Mourinju: ''Vēlējos spēlēt pret labākajiem''
Šodien notika UEFA Čempionu līgas astotdaļfināla pāru izloze. Vienā no saistošākajiem pāriem tika ielozēta čempione ''Manchester United'' un Milānas ''Inter''. Pēc izlozes ''Inter'' treneris Žozē Mourinju atzina, ka vēlējies spēlēt tieši pret ''United''.
Žozē Mourinju vadītā komanda jau reiz pārspējusi ''Manchester United'' UEFA Čempionu līgas ietvaros - 2004. gadā viņa vadībā to paveica ''Porto''. Tajā gadā Portugāles klubs triumfēja Čempionu līgā, bet Mourinju pārcēlās strādāt uz Angliju, kur vadīja Londonas ''Chelsea''. Pirms gada viņa un ''Chelsea'' ceļi šķīras un tagad Mourinju atkal būs iespēja atgriezties Anglijā.
Mourinju par izlozi: ''Jā, manas vēlmes ir piepildījušās. Es vēlējos spēlēt pret labāko komandu, un ''United'' ir čempione ar supertreneri Aleksu Fergusonu. Mums būs milzīga motivācija šīm spēlēm.''
Portugālis uzsvēra, ka patiesais ''Inter'' spēks būs redzams februārī: ''Esmu pārliecināts, ka februāra beigās mēs redzēsim īsto ''Inter.''''
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Fergusons pēc izlozes:
"They kept us hanging being last out of the hat, but its interesting to come up against Jose again. He's a character with a good personality and I've always got on well with him.
"He knocked us out of the competition with Porto, so I hope we have the luck they had in that tie this time round. Inter have had a tremendous domestic record recently and that speaks volumes for the consistency of their team.
"They've got a lot of experience which includes a few South American players. In fact, I think they've only two Italians in their team. That represents a challenge because you know South American players are very tough defensively and resilient players.
"We've played against most of their players over the years and met them in a friendly last year at Old Trafford. So we know about them. Hopefully we'll do the job in the first game and give ourselves a platform to take back to Old Trafford.
"Playing against bigger teams always brings focus to our game, as we showed against Barcelona last season. The most important thing in that tie was to concentrate, and our concentration was terrific.
"The San Siro is a great stadium. We played Inter in the quarter-final in '99 and there were problems with the pitch, it had been relaid a couple of weeks before. But now it's much better. We've lost two semi-finals to AC Milan there so we want to go there and do better. Now the competition really gets going and all the English teams have a good chance. I'm happy with our draw."
+1 [+] [-] BBC SPORT | Phil McNulty blog
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Kad Mourinho bija pie Chelsea stūres Anglijā ļoti daudziem viņš nepatika, tikai vajag atcerēties kuru treneri lielākā daļa angļu futbola fanu gribēja Maklarena vietā pie izlases stūres - Mourinho...
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