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jā, centra auts un uzbrukuma piezīme Bērzam bija esti style mjaa, bet tas tiesnesis bez matiem kādreiz forsh chalis bija, bet tagad... Atceros, ka BBL pleiofos ar Kalev drausmīgi sadusmoja Okornu, jo uz estu sīkām cūcībām faktiski nereaģēja.
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Strēlnieka 3pts shot vienkārshi lieliski.
Beigās gan eesti varēja atbildēt ar to pašu -tik maz pietrūka, to nu gan nevajadzēja ļaut.
Vēl bij interesanti redzēt, ka tik daudz skatītāju un troksnis zālē, kas pie mums ir retums
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30.1.1 The ball goes into a team's backcourt when:
• It touches the backcourt.
• It touches a player or an official who has part of his body in contact with the backcourt.
30.1.2 The ball has been illegally returned to the backcourt when a player of the team in control of the live ball is:
• The last to touch the ball in his frontcourt, after which that player or a teammate is the first to touch the ball in the backcourt.
• The last to touch the ball in his backcourt, after which the ball touches the frontcourt and then is first touched by that player or team-mate in the
However, it does not apply to a player who jumps from his frontcourt, establishes new team control while still airborne and then lands in his team’s backcourt.
Šajā gadījumā spēlētājs, kurš saņēma bumbu, gandrīz pilnībā atradās aiz centra līnijas, un tas, ka viņš pieskārās centra līnijai, neko nemaina, jo "The ball goes into a team's backcourt when it touches a player or an official who has part of his body in contact with the backcourt".
Tā es to saprotu.
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