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"Chelsea" nenoņem spriedzi no "United"

Andris Liepa
Andris Liepa

"Chelsea" nenoņem spriedzi no "United"
Mihaels Ballaks un Frenks Lempards
Foto: AFP

Vakar pēdējā Anglijas Premjerlīgas 37. kārtas spēlē Londonas "Chelsea" izbraukumā ar 2:0 apspēlēja "Newcastle", tādējādi punktu skaita ziņā atkal panākot "Manchester United" futbolistus.

Tas nozīmē tikai to, ka "Chelsea" saglabā izredzes uz Anglijas čempionu titulu. Lai tā notiktu, "Chelsea" pēdējā kārtā (11. maijā) jāizcīna vairāk punktu nekā "United". "Chelsea" savā laukumā uzņems "Bolton", bet "Manchester United" viesos tiksies ar "Wigan". Ja pieņem, ka "Chelsea" izdarīs visu, kas tās spēkos un uzvarēs, tad "United", lai neizlaistu titulu no rokām, arī jāuzvar.

Vakardienas spēlē Ņūkāslā pirmās 60 minūtes aizritēja bez vārtu guvumiem, taču tad Mihaels Ballaks sita precīzi ar galvu pēc tam, kad centrējumu no soda sitiena izdarīja Didjē Drogba. Savukārt 82. minūtē ilgstošu "Chelsea" kombināciju ar vārtu guvumu noslēdza Florents Maludā, panākot galarezultātu šajā mačā - 2:0 "Chelsea" uzvara.

37. kārta (5. maijs)

Newcastle - Chelsea 0:2 (0:0) (Ballaks 60', Maluda 82')

Pēdējā, 38. kārta (11. maijs).

Birmingham - Blackburn
Chelsea - Bolton
Derby - Reading
Everton - Newcastle
Middlesbrough - Man City
Portsmouth - Fulham
Sunderland - Arsenal
Tottenham - Liverpool
West Ham - Aston Villa
Wigan - Man Utd

Anglijas Premjerlīgas tabula.

VietaKomandaSpēlesUzv.Neiz.Zaud.Vārtu att.Punkti
1."Manchester United"37266578:2284
6."Aston Villa"3716111069:4959
7."Blackburn Rovers"371513949:4458
9."Manchester City"3715101244:4555
10."West Ham United"371391540:4848
11."Tottenham Hotspur"3711131366:5946
12."Newcastle United"3711101644:6243
13."Wigan Athletic"3710101734:4940
19."Birmingham City"377111942:6132

Rezultatīvākie spēlētāji.

1.Ronaldu("Manchester United")30
5.-7.Berbatovs("Tottenham Hotspur")15
5.-7.Bendžani("Portsmouth"/"Man City")15
5.-7.Kīns("Tottenham Hotspur")15
8.Tevezs("Manchester United")14
9.-10.Kerjū("Aston Villa")13
11.-12.Rūnijs(''Manchester United'')12
13.-15.Agbonlahors("Aston Villa")11

Izmantotie resursi:

     [+] [-]

, 2008-05-27 23:41, pirms 16 gadiem
Gunner rakstīja: Kjiiniesi nejeedz uzlikt uz saviem tablo 1-0 un manaa prieksaa reegojas 0-0!

Man tas pats bija, bet tagad ir ok...

     [+] [-]

, 2008-05-27 23:41, pirms 16 gadiem YouTube - New Bayern München Team

Ideāls video...

     [+] [-]

, 2008-05-27 23:43, pirms 16 gadiem

  +1 [+] [-]

, 2008-05-27 23:45, pirms 16 gadiem
Gomis again! chalis pelna sev cempionaatu!

  +1 [+] [-]

, 2008-05-27 23:45, pirms 16 gadiem
Lieliski vaarti!

  +1 [+] [-]

, 2008-05-27 23:47, pirms 16 gadiem
Neliels offtopic kas mani paarsteidza. Skolari Portugaales izlases sastaavaa uz Eiropas cempionaatu nav iekljaavis Manishi!

     [+] [-]

, 2008-05-27 23:48, pirms 16 gadiem
Gunner rakstīja: Gomis again! chalis pelna sev cempionaatu!

Man liekas, pēc šīs spēles nopelnīs...
Slēpts komentārs no bloķēta lietotāja

     [+] [-]

, 2008-05-27 23:51, pirms 16 gadiem
kingland rakstīja: Neliels offtopic kas mani paarsteidza. Skolari Portugaales izlases sastaavaa uz Eiropas cempionaatu nav iekljaavis Manishi!

Veca ziņa... Bet nu mani arī pārsteidza...

     [+] [-]

, 2008-05-27 23:52, pirms 16 gadiem
Tā arī beidzās 2:0 Gomis varonis...

  +1 [+] [-]

, 2008-05-27 23:53, pirms 16 gadiem
reiniksrobis rakstīja: Veca ziņa... Bet nu mani arī pārsteidza...

Nebiju peetiijis neko par Portugaales izlases sastaavu.

Apsveicu Franciju ar uzvaru kautgan no speeles biju gaidiijis nedaudz vairaak. Speeles saakums bija miegains, peectam jau komandas kautcik pamodaas.

  +1 [+] [-]

, 2008-05-28 00:01, pirms 16 gadiem
Tagad gaidaam 7 liekos.. oo joptvai riit (shodien) jau jaanosauc vinji! Domeneks negulees - that's for sure!
un kad tiks nosaukts shis sastaavs un Nasri tiks skaidriibaa ar un ap Euro 2008, tad varam sagaidiit shiis Nasri to Arsenal lietas turpinaajumu (liiguma parakstiisanu?)...

     [+] [-]

, 2008-05-28 01:08, pirms 16 gadiem

Frey - 6.5: Made a couple of crucial, brilliant saves in the first 45 minutes he was on. With the form he is in, he will fancy his chances of being the first choice ‘keeper.

Sagnol - 6: A quiet evening. Didn’t have too much to do defensively or offensively. Played as if he had nothing to prove.

Thuram - 7.5: Was always at the right place at the right time, as the critical clearance off the line late in the first half will attest. Also showed great strength and calmness at the back. A typical trademark of a great centreback.

Escudé - 6: Caught out of position on numerous occasions. No surprise he was taken off at half time.

Abidal - 6.5: Also had little to do in defence. But he was more involved in attack when he was occupying the leftback role. Slipped into the centreback position effortlessly in the second half.

Alou Diarra - 7: Never stopped running. Battled hard to win every challenge in midfield. A typical unsung hero in the game and he could quietly be one of the key figures in the final squad.

Lassana Diarra - 6: Showed more attacking intent than his namesake, but try as he did, he wasn’t able to offer enough of the decisive killer passes to his strikers.

Nasri - 8.5: Handed full responsibility of providing the creative spark and although he didn’t disappoint, he just had too much to do, including, surprisingly, some defensive duties. Still, had a scintillating first half but dropped off slightly in the second.

Ben Arfa - 7: Had a lot of pace and energy but like Alou, his final ball often went missing. Looked sloppy at times with his passing and ball control, but a decent outing regardless.

Anelka - 8.5: Was roaming all over the pitch, playing off the flanks and hung deep in midfield. Had a handful of chances to score but he, as well as Domenech, will be encouraged by this vibrant performance. He could prove to be a vital utility player in the squad.

Cissé - 6: Like Anelka, he had his fair share of opportunities but failed to take them. Should have given his side the lead late in the first half with the close-range header. Will be bitterly disappointed with his performance.


Mandanda - 6: Had to be alert to make a save seconds after coming on. Other than that there was little to do.

Evra - 6: Brought on to add more attacking depth down the left flank, but he didn’t look any more dangerous than Abidal did.

Flamini - 7.5: Supplied the ammunition down the middle the team were so deprived of in the first half. Combined well with all of his midfielders. Looks a definite shoo-in to make the final cut.

Gomis - 8.5: Took his chances well to score a lovely goal to put his side ahead, before capping it off with a stunning acrobatic effort. Did his chances of making the final-23 no harm at all.

Clerc - 6.5: Got straight into the game and showed his alertness by twice stopping Valencia down the wing. Even got involved in attack late in the game.


Elizaga - 6.5: Like his opposite number, he too made a number of excellent saves to keep his side afloat. There was little he could do to stop the two goals, though.

De Jesus - 7.5: Had a solid evening. Barely let anyone through his flank, whether it was Nasri, Anelka or Malouda.

Hurtado - 5.5: His slack marking allowed Gomis to score the opener. Was not at all convincing.

Castro - 6.5: Had to cover for Hurtado in the centre whenever he went missing.

Mina - 6.5: Looked more comfortable as a centreback. Kept a close lid on Ben Arfa all game long.

Valencia - 6: Had a few decent runs down the right flank but could not turn it into anything meaningful.

Castillo - 7.5: Wasn’t afraid to show off his long range shooting and set piece skills. Initiated a lot of his side’s attacking build up. The best of their lot out there this evening.

Quiroz - 6.5: Very involved in midfield. Constantly battling to win possession. But quickly ran out of steam in the second half.

Ayovi - 5.5: Completely overwhelmed by the Diarra combination in the first half and was outplayed by Flamini in the second.

Cortez - 6: He was the link-up between the midfield as his lone striker. Other than a few threatening moments early in the first half, he was largely anonymous.

Tenorio - 7.5: He was living off scraps but he still tried to make the most of his chances. Had that glorious chance in the first half and looked very energetic the whole game through.

  +1 [+] [-]

, 2008-05-28 10:05, pirms 16 gadiem
M9 rakstīja: Davai, kad, cikos? Un cik taisiisi pirmo iemaksu? :d Nav jau obligaati 10 Ls, vari jau arii uzreiz maksaat vairaak, lai tev vairaak atmaksaatos...

Beidz manā biznesā jaukties!

  +1 [+] [-]

, 2008-05-28 10:09, pirms 16 gadiem
Beidzot varam uzzināt Angliskākās premjerlīgas komandas. Grafiks ar vidējo skaitu angļiem komandu sākumsastāvos.

     [+] [-]

, 2008-05-28 10:19, pirms 16 gadiem
Lasījāt, ka Chelsea grib nocopēt Bayernam Klinsmanu, lai gan viņš jau pēc 3 dienām tiks apstiprināts kā Bayern jaunais treneris??? Savā stilā Chelski! - Chelsea - Chelsea Inquire After...

     [+] [-]

, 2008-05-28 10:21, pirms 16 gadiem
Par ko šodien runājam???

  +1 [+] [-]

, 2008-05-28 10:21, pirms 16 gadiem
reiniksrobis rakstīja: Lasījāt, ka Chelsea grib nocopēt Bayernam Klinsmanu, lai gan viņš jau pēc 3 dienām tiks apstiprināts kā Bayern jaunais treneris??? Savā stilā Chelski!

Viņi vienkārši ir aktīvi transfēru tirgū. Atstās Bayern komandu jaņos.

  +1 [+] [-]

, 2008-05-28 10:21, pirms 16 gadiem
reiniksrobis rakstīja: Par ko šodien runājam???

Par pārmaiņām valstī.

     [+] [-]

, 2008-05-28 10:23, pirms 16 gadiem
artuurs.k. rakstīja: Beidzot varam uzzināt Angliskākās premjerlīgas komandas. Grafiks ar vidējo skaitu angļiem komandu sākumsastāvos.


     [+] [-]

, 2008-05-28 10:23, pirms 16 gadiem
artuurs.k. rakstīja: Par pārmaiņām valstī.

NĒ! Nav mana stiprā puse...

     [+] [-]

, 2008-05-28 10:24, pirms 16 gadiem
artuurs.k. rakstīja: Viņi vienkārši ir aktīvi transfēru tirgū. Atstās Bayern komandu jaņos.

HAHAHAHAHA. Hose teksti... Nu neko. Jāatzīst Chelski pārākums.

     [+] [-]

, 2008-05-28 10:24, pirms 16 gadiem

  +1 [+] [-]

, 2008-05-28 10:39, pirms 16 gadiem
reiniksrobis rakstīja: 5555.

Es dabūšu 6666 !

  +1 [+] [-]

, 2008-05-28 10:39, pirms 16 gadiem
Šovakar lielais futbols ENG-USA ! Šo spēli gan es skatīšos.

     [+] [-]

, 2008-05-28 10:43, pirms 16 gadiem
Man jāsprinto uz skolu... Jāprezentē lielais projekts, par kuru uz liecības būs atzīme... Kavēju!

     [+] [-]

, 2008-05-28 12:26, pirms 16 gadiem
I`m back! Kas te notiek? NEKAS?

  +1 [+] [-]

, 2008-05-28 12:50, pirms 16 gadiem
reiniksrobis rakstīja: I`m back! Kas te notiek? NEKAS?

Kā labi gāja?

     [+] [-]

, 2008-05-28 12:57, pirms 16 gadiem
artuurs.k. rakstīja: Kā labi gāja?

Tā, normāli... Itkā izgāzāmies.. Jo mēs nevarējām pastāstīt darba uzdevumus un mērķus, kas bija svarīgi... Mēs tur teicām, ka uzdevumi un mērķi ir dabūt sekmīgu atzīmi u.t.t. nevis iepazīstināt cilvēkus ar to tēmu... Labi vismaz, ka es izdomāju aptauju taisīt... Tas moš pacels atzīmi... Tur viens latgalis runāja, mēs tik rēcām un par to laikam arī ņem nost punktus.. Krč tad jau redzēs...

     [+] [-]

, 2008-05-28 12:58, pirms 16 gadiem
a kur visi ir?? Vova drošvien zubrās...

  +1 [+] [-]

, 2008-05-28 13:06, pirms 16 gadiem
Shovakar arii labas speeles gaidaamas.
Es noteikti skatiishos Krievija-Serbija un peectam protams Anglija-ASV. Veelviens lielisks futbola vakars priekshaa.

     [+] [-]

, 2008-05-28 13:08, pirms 16 gadiem - Barcelona - Hleb Agrees Barcelona...

Nu jā... Bet tas neko nenozīmē, jo ar Gattuso bija tāpat, bet ir viena atšķirība- Gattuso ir lojālāks...
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Slēpts komentārs no bloķēta lietotāja
Slēpts komentārs no bloķēta lietotāja