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"Chelsea" nenoņem spriedzi no "United"

Andris Liepa
Andris Liepa

"Chelsea" nenoņem spriedzi no "United"
Mihaels Ballaks un Frenks Lempards
Foto: AFP

Vakar pēdējā Anglijas Premjerlīgas 37. kārtas spēlē Londonas "Chelsea" izbraukumā ar 2:0 apspēlēja "Newcastle", tādējādi punktu skaita ziņā atkal panākot "Manchester United" futbolistus.

Tas nozīmē tikai to, ka "Chelsea" saglabā izredzes uz Anglijas čempionu titulu. Lai tā notiktu, "Chelsea" pēdējā kārtā (11. maijā) jāizcīna vairāk punktu nekā "United". "Chelsea" savā laukumā uzņems "Bolton", bet "Manchester United" viesos tiksies ar "Wigan". Ja pieņem, ka "Chelsea" izdarīs visu, kas tās spēkos un uzvarēs, tad "United", lai neizlaistu titulu no rokām, arī jāuzvar.

Vakardienas spēlē Ņūkāslā pirmās 60 minūtes aizritēja bez vārtu guvumiem, taču tad Mihaels Ballaks sita precīzi ar galvu pēc tam, kad centrējumu no soda sitiena izdarīja Didjē Drogba. Savukārt 82. minūtē ilgstošu "Chelsea" kombināciju ar vārtu guvumu noslēdza Florents Maludā, panākot galarezultātu šajā mačā - 2:0 "Chelsea" uzvara.

37. kārta (5. maijs)

Newcastle - Chelsea 0:2 (0:0) (Ballaks 60', Maluda 82')

Pēdējā, 38. kārta (11. maijs).

Birmingham - Blackburn
Chelsea - Bolton
Derby - Reading
Everton - Newcastle
Middlesbrough - Man City
Portsmouth - Fulham
Sunderland - Arsenal
Tottenham - Liverpool
West Ham - Aston Villa
Wigan - Man Utd

Anglijas Premjerlīgas tabula.

VietaKomandaSpēlesUzv.Neiz.Zaud.Vārtu att.Punkti
1."Manchester United"37266578:2284
6."Aston Villa"3716111069:4959
7."Blackburn Rovers"371513949:4458
9."Manchester City"3715101244:4555
10."West Ham United"371391540:4848
11."Tottenham Hotspur"3711131366:5946
12."Newcastle United"3711101644:6243
13."Wigan Athletic"3710101734:4940
19."Birmingham City"377111942:6132

Rezultatīvākie spēlētāji.

1.Ronaldu("Manchester United")30
5.-7.Berbatovs("Tottenham Hotspur")15
5.-7.Bendžani("Portsmouth"/"Man City")15
5.-7.Kīns("Tottenham Hotspur")15
8.Tevezs("Manchester United")14
9.-10.Kerjū("Aston Villa")13
11.-12.Rūnijs(''Manchester United'')12
13.-15.Agbonlahors("Aston Villa")11

Izmantotie resursi:

     [+] [-]

, 2008-08-01 20:53, pirms 16 gadiem
Hempo rakstīja: Es vairāk sliecos uz to,ka tu ēdi sūdīgu arbūzu...končas vnk nevar pārdozēt

Nē, bija gatavs. Un pilnīgi svaigs. Tikko no veikala. Zbis. Viens no labākajiem, kādu biju ēdis. Čist. Tas nekas, ka ēdu visvairāk.
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     [+] [-]

, 2008-08-01 20:59, pirms 16 gadiem
Hempo rakstīja: Tikko no Brazīlijas.Pilns ar nenosakāmu kukaiņu kokoniem.

Nē, tikko no AIBE!
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     [+] [-]

, 2008-08-01 21:15, pirms 16 gadiem
Hempo rakstīja: PSC...Simpsoniem tik jaunas sērijas

PSC, kāda sūdaina sērija.
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Slēpts komentārs no bloķēta lietotāja

  +1 [+] [-]

, 2008-08-01 22:32, pirms 16 gadiem
Man nets pišās.
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  +1 [+] [-]

, 2008-08-01 22:43, pirms 16 gadiem
Adebayor reveals good news about his future
Emmanuel Adebayor has revealed some good news about his future. Below you can read exactly what the Togo striker said in an interview with Arsenal TV Online after the match against Stuttgart this week.

Ade — you’ve got news and it’s good news for all Arsenal fans
I think so, yes. We can call it good news and good news for Arsenal fans. Good news for myself and good news for my family. The most important thing is to keep on going, keep on playing football which I love most and enjoy myself.

And that news if you’re intending to sign a contract pen will be put to paper in a matter of days.
When I was holidaying there was a lot of speculation, a lot of people were talking on my behalf which is not me — I have never said I will leave the Club and there is no one that can say that. here today so now I can tell everyone that today yes I will sign a contract. I’m feeling very good here, very well here and at the moment my heart is with Arsenal.

As you say a lot of things were said over the summer, there was speculation about you moving. Did that upset you at all?
When I was on holiday I never went on to the internet I never read the newspapers so to be honest I was with my family so my phone was off so I didn’t know what was happening. When I came back I realised what was happening but you know the thing has happened already so now the most important thing is behind me and I’ll show everyone this club has given me a lot of things It gave me a chance to be who I am today so I have to thank them and I think the boss understands that as well, so now we are in the same boat, now we have to work hard together as a family and to deliver better than what we did last season.

And your relationship with Arsene Wenger, still strong?
Of course, always strong. When we started talking about my contract I never told him I’d be leaving this club and he knew my desire, my desire was to stay at this club so for me he’s like my father, he’s my boss so whatever he tells me I’ll do it so our relationship at the moment is always strong. There is no doubt about that.

Where did all the speculation and quotes come from?
To be honest I don’t know. Like I told you I was on holiday and you can imagine a lot of people would be imagining things and saying such things because I was in Togo Africa but I can tell you surely I never told anyone that I would be leaving this club. Never ever. And today I can say to Arsenal TV, Sky, every single TV in the world I have never told anyone that I would be leaving this club. And today I’m very happy that we’ve found a solution to stay here and my heart is with Arsenal so I’m great here. I thank all the fans, all the people that support me to make my dreams come true and you know for me now the most important thing is like I always say to keep on playing my football.

Do you think there might be a need to win the fans round some of them probably believed what they read rightly or wrongly?
I think the most important thing is today, because what you read in the newspaper anyone can put what they want in the newspaper. You can do it, somebody else can do it. Today I’m talking on the TV, when else have I talked on TV. My first interview was in Austria in June just before the Euro final and I have never said I would be leaving Arsenal so what people read in the newspaper is not coming from me. When you haven’t done anything wrong in your heart you feel free. All I have to do is play my football and I know the fans always love me so there’s no reason to not love me anymore because I’m still here

And the fact that you’re signing a new contract not only means you’re going to stay but it means you’re going to stay for a long time.
Of course, that’s how I show my desire for this club. I had three years contract and I’m putting two or three years more so it’s going to make it four/five so yes, I’m very happy being at this club, being part of this family. For me now the most important thing as I always say is keep my head on my shoulders, what I did last season is behind me already. What am I going to achieve now, as a player — individual targets, as a collective player for my team-mates what are we going to achieve — that’s the most important thing now.

What do you think this team can achieve this season?
I think the way we played today (Wednesday) you could see good football, and what we hope to achieve is the title and the Champions League but at the moment the most important thing is to pass through because we have a qualifying game to play in the Champions League so yes just keep our head on our shoulders, keep playing our football. We have a great manager, great squad, good players. It’s true we’re young but we know that if we put our hearts together and we work as a family we can achieve something, that’s for sure.

Is it a weight off your mind to put all of this speculation to bed and tell everyone you’re an Arsenal player and an Arsenal player for a good few years?
Of course, one more time I can say it, I always say it I love this club and today you can see I have a big smile on my face. Yes I’m at Arsenal Football Club, I have four more years contract I’m very happy at this club and everything is fine.


  +1 [+] [-]

, 2008-08-01 22:44, pirms 16 gadiem
Hempo rakstīja: Kā tu pamanījies sev plusu ielikt?


     [+] [-]

, 2008-08-01 22:47, pirms 16 gadiem
Nesen paēdu mīļāko picu un tagad gribu vemt viņu ārā!

  +1 [+] [-]

, 2008-08-01 22:48, pirms 16 gadiem
reiniksrobis rakstīja: Nesen paēdu mīļāko picu un tagad gribu vemt viņu ārā!

izlasi interviju... diezgan interesanti viss iegroziijies...

  +1 [+] [-]

, 2008-08-01 22:55, pirms 16 gadiem
Robis tagad vemj...
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     [+] [-]

, 2008-08-01 22:56, pirms 16 gadiem
Gunner rakstīja: Robis tagad vemj...

buļļa kaka. Lasu ēsportu!

  -1 [+] [-]

, 2008-08-01 23:07, pirms 16 gadiem
reiniksrobis rakstīja: buļļa kaka. Lasu ēsportu!

tu bullja cura izlasi Ades interviju...

     [+] [-]

, 2008-08-01 23:40, pirms 16 gadiem
Lūk, ko es par šo domāju! ';

  +1 [+] [-]

, 2008-08-01 23:42, pirms 16 gadiem
reiniksrobis rakstīja: Lūk, ko es par šo domāju!

tu jau buusi peedeejais, kurs kko taadu ieveeros!

  +1 [+] [-]

, 2008-08-01 23:47, pirms 16 gadiem
robi, tad tev no taam konfekteem slikti?
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  +1 [+] [-]

, 2008-08-01 23:57, pirms 16 gadiem
Hempo rakstīja: No nemazgātām rokām

Arii vareetu buut.
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  +1 [+] [-]

, 2008-08-02 00:01, pirms 16 gadiem
Hempo rakstīja: Nu hokejist,sāksi diskutēt?

Nu davai, tu par Shataalu gribeeji zinaat?
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  +1 [+] [-]

, 2008-08-02 00:05, pirms 16 gadiem
Hempo rakstīja: Tas jau bija keyseedee

Un par ko tu gribeetu zinaat?

  +1 [+] [-]

, 2008-08-02 00:07, pirms 16 gadiem
keyseedee rakstīja: Štāls ir labs?

Drafteets, it kaa savulaik pats Marks Mesjee Njujorkas "Rendzheru" nometnee izteica komplimentus, bet peec tam taa... Pagaajushosezon labi paraadiija sevi speelees Riigas2000 sastaavaa, augums labs, domaaju, ka visas iespeejas pasham kljuut labaakam.

     [+] [-]

, 2008-08-02 00:09, pirms 16 gadiem
M9 rakstīja: robi, tad tev no taam konfekteem slikti?

Nezinu, tagad gribu iet gulēt, acis aizpampušas un sāp, auksti pašam.
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Slēpts komentārs no bloķēta lietotāja

  +1 [+] [-]

, 2008-08-02 00:11, pirms 16 gadiem
reiniksrobis rakstīja: Nezinu, tagad gribu iet gulēt, acis aizpampušas un sāp, auksti pašam.

Nu labi, tad ej guleet.

  +1 [+] [-]

, 2008-08-02 00:12, pirms 16 gadiem
Hempo rakstīja: Man labāk diskusijas raisās tad,kad esmu vafelēPēc izlaiduma pirtī ar vienu džeku(pat nodarbojās ar šķēpa mešanu) par šķēpmešanu trīs stundas nobazarējām

Man shodien bija treninjsh, nevis paalis.

  +1 [+] [-]

, 2008-08-02 00:13, pirms 16 gadiem
Hempo rakstīja: Viduvējība

Nu es tev saku - ir dotumi, lai kljuutu labaaks, pagaidaam vinjam ar to stabilitaati ir bijis visaadi.
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Slēpts komentārs no bloķēta lietotāja