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Video: Graudiņa/Samoilova triumfē 50 sekunžu izspēlē

Gatis Druvietis
Gatis Druvietis
Čehijas trešajā lielākajā pilsētā Ostravā risinās "Beach Pro" tūres elites posms. Latvijas pludmales volejbola līderes Tīna Graudiņa un Anastasija Samoilova šodien pieveica (21:18, 20:22, 15:10) amerikānietes Džūliju Skolzu/Betsiju Flintu, tostarp uzvarēja 50 sekunžu izspēlē. Video: Volleyball World TV

  +2 [+] [-]

, 2024-06-08 02:30, pirms 9 mēnešiem
Fonā var dzirdēt tos rūjieniešus, kuri pēc hokeja čempja vēl palika uz brīdi Ostravā, jo ļoti iepatikās🇱🇻👍💪🍺

  +1 [+] [-]

, 2024-06-09 13:00, pirms 9 mēnešiem
Ljoti labs Latvijas izlases sports.

  +1 [+] [-]

, 2024-06-09 13:00, pirms 9 mēnešiem
Rūjienas Stiprais rakstīja: Fonā var dzirdēt tos rūjieniešus, kuri pēc hokeja čempja vēl palika uz brīdi Ostravā, jo ļoti iepatikās🇱🇻👍💪🍺
Vienmēr mums ir medaljas.

     [+] [-]

, 2024-06-10 22:44, pirms 9 mēnešiem
Beach Volleyball World instagramā 165 komenti, izvilku labākos uz šejieni!

makeplayz: One of the best rally’s I’ve ever seen

mommysfreakingout: Should start a new bonus point system 10+ rallies whoever wins, gets extra points :p amazing fitness by these women and entertainment!

dockatieo: I’m tired just watching this.

raetriche: The composure, athleticism, skill “touch”, and stamina this rally demonstrates is just insane…

madisonsells_nash: Gotta be one of the best volleys ever


quackilisiousarts: Wow okay I publicly apologize for thinking BVB must be boring 😳✨ THIS IS SOME INTENSE STUFFF

caseypatt: So gnarly. Felt like I ran a mile just watching.

ashley_1xoxo: Oh my lungs hurt watching this

alexranghieri: I burn 1000 Kcal just by watching!

hecostix: The most exhausting point ever

elevatesportssd: 40 touches!! 🔥🔥🔥 absolutely crazy!

synnemora: Don’t think any of the men’s teams could do this 😅

kennygil72: All this for only 1 point🙂😂

mai_sa.gregorio: What country is "Lat" ??
kysnix @mai_sa.gregorio: Latvia, as the broadcast is in English, it would be Latvia
nicolasgust @mai_sa.gregorio: Latin America

riap88: Seriously such a hard sport, I can’t imagine the preparation for this

b_radleywalsh: That is the most intense really I’ve ever seen on the beach. Incredible athleticism. Such a great rally. 💥💥💥

ninacofap: So incredible that it even looks staged 😮

renanyuriveiga: Hahahahaha this is so good! I'm tired watching but admiring these amazing players!!!