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Eirolīgas izloze: "Lietuvos rytas" dabū čempionus, Jasikēvičs brauks uz Kauņu

Māris Noviks
Māris Noviks @MarisNoviks

Eirolīgas izloze: "Lietuvos rytas" dabū čempionus, Jasikēvičs brauks uz Kauņu
Šarūns Jasikēvičs "Top 16" kārtā pārstāvēs Turcijas klubu "Fenerbahce"
Foto: Kauno Diena

Otrdien, 4. janvārī, Spānijas pilsētā Barselonā notika "Turkish Airlines Euroleague 2011" Top 16 kārtas izloze. Lietuvas klubs Kauņas "Žalgiris" tika ielozēts H grupā kopā ar Pirejas "Olympiacos", Stambulas "Fenerbahce" un Spānijas "Valencia". Viļņas klubs "Lietuvos Rytas" spēcīgajā E grupā sacentīsies ar 2009. gada čempioniem Atēnu "Panathinaikos", Spānijas čempioniem "Caja Laboral" un Malagas "Unicaja".

Komandas sadalītas četrās grupās pa četrām komandām katrā, no 19. janvāra līdz 3. martam aizvadot divu apļu turnīru. Katras grupas divas labākās komandas iekļūs ceturtdaļfinālā, kur cīņas ritēs līdz trīs uzvarām, spēlēm notiekot no 22. marta līdz 6. aprīlim. “Četru Fināls” notiks no 6. līdz 8. maijam Barselonas “Palau Sant Jordi” arēnā.

Saskaņā ar noteikumiem Top 16 grupās nevar ielozēt 1) vairākas komandas no vienas regulārās sezonas grupas, 2) vairāk par divām komandām no vienas valsts. Kā zināms, Top 16 kārtā sacentīsies visi 5 Spānijas klubi, pa 2 klubiem no Grieķijas, Turcijas, Lietuvas un Itālijas, pa 1 komandai no Izraēlas, Slovēnijas un Serbijas.

Turkish Airlines Euroleague Top 16 izloze

Grupa1. grozs2. grozs3. grozs4. grozs
EPanathinaikosCaja LaboralUnicajaLietuvos Rytas
FMaccabi ElectraUnion OlimpijaRegal FC BarcelonaLottomatica
GMontepaschiReal MadridEfes PilsenPartizan

Izmantotie resursi:

  +3 [+] [-]

, 2011-01-04 14:34, pirms 14 gadiem
Gan jau dažas spēles tiesās Oļegs Latiševs.

  +7 [+] [-]

, 2011-01-04 14:44, pirms 14 gadiem
Sharas izardis ZK

bet ta Zalgirim forshi - vizite ieradisies javtoks, lavrinovics un ar Sharas

Rytasem tik Begic no PAO

  +2 [+] [-]

, 2011-01-04 15:48, pirms 14 gadiem
Karlis.B rakstīja: Sharas izardis ZK

bet ta Zalgirim forshi - vizite ieradisies javtoks, lavrinovics un ar Sharas

Rytasem tik Begic no PAO
Don;t be so fast about Begic. First of all, he still bellongs to Zalgiris, he is not a free agent Just his agents canceled the contract, while even Zalgiris signed that big guy Marjanovic, but they will still fight for begic in Fiba tribunal . and it uncertain when fiba will make their decision. Untill then, Begic can not signed with anyone. If Fiba will decide that Zalgiris on this argue, then Begic and/or his agents can get disqualified. But for now, story is not over, zalgiris confirmed once more that they want to prove that thy were right in this situation. (and believe me, UBIG which belongs to Romanov is really big and powerfull, they have lots of great lawyers, while Begic agency is very small.. ) But ofcourse, even if Zalgiris will be right, I think begic will not come back, they probably only want to prove they are right, and to win against those agents (Romanov hates agents in football and basketball). And then maby to sell Begic and get money for him.
Slēpts komentārs no bloķēta lietotāja

  -1 [+] [-]

, 2011-01-04 17:31, pirms 14 gadiem
Fan_ rakstīja: Don;t be so fast about Begic. First of all, he still bellongs to Zalgiris, he is not a free agent Just his agents canceled the contract, while even Zalgiris signed that big guy Marjanovic, but they will still fight for begic in Fiba tribunal . and it uncertain when fiba will make their decision. Untill then, Begic can not signed with anyone. If Fiba will decide that Zalgiris on this argue, then Begic and/or his agents can get disqualified. But for now, story is not over, zalgiris confirmed once more that they want to prove that thy were right in this situation. (and believe me, UBIG which belongs to Romanov is really big and powerfull, they have lots of great lawyers, while Begic agency is very small.. ) But ofcourse, even if Zalgiris will be right, I think begic will not come back, they probably only want to prove they are right, and to win against those agents (Romanov hates agents in football and basketball). And then maby to sell Begic and get money for him.
2 clubs in Euroleague Top16, not bad, brothers

How big are Žalgiris and Rytas budgets?

It's interesting, how much money it takes to get among Euroleague best teams... You know we dreamed about Euroleague about ten or more years

  +2 [+] [-]

, 2011-01-04 17:40, pirms 14 gadiem
I think Zalgiris budget is about 6-7 million euros. But, before last season they also had about 7 million euros debts, and they are paying those debt, so if budget+moneu for debts, then ofcourse it's bigger. Rytas budget is lower, I guess it could be 3-5 million euros (they also have debts).

  +3 [+] [-]

, 2011-01-04 19:22, pirms 14 gadiem
Fan_ rakstīja: I think Zalgiris budget is about 6-7 million euros. But, before last season they also had about 7 million euros debts, and they are paying those debt, so if budget+moneu for debts, then ofcourse it's bigger. Rytas budget is lower, I guess it could be 3-5 million euros (they also have debts).
ASK had debts too.

     [+] [-]

, 2011-01-04 20:41, pirms 14 gadiem
Fan_ rakstīja: I think Zalgiris budget is about 6-7 million euros. But, before last season they also had about 7 million euros debts, and they are paying those debt, so if budget+moneu for debts, then ofcourse it's bigger. Rytas budget is lower, I guess it could be 3-5 million euros (they also have debts).
Runā ka Lietuva Rytas kopējie parādi ir ap 15 miljonu litu (3 miljonu latu).Speak the Lietuvos Rytas total debts are around 15 miljonu litu (3 miljonu latu).

  +2 [+] [-]

, 2011-01-04 21:19, pirms 14 gadiem
Varbūt nedaudz vājākas komandas ir Lottomatica un Rytas, bet principā vieglu spēļu šajā kārtā vairs nav...

Man patīk Siena, Real, Efes, Partizan. Partizan savā laukumā, ja spēlēs 22000 arēnā, ir ļooti grūti uzvarami. Nezinu vai Mesinam izdosies tikt play-off ar Real. Un Siena pagaidām izskatās ļoti pārliecinoši. Vieglu spēļu nebūs.

     [+] [-]

, 2011-01-05 00:04, pirms 14 gadiem

     [+] [-]

, 2011-01-05 00:34, pirms 14 gadiem
škrobe Montepaschi ne tajā labākajā grupā iekrituši

     [+] [-]

, 2011-01-05 00:52, pirms 14 gadiem
KrsB87 rakstīja: Varbūt nedaudz vājākas komandas ir Lottomatica un Rytas, bet principā vieglu spēļu šajā kārtā vairs nav...

Man patīk Siena, Real, Efes, Partizan. Partizan savā laukumā, ja spēlēs 22000 arēnā, ir ļooti grūti uzvarami. Nezinu vai Mesinam izdosies tikt play-off ar Real. Un Siena pagaidām izskatās ļoti pārliecinoši. Vieglu spēļu nebūs.
Rytas nāk klāt Jasaitis, tā kā klubs būs stiprāks!