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Magetī slavē Biedriņu

Edgars Bērziņš
Edgars Bērziņš

Magetī slavē Biedriņu
Korijs Magetī
Foto: AP

Pēc šodien piedzīvotā zaudējuma pret līgas čempioniem Bostonas ''Celtics'' (111:119) Goldensteitas ''Warriors'' galvenais treneris Dons Nelsons slavēja uzbrucēju Koriju Magetī, kurš savukārt atzinīgus vārdus raidīja Andra Biedriņa virzienā.

''Bostona ir pasaules čempioni, un viņi demonstrēja teicamu basketbolu. Šodien nospēlējām tik labi, cik tas bija iespējams, tāpēc esmu labā omā. Korijs Magetī šīs dienas spēlē bija lielisks. Viņš komfortablāk laukumā jūtas tad, kad mēs izmantojam garo sastāvu un iespēlējam viņu trešā numura pozīcijā,'' atlētisko uzbrucēju pēc spēles slavēja Dons Nelsons.

''Džamals Kroufords šodien neaizvadīja savu labāko spēli, tomēr es zinu, uz ko viņš ir spējīgs. Viņš noteikti būs mums liels palīgs tuvākajā nākotnē. Tas ir tikai laika jautājums, viņam vēl jāpierod pie komandas biedriem un jāveic adaptācijas process. Kad ierindā atgriezīsies Monta Eliss, viņi veidos ļoti bīstamu un savdabīgu ārējās līnijas duetu,'' ar cerībām nākotnē raugās ''Warriors'' galvenais treneris.

Tikmēr 32 punktus guvušais Korijs Magetī norādīja, kas komandai jādara, lai sāktu spēlēt veiksmīgāk. ''Kā komandai mums jāturpina laukumā darboties ar tikpat lielu pašatdevi kā līdz šim, taču es uzskatu, ka man kopā ar Stīvenu Džeksonu ir jāuzņemās līderu loma un jāpalīdz ''Warriors'' izcīnīt uzvaras. Mums jāmet precīzāk. Komandas rezultatīvākajiem spēlētājiem grozam jāuzbrūk ar vismaz 38% precizitāti, bet mēs to līdz šim neesam izpildījuši, un tas mūs nopietni ievaino. Andris Biedriņš pagaidām spēlē vienkārši lieliski. Nedrīkstam spēlēt vaļīgi!''

Izmantotie resursi:
Associated Press

  +3 [+] [-]

, 2008-11-27 18:41, pirms 16 gadiem
"Tātad man no 11 centriem rietumos Andris sanāk 4,5 labākais, jo ne Amare, ne Dankans, ne Gazols nav centri."- tad jau Tev arī sanāk nedaudz virs vidējā (5. no 11)
Bet vispār tas ir krimināli: Nelsons slavē Mageti- to pašu, kurš pirms tam 12 spēles noraka un tagad ka slotas kāts reizi gadā izšāva. Vai patiesi viņš ir uzslavu pelnījis? Par ko?

  +1 [+] [-]

, 2008-11-27 18:45, pirms 16 gadiem
bimbambols rakstīja: Top 3 centrs tomer!
tas tavs sarkasms ir galiigi nevietaa (jaa ieraksti blocinjaa shodien iemaaciijos jaunu vaardinju). AB ir viss, lai vinsh buutu top 3 centrs. Arii DH 3 speeles bija diezgan suudainas taa kaa put a sock in it

  +1 [+] [-]

, 2008-11-27 18:46, pirms 16 gadiem
tas raksts izskataas vismaz divus meeneshu vecs, jeb pagajaushaas sezona, jo shosezon AB vairs nemet tikai no groza tuvuma, bet gan pats aktiivaak, biezhaak uzbruuk un piedevaam krietni uzlabojis piespeeles partneriem ... peedeejaas speelees regulaari 3-4 piespeeles

  +2 [+] [-]

, 2008-11-27 18:50, pirms 16 gadiem
Magetī normāls reljefs

  +1 [+] [-]

, 2008-11-27 19:18, pirms 16 gadiem
Un tas, ka AB neko pats neveido, atceraties to vienu caurgājienu? Es gandrīz apdirsos redzot AB aizejot caurgājienā un iemetot

  +1 [+] [-]

, 2008-11-27 19:22, pirms 16 gadiem
Mageti forsha kreisaa roka bildee bet njaa... speeli nospeeleja tik labi cik labi pretinieks atljaava... Andris arii shvaku sniegumu raadija, bet njaa speelejot prec Bostonu kopumaa labu speeli paraadija GSW
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     [+] [-]

, 2008-11-27 19:50, pirms 16 gadiem
Leonards_Dravnieks rakstīja: Luk, sim var piekrist. Tas ir tiesi tas, ko es visu laiku te censos teikt- parvertets un glorificets, patiesiba- viduvejs.
Luk ko raksta GSW apskatnieki (nemts no ):
Lonnij, tu nu gan esi moderns džeks, atpalicis par tikai mazliet vairāk kā 1 gadu.
Un tas tavs "apskatnieks" - Fantasy Junkie - nu nav gluži nosaucams par autoratitāti NBA basketā, bet gan drīzāk Jankijs, kam patīk izteikt savas domas.

Lūdzu pameklē kaut ko kas ir rakstīt pēdējā mēneša laikā un nopublicē to (protams ievērojot tēmu).

"by Fantasy Junkie on Sep 19, 2007 2:47 PM PDT in Hype" Overrated-Underrated? Andris Biedrins

     [+] [-]

, 2008-11-27 19:53, pirms 16 gadiem
Es varu arī pateikt kaut ko par Turiafu
Lūk viens apskatnieks raksta:
"4. TOO MANY SHOTBLOCKERS, NO REBOUNDERS. That's the problem we have right now. We have a bunch of guys who can guard the rim but we have no one who can secure the ball except Biedrins which really negates the effectiveness of the former. Rondo had 8 rebounds, 4 off the offensive end."

Tas principā pasaka, ka Turiafs GSW nav vajadzīgs, jo tādu džeku ir pilns
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  -1 [+] [-]

, 2008-11-27 19:58, pirms 16 gadiem
Shoreiz Lenij iebrauci auzaas! Tajaa rakstaa bija mineets ka vins pats nespeej izveidot momentus un viss! Ja uzaudzeetu masu buutu veel labaaks defenders! Tak6to atvalji ar savaam stulbiibaam!

  +3 [+] [-]

, 2008-11-27 19:59, pirms 16 gadiem
Un ja jau LD kopē tādus tekstus, tad jau mani arī nebanos

Who Are Our Best Players?

With a roster in flux like ours, it's a worthwhile question... after all, you'd ideally give your best players the most minutes. I'd rank our best players, from best to worst, like this:

1. Andris Biedrins

Biedrins is pretty clearly our stud -- he's providing elite performance at the most important position, and he's the main reason that Nellieball has been at all effective in the last two-plus years. This dude should be playing as much as his stamina and foul situations allow. Happily, Nellie seems to have finally realized that.

2. Monta Ellis

We haven't seen him yet, obviously, and he could be a different player when he comes back... maybe his injury has slowed him down, maybe he's learned a new trick or two, as he has in previous offseasons. Nevertheless, I think this will end up being the right slot for him: less important than Biedrins, more skilled than everyone else. Like Biedrins, he should play as much as his conditioning will allow.

3. Corey Maggette

He hasn't been great so far, but I believe in Corey Maggette. He's clearly a smart, effective player... when his shot starts falling consistently, he'll be a real asset. He should play starter's minutes, but probably *not* at power forward.

4. Brandan Wright

This is where this may start to get controversial, but I'm confident that Wright deserves to be this high... if anything, I could see an argument for slotting him above Maggette.

Brandan Wright has been effective just about every time Nellie has called his number over the last two years. He scores efficiently, he blocks shots, he hustles, and he doesn't make many mistakes... we do markedly better when he's on the floor. This is no longer a fluke. We have a very good young power forward, and somehow he's *eighth* on the team in minutes.

Brandan Wright should be starting for us. I don't know that he's tough enough to play 30-35 minutes a night for a full NBA season... in fact, I suspect that he's not. But we should put him out there and let his performance tell us when he's had enough. He's good enough to deserve that opportunity.

5. Stephen Jackson

I'm not putting Jack this low to hate on him. I like Jack a lot. He's important to this team, and he's taken on an unfairly heavy load so far this year. Having said that, he isn't the best player on our team or anything close to it. He's inefficient on offense, especially so this year, and a dreadful rebounder; he's a good passer, but not nearly the playmaker that he thinks he is. He's a defensive asset, particularly because he can defend so many types of players, but I think his defense has been a little off so far this season. Jack helps us on a lot of plays, but he kills us on a bunch too, far more than the four guys I've listed above him.

I think Jack should probably start for us, especially since Monta may need help running the offense. However, Jack should *never* be our first option offensively, and he should *not* lead the team in minutes, much less the league. 30 minutes a night of a Jack that focuses on shutdown defense and taking open threes is the best version. Iron-Man Gunning Jack should be in our rearview mirror as soon as possible.

6. Jamal Crawford

While I didn't love the trade that brought him here, Jamal Crawford looks to be a strong sixth man for us: scoring, playmaking and spunk is not a bad combo. He's like Stephen Jackson without the defense: an All-Star that ain't, but it makes for a dandy third guard. 25-30 minutes a night would suffice, as I really don't like the idea of him and Jack on the floor together for long stretches.

7. Kelenna Azubuike

Buike continues to be solid, and if he's your second guy off the bench, that speaks well for your depth. Ideally Nellie finds a way to get him around 25 minutes a game.

8. Ronny Turiaf

Perfect for his role. He could maybe play a few more minutes than he does, but he fouls too frequently to ever be anything resembling a starter.

9. Anthony Morrow

Hard to know what this guy is. He could still be good -- could potentially rise on this list. I don't think he merits more minutes than Crawford or Azubuike as things stand.

10. C.J. Watson

A fine reserve guard. I think CJ gets a bad rap, and in fact I think there's an argument that he should be ahead of Morrow on the depth chart. Having said that, he shouldn't be playing over most of our guards. I'd be down to see him 15 minutes a night, whenever our ball-handling gets dicey.

11. Anthony Randolph

This guy is fun to watch, and like everyone here, I'm intrigued by his potential. Let's also keep in mind -- he currently sucks. Rebounds well, blocks some shots, has a smooth handle, but he plays like a chicken with its head cut off, and there's no particular reason why we should want that. Brandan Wright is currently a better player in every way that matters; Randolph can probably lead a fast break more smoothly than Wright, but does anybody really want to watch Randolph leading fast breaks right now?

Randolph is a fine play in garbage time, or, maybe occasionally, as a brief change of pace. He should not be a part of our regular rotation. There's a good argument, in fact, for sending him down to the D-League. I think being around Nellie might be more important than the in-game experience he'd get down there, but the point is, Randolph playing significant NBA minutes isn't great for him or us. We don't want him learning bad habits, and we don't want to suck. It's time Nellie sat on this guy a little bit.

12. Marco Belinelli

Might currently be a bit better than Randolph, but has less potential and is buried deeper, considering the composition of the team. He's shown no real indication that he deserves more than garbage time.


Monta, Jack, Maggette, Wright and Biedrins is a credible starting lineup, and Crawford/Azuibuike/Turiaf is a fine trio off the bench. This team is not hurting for talent. Nellie just needs to adjust to the realities on the ground. Biedrins and Wright should be playing alongside one another, no matter how much that crimps Nellie's usual style, no matter how many wacky guards they displace. Stephen Jackson is a complementary player, and he should get minutes and responsibilities that reflect that.

I still like this team. But Nellie needs to steer it better. Here's hoping tonight's game made him more aware of that.

That's my take on our roster, from best to worst. What do other folks think?

     [+] [-]

, 2008-11-27 19:59, pirms 16 gadiem
Leonards_Dravnieks rakstīja: Pretinieku garie regulari pret gsw vac vairak rebu par AB- to jau ar statistiku pieradiju. Toties Turiafs ir PARLIECINOSI pirmais visa Nba pec blocks per 48 min.
Un tu esi paarliecinoshi debiilaakais lietotaajs esporta veesturee! Ja neskaita bimbiiti!
Slēpts komentārs no bloķēta lietotāja

     [+] [-]

, 2008-11-27 20:01, pirms 16 gadiem
Un šis nav gadu vecs
Un AB ir pirmais
Un LD - ierij (kur ir Ronijs - uz beņķa muhahahahaha)

  +1 [+] [-]

, 2008-11-27 20:02, pirms 16 gadiem
Leonards_Dravnieks rakstīja: To,kas bij taja raksta rakstits, es pats saprotu. Tur diezgan daudz kas ir rakstits.
Ja jau saproti kaapeec tad taadu meeslu baaz mums priekshaa kaa savu aizstaaviibu?

  +1 [+] [-]

, 2008-11-27 20:03, pirms 16 gadiem
Andzha tieshaam aizvadiija labu speeli, varbuut ne tik veiksmiigu uzbrukumaa, bet aizsardziibaa vinnsh bija lloti labs, it iipashi parii ar Turiafu...nesapratu kaapeec shie beigaas nespeeleeja kopaa!?

  -3 [+] [-]

, 2008-11-27 20:05, pirms 16 gadiem
OR43 rakstīja: Bainums ir krietni labāks par biedriņu - paskaties uz to no malas nevis tā ka tu esi no latvijas
Nedomāju, viņam līdzīgi, kā Čendlera arsenālā ir tikai putbacki un aley-oop piespēles, pats sev metienu nevar izkārtot, tas ka viņam masa ir lielāka nenozīmē, ka viņš ir labāks, iespējams, ja spēlētu citā komandā un būtu viens no noteicošajiem spēlētājiem, tad jā, bet ne šobrīd.
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Slēpts komentārs no bloķēta lietotāja
Slēpts komentārs no bloķēta lietotāja

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, 2008-11-27 22:13, pirms 16 gadiem
savtīgākais komandas spēlētājs tas magete, piespēles nedo un tādus zilīšus vakar regulāri lidināja, ka skatīties negribas
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     [+] [-]

, 2008-11-28 02:56, pirms 16 gadiem
kapēc visur, kur ir kuat kāds sakars ar GSW ir jāpiemin Biedriņš?
šajā rakstā viņa vārds parādās tikai vienu reizi un pašās beigās, nedomāju, ka ir kāds pamats to izvilkt no raksta par svarīgāko esam. Ir fantastiki, ka viņš ir tur kur ir, bet nu nevajag pārspīlēt.