U20 pasaules čempionātā Krievijas hokeja izlase sestdien negaidīti pārliecinoši pieveica Kanādas jaunos talantus - 6:0. Uzvarētāju himnas laikā zaudētāju kapteinis Barets Heitons nenoņēma ķiveri (video nav īsti redzams), krievi protestēja, bet atsveicināšanās laikā vairāki minētajam kanādietim nepaspieda roku.
Video: Match TV, Russia Hockey / TSN Sports
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Krievi malači , nav ko teikt citu, Veči, īsti vīrieši ! Kuri godā savu himnu, un godā reglamentu !
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Faceoff With Farenholtz
Faceoff With Farenholtz
17 hours ago
Doing it consciously and just being an ass, that's one thing. Acting (and most likely lying) like he doesn't know what he did, beyond embarrassing. Action needs to be taken, such a poor sport...
Mark Walker
Mark Walker
14 hours ago
I am so glad that you said “what the hell are you kidding me” because main stream media tends to protect and coddle our hockey players way too much but their is no defending his actions while representing all of us. I say pass on the “C” to next in line
17 hours ago
No class as captain, simple as that
Torches & Pitchforks
16 hours ago
He is not captain material.
The Burg
17 hours ago
I would have stripped Hayton of the Captaincy
Red Redmon
16 hours ago
Must be taking notes from Max Comtois last year... what an embarrassment.
paklausieties Kanādas fanu viedokli .. Tur tādu pamuļķu, neta mutesbajāru īsti nav
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