"Panthers" veic maiņas darījumu ar "Coyotes"
Panthers trade for Reinprecht, sign him to three-year deal.
Looking to bolster its depth at center, the Florida Panthers acquired Steven Reinprecht from the Phoenix Coyotes on Friday and signed the veteran forward to a three-year contract. Reinprecht would have become an unrestricted free agent if not signed before July 1.
In return, the Coyotes received minor-league forward Stefan Meyer.
Reinprecht, 33, appeared in 73 games for Phoenix in 2008-09, finishing with 14 goals and 27 assists. He has recorded at least 40 points in five of his eight full NHL seasons. He helped the Colorado Avalanche win the 2001 Stanley Cup.
"Steve is a smart, high-character, hard-working player who fits our club's need for a second-line center," Panthers assistant General Manager Randy Sexton said. "We are constantly looking to upgrade our team speed and he brings this to our club as part of his skill set. He also possesses an ability to win faceoffs, another area our team looked to improve on this off-season."
A native of Edmonton, Reinprecht has played in 552 NHL games for Los Angeles, Colorado, Calgary and Phoenix, tallying 120 goals and 214 assists. He has appeared in 50 postseason games, all with Colorado, recording 10 goals and 20 points.
Meyer—who turns 24 on July 20—was a second-round draft choice of the Panthers (No. 55) in 2003. He has appeared in only four NHL games, all in 2007-08, going scoreless. In 2008-09, he had 18 goals, 22 assists and 57 penalty minutes in 65 games for the AHL's Rochester Americans.
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Friday, 06.19.2009 / 1:07 PM / News Piektdien, 06.19.2009 / 1:07 PM / News
By NHL.com Staff Ar NHL.com Personāls
Looking to bolster its depth at center, the Florida Panthers acquired Steven Reinprecht from the Phoenix Coyotes on Friday and signed the veteran forward to a three-year contract. Looking stiprināt tās dziļums centrs, ka Florida Panthers ieguvusi Steven Reinprecht no Phoenix Coyotes piektdien un parakstīts veterāns uz priekšu, lai trīs gadu līgumu. Reinprecht would have become an unrestricted free agent if not signed before July 1. Reinprecht varētu kļūt par neierobežoti brīvu aģentu, ja nav parakstījusi gada jūlijam 1.
In return, the Coyotes received minor-league forward Stefan Meyer . , Savukārt, Coyotes saņēma nelielas-līga priekšu Stefan Meyer.
Reinprecht, 33, appeared in 73 games for Phoenix in 2008-09, finishing with 14 goals and 27 assists. Reinprecht, 33, parādījās 73 spēles Phoenix in 2008-09, beidzot ar 14 mērķiem un 27 palīdz. He has recorded at least 40 points in five of his eight full NHL seasons. Viņš ir reģistrēts vismaz 40 punktiem viņa pieciem astoņiem pilnu NHL sezonas. He helped the Colorado Avalanche win the 2001 Stanley Cup. Viņš palīdzēja Colorado Avalanche win 2001 Stanley Cup.
"Steve is a smart, high-character, hard-working player who fits our club's need for a second-line center," Panthers assistant General Manager Randy Sexton said. "Steve ir gudra, augstas raksturu, grūti darba atskaņotājs, kurš iekļaujas mūsu kluba nepieciešamību pēc otrās rindas centrs," Panthers palīgs General Manager Randy SEXTON teica. "We are constantly looking to upgrade our team speed and he brings this to our club as part of his skill set. He also possesses an ability to win faceoffs, another area our team looked to improve on this off-season." "Mēs pastāvīgi cenšas uzlabot mūsu komanda ātrumu un viņš sniedz šo mūsu klubs, kas ir daļa no viņa prasmju kopuma. Viņš ir arī spēja uzvarēt faceoffs, vēl viena joma, mūsu komanda apskatīja, lai uzlabotu šīs klusās sezonas."
A native of Edmonton, Reinprecht has played in 552 NHL games for Los Angeles, Colorado, Calgary and Phoenix, tallying 120 goals and 214 assists. He has appeared in 50 postseason games, all with Colorado, recording 10 goals and 20 points. Dzimis Edmontona, Reinprecht spēlējusi 552 NHL spēles Los Angeles, Colorado, Kalgari un Phoenix, tallying 120 mērķus un 214 palīdz. Viņš ir parādījies 50 postseason spēles, visi ar Kolorādo, reģistrēšana 10 mērķiem un 20 punktus.
Meyer -- who turns 24 on July 20 -- was a second-round draft choice of the Panthers (No. 55) in 2003. Meyer - kas aprit 24 jūlijā 20 - bija otrās kārtas projektu izvēle ir Panthers (No. 55) 2003. He has appeared in only four NHL games, all in 2007-08, going scoreless. Viņš ir parādījies tikai četri NHL spēles, visiem 2007-08, kas scoreless. In 2008-09, he had 18 goals, 22 assists and 57 penalty minutes in 65 games for the AHL's Rochester Americans. In 2008-09, viņš bija 18 mērķiem, 22 palīdz un 57 soda minūtes 65 spēles uz AHL's Rochester amerikāņiem.
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