Miņins treniņos starp labākajiem
Jānis Miņins kopā ar Daumantu Dreiškenu otrdien aizvadīja pirmos treniņbraucienus pirms nedēļas nogalē gaidamā pasaules kausa izcīņas posma Kēnigzē (Vācija), izcīnot vietas labāko četriniekā.
Vakar tika aizvadīti divi treniņbraucieni. Pirmajā Miņins ar Dreiškenu uzrādīja ceturto labāko rezultātu (50.17), piekāpjoties Matiasa Kepfnera (Vācija), Volfganga Štampera (Austrija) un Aleksandra Zubkova (Krievija) ekipāžām. Otrajā braucienā Miņins bija pozīciju augstāk (50.20) – šoreiz viņu apsteidza tikai Pjērs Lidērs (Kanāda) un Aleksandrs Zubkovs. Startā Miņinam attiecīgi 4. un 9. laiks.
Dāmām abos braucienos labākos rezultātus uzrādīja Sandras Kiriasis divnieks, bet Aiva Aparjode ar Janiku Dzeguzi pirmajā braucienā bija 16., otrajā – 15. vietā (52.42 un 52.60).
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galvenais lai PČ pietiktu speeks uzvarai..turam iikshkjus
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LAUSANNE, Switzerland – VIASAT, the network of Scandinavian television channels, will begin broadcasting Viessmann FIBT World Cup races this weekend from Königssee, Germany, FIBT President Robert H. Storey has announced.
Women’s bobsleigh, 2-man bobsleigh and the team competition will be shown live on VIASAT’s Sport 1 channel in Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Estonia and Lithuania.
The women’s bob competition is slated to start at 2 pm CET Friday February 1, with 20-1 second heat action set to begin at 3:30 pm CET. The 2-man bobsleigh race is scheduled for Saturday morning, with heats beginning at 10:00 am and 11:45 am. The first FIBT Team competition of the season is set for Sunday from 2:30-4:00pm.
Other networks covering the Königssee World Cup are ARD (Germany), RAI Sport (Italy), Star TV (Switzerland), RTR Sport (Russia), POLSAT (Poland), Canal+ Sport (France), TVE (Spain), Eurosport Asia, and Latvian TV (Latvia). Live and on-demand streaming is available through NBCOlympics.com (all nations but Canada, Germany, Switzerland, Russia, Italy and France), and cbcsports.ca (Canada only).
VIASAT will also show coverage of the Viessmann FIBT World Cup 2-man and 4-man bobsleigh races from Winterberg, Germany February 9-10 and all Bauhaus FIBT World hampionship races from Altenberg, Germany February 16-24.
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draugiem.lv domubiedru grupa - BOBSLEJS
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pēdējie trīs vārdi?
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