Šodien un rīt - Anglijas kausa izcīņas mači
Šodien un rīt tiek aizvadīti 1/16 finālspēles Anglijas kausa izcīņā. Vienā no šīs dienas 12 spēlēm cīnīsies arī Valērijam Belokoņam piederošais un Kaspara Gorkša pārstāvētais "Blackpool", kas uzņems 2. līgas komandu "Norwich".
No citām spēlēm jāizceļ Anglijas Premjerlīgas līderu "Manchester United" un "Portsmouth" (6. vieta) spēkošanās, kā arī rītdienas "Arsenal" (4. vieta) - "Bolton" (5. vieta) duelis.
Anglijas kausa izcīņa.
1/16 fināls.
Sestdienas spēles.
Barnet - Plymouth
Birmingham - Reading
Blackpool - Norwich
Bristol City - Middlesbrough
Crystal Palace - Preston
Derby - Bristol Rovers
Fulham - Stoke
Ipswich - Swansea
Luton - Blackburn
Man Utd - Portsmouth
Tottenham - Southend
West Ham - Watford
Svētdienas spēles.
Arsenal - Bolton
Chelsea - Nottm Forest
Man City - Southampton
Wolverhampton - West Brom
Izmantotie resursi:
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Publicējis Patrix
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Blackburn 4
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Cross by Chris Brown (Norwich), clearance by Kaspars Gorkss (Blackpool).
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Cross by Kaspars Gorkss (Blackpool), clearance by Dion Dublin (Norwich).
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Cross by Darren Huckerby (Norwich), clearance by Kaspars Gorkss (Blackpool).
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Cross by Lee Croft (Norwich), blocked by Kaspars Gorkss (Blackpool).
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Outswinging corner from right by-line taken right-footed by Youssef Safri (Norwich) to centre, clearance by Kaspars Gorkss (Blackpool).
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>edo, šodien 17:37
>kur juus texta versiju dabonat..?
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Blackpool 0 - Norwich 1Goal by Darren Huckerby (Norwich) right-footed (bottom-left of goal) from right channel (20 yards).Blackpool 0-1 Norwich.
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Cross by Kaspars Gorkss (Blackpool), clearance by Youssef Safri (Norwich).
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Cross by Kaspars Gorkss (Blackpool), resulting in ball out of play.
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51:23 GOAL - Ian Evatt
Blackpool 1 - Norwich 1Foul by Youssef Safri (Norwich) on Keith Southern (Blackpool). Direct free kick taken right-footed by David Fox (Blackpool) from right channel, headed goal by Ian Evatt (Blackpool) (bottom-right of goal) from centre of penalty area (12 yards).Blackpool 1-1 Norwich. Assist (cross) by David Fox (Blackpool) from right channel.
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