," Duck General Manager Brian Burke said. "I've spoken to his wife [Sandra] and made it clear that anything they need from us is theirs for the asking.

"Essentially, this is a disease and what is required to deal with substance abuse is, one, top medical support. Second is the support from your peers and family and friends. The notion that people all around you can support you in a time like this.

"Third is the willpower of the individual. We feel we can deliver the first two."

Ozolinsh, who only last week said he hoped to be able join the team on this trip after suffering a knee injury last month, is enduring possibly the worst season of his 13-year career.

Up until Thursday Coach Randy Carlyle initially excused Ozolinsh's absence by saying it was because of "personal, family issues." Carlyle said he did that to protect Ozolinsh, his wife and two children.

"Obviously he felt that when he didn't show up for practice, he felt it was in the best interest to stay away," Carlyle said. "In those situations, we as a coaching staff and an organization have to support him and his family.

"It's a life decision that you make. In this specific instance, you can [try to] keep quiet about it but the reason we did that was to protect the player and his family. As the organization goes forward, we fully support him and his wife and children to help him get through this.

"This is a life crisis, not a hockey crisis."

Ozolinsh, on injured reserve since straining his left knee Nov. 27 against the Chicago Blackhawks, has played in only 13 games and scored four points. In his second full season with the Ducks, he signed a two-year, $5.5-million contract extension July 29 after joining the team in time for their run to the 2003 Stanley Cup finals.

Duck players, who learned of the problem Thursday, expressed strong support for their offensively gifted teammate who has struggled with illness and various injuries this season.

"I heard some stories but trust me, if somebody has problems, he needs a lot of support and help," forward Teemu Selanne said. "He needs the feeling that people care around him."

Said defenseman Keith Carney: "You wish for the best. You hope that he gets the support that will help him get back to health."

The last NHL player to enter the substance-abuse program was Philadelphia Flyer forward Claude Lapointe in the winter of 2003. Lapointe is not playing this season.

Toronto goalie Ed Belfour is another prominent player reported to have been through this program.

Past NHL players who were known to have dealt with substance-abuse problems include Grant Fuhr, Theo Fleury, and Ken Daneyko.

Burke, who is in Vancouver attending the World Junior Hockey Championships, said he had no suspicions of what made Ozolinsh skip practices and fail to join the team on this trip.

Ozolinsh was not available for comment. His agent, Paul Theofanous, did not respond to phone messages and NHLPA spokesman Jonathan Weatherdon also did not comment.

Burke said he has not spoken to Ozolinsh, but that the defenseman did talk recently with "someone in the organization" and indicated a willingness to deal with the problem.

"When we spoke to Sandis, he had made it clear it was his intention to seek help," he said. "I did not mandate it."

Carlyle said the players must move forward and deal with Ozolinsh as if he isn't with the club.

"It sounds cruel but that's the reality of it," the coach said. "We have to move on without him. It would be no different than a player being injured for the year.

"We understand his situation. It's fairly traumatic. It'll be the biggest hurdle for him and his family to get through in their lifetime