Sports ir mana svētnīca. Es regulāri trenējos, proncipā nevaru nevienu dienu iedomāties bez sporta. Veselīgas dzīves pamatnosacījums ir:
Sport is life,
sport is kaif,
i don’t like when someone fight.
On the street,
we allways meet,
if you dont eat meat,
in sport you only cheat.
I dont care what someone think about me,
becouse your are not me,
and if you would be me,
than you would see.
Nba and FIFA and NHL i LOVE with very big L
I dont want to be in hell
So thats what im going to tell
LOVE sport, LOVE life, LOVE yourself,
Dont be a f*** Elf
I dont care if im not best
Better get off and give me a rest
sportacentrs.com parasts lietotājs, reģistrējies pirms 19 gadiem, 2006. gada 14. jūnijā.
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