Pārtrūkusi Gulbja un Tursunova uzvaru sērija
Aizvadītajā naktī zaudējumu Losandželosas ATP dubultspēļu turnīra ceturtdaļfinālā piedzīvojis Ernesta Gulbja un Dmitrija Tursunova duets, divos setos atzīstot Denisa Istomina un Leonardo Maijera pārākumu – 5:7, 6:7(6).
Jaunizveidotais dubultspēļu duets savā debijas turnīrā Indianapolisā spēja tikt pie titula, visas četras spēles uzvarot izšķirošajā supertaibreikā. Arī Losandželosas turnīram abi tenisisti bija pieteikušies spēlēšanai kopā un pirmajā kārtā pārsteidza, apspēlējot vienus no pasaules spices dubultspēļu meistariem Bruno Soarešu un Kevinu Uljetu (6:2, 6:4).
Ceturtdaļfinālā Latvijas un Krievijas duets spēlēja pret Uzbekistānas tenisistu Denisu Istominu un argentīnieti Leonardo Maijeru un pārtrauca savu piecu uzvaru sēriju. Pirmajā setā pretinieki bija pārāki ar 7:5, bet otrajā ar 7:6(6), izglābjoties no iespējamā supertaibreika. Par ceturtdaļfināla sasniegšanu Gulbis un Tursunovs katrs nopelnīja pa 45 ranga punktiem un 2325 ASV dolāriem.
Nākamais turnīrs Ernestam gaidāms jaunnedēļ Vašingtonā. Vai mūsu sportists spēlēs arī dubultspēļu sacensībās, gan vēl nav zināms.
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Pilnīgi riebjas šitie stilbie komentāri,ka GUlbis nekas nav un nebūs u.t.t Skaidrs,ka viņš ir labs un būs vēl labāks...
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The dramatic match of the day. All 4 of these players repeatedly yelled and threw/slamed/kicked/tossed their rackets. Gulbis was the only one to break one though. Istomin and Mayer took the first set 7-5 thanks to a break on Tursunov's serve. Once again, Mayer would complain about EVERY ball that was on the line or close to it and yell at lines people. Gulbis/Tursunov were up a break and serving at 5-4 0-30. When they lost that point, Gulbis hit a ball that went just over the fence. Gulbis had al ready recived a warning for ball abuse so the umpire took the point away from him which gave the game/break to Istomin/Mayer. Tursunov and Gulbis were not happy. After a few seconds Gulbis sat down, but Tursunov continued arguing with the umpire and the tournament director came onto court after about 10 min of arguing. Tursunov even asked Istomin if they should have been deducted a point and Istomin said no and was agreeing with Tursunov. The crowd starting yelling at the umpire to reverse the call but he stood by it as did the tournament director. The crowd then booed the umpire and he recived a lot of complaining from Gulbis/Tursunov for the rest of the match. Tursunov's serve was off and whenever he would double fault he would laugh in a VERY high pitched laugh out of anger. It was quite funny to watch. Istomin also did the splits a lot which was unexpected considering he's very tall and buff but I like his game a lot and hope to see him more.
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