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Fotogalerija: Komanda + fani = vienotība

Romualds Vambuts
Romualds Vambuts
Piedāvājam foto apskatu no incidenta starp BK ''Valmiera'' un ''Žalgiris'' komandām, kas notika pēc spēlēs. Fotogalerija par spēles norisi sekos.
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     [+] [-]

, 2007-10-06 22:49, pirms 17 gadiem
lai nu kaa.. bet domaaju ka zalgiris ģērbtuvē neko labu tas līdzjutējs nedzirdēja
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     [+] [-]

, 2007-10-06 22:58, pirms 17 gadiem
Da ganjau kaadam speeleetaajam mazais braalis vai kkas taads....

     [+] [-]

, 2007-10-06 22:59, pirms 17 gadiem
vini neaizstaaveeja fanu bet pasi savu komandu lai lielaaki suudi nebuutu jo taa pat jau noteikti kaut kas buus par sito, ja nebuus tad gan jaabriinas, te nav futbols

     [+] [-]

, 2007-10-06 23:01, pirms 17 gadiem
menti paliek menti . tas cilvēkveidīgais ar sarkano kepku laikam bojevikus pārskatījies .
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Slēpts komentārs no bloķēta lietotāja

  +1 [+] [-]

, 2007-10-06 23:36, pirms 17 gadiem
Tādā ziņā cepuri nost Žalgira spēlētājiem + vēl tas fans gan jau ka piepildīja īstena fana sapni, proti pabija savas komandas ģērbtuvēs.
Bet ja nopietni, tad labi, ka nekas tālāk nesekoja un neaizgāja tas viss līdz masveida klopei.
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  -3 [+] [-]

, 2007-10-07 01:56, pirms 17 gadiem
nezkapec visi kluse ka tas fans ko aizveda uz gerbtuvem bija meitene ...

  +3 [+] [-]

, 2007-10-07 08:34, pirms 17 gadiem
Malachi Zhalgira fani un apsargi kartejo reizi paraa debilismu tapat kaa Areenas apsargi

  -1 [+] [-]

, 2007-10-07 11:20, pirms 17 gadiem
Nu ja ustanovka apsargiem (brachkaam Veideem) bija neatljaut shaadus izgaajienus tad vinji neko nepareizu nedariija, otra lieta ka visaa visumaa petardes telpaas jau nu nevajadzeetu dedzinaat...aaraa nu ne hallee...droshi vien to visu vareeja atrisinaat arii savaadaak, jau laikus aizkaveejot dedzinaashanu...tas nu Kalnietim un it iipashi Popovicham jau nu kaads security guy vareeja netiishaam ievilkt pa naasi
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     [+] [-]

, 2007-10-07 12:16, pirms 17 gadiem
vajadzēja sadod bietē! ar savām petardēm zb jau kā nekā basis notiek telpas, ats nav futbols un nav ārā! viņi jau pagājušo sezon arēnā rīga dabūja, laikam nepielec!!!!

     [+] [-]

, 2007-10-07 12:17, pirms 17 gadiem
bet labaakais, ka nejau apsargs to leishu urlu pie riikles panjeemis, bet Raicha
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  -1 [+] [-]

, 2007-10-07 13:03, pirms 17 gadiem
You stupid Lithuanians, poor brainless beings...

What would U do in case if fire would start in some place, would it be fun?! I don't think so, and that is definetly not allowd in indoors to make thote shitthings You did yesterday!
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     [+] [-]

, 2007-10-07 13:41, pirms 17 gadiem
You stupid Latvians, poor hysterics...
our fans didn't want to something bad. it was only joy for our winning. and your stupid nervy guards started to fight for nothing. your guard can't solve any problem without fighting. what a shame. further more, YOUR FANS STARTED TO STIFLE our fan. disgraceful! there would be nothing happened if not you with your aggression.


  +1 [+] [-]

, 2007-10-07 13:56, pirms 17 gadiem
so why is that Lietuvos Rytas fans and even Siauliai fans are so much more well behaved than Zalgiris fans?i have never seen them get into any conflicts in Latvia (only the stupid son of the owner of Rytas)....but for some odd reason I always see drunk Zalgiris fans acting like complete animals and making fools of themselves almost every game....

     [+] [-]

, 2007-10-07 14:10, pirms 17 gadiem
hello! we haven't done nothing bad for your people there. couldn't your guards to solve this porblem more quietly? thay started to beat all us. for what? and your fans? started to stifle one of ours.and even your guard let to to this! "Braliukai" Latvians..

  +1 [+] [-]

, 2007-10-07 14:15, pirms 17 gadiem
and more, but we didn't behave like an animals, even the fotos show it.

     [+] [-]

, 2007-10-07 14:30, pirms 17 gadiem
Tas fans - očkariks ar brillēm jau atrāvās no apsargiem Arēnā pagājušā Final 4 laikā.

  +1 [+] [-]

, 2007-10-07 15:31, pirms 17 gadiem
Tam kur smaugia galejo desine ranka akinius suskaldyt

  -1 [+] [-]

, 2007-10-07 15:35, pirms 17 gadiem
Zalgiris sucks and fans too.In Lithuania Zalgiris name is Green Bit*h

Zalgiris Fans Are Really animals.

  -1 [+] [-]

, 2007-10-07 15:36, pirms 17 gadiem

     [+] [-]

, 2007-10-07 15:44, pirms 17 gadiem
reeciiigs --bet greeciigs

  +1 [+] [-]

, 2007-10-07 15:48, pirms 17 gadiem
zjbs zalgiris.. mldc.. o latviu apsauginiai kazkokie zirgu galvos.. respect zalgiris forewer..

     [+] [-]

, 2007-10-07 15:54, pirms 17 gadiem I just commenting what I have personally seen....but anyways,we are still rooting for LT to beat CZE at the women's EUROBASKET today!!!=)

  +1 [+] [-]

, 2007-10-07 16:17, pirms 17 gadiem
Yes.. you are right Eleniukas...

     [+] [-]

, 2007-10-07 16:20, pirms 17 gadiem
Vispār to, ka ar uguni telpās nedrīkst spēlēties jau bērnudārzā māca...slikti, ka Kauņā to laikam nav iekļāvuši izglītošanas programmā. Policija varēja mierīgi tos Žalgira spēlētājus aizturēt līdz apstākļu noskaidrošanai

     [+] [-]

, 2007-10-07 17:27, pirms 17 gadiem
Zalgiris fans is very kind and players too... so... get lost... we are the best

  -2 [+] [-]

, 2007-10-07 18:45, pirms 17 gadiem
Okey I agree that Valmieras Lāčplēsis has got stupid fans and most of them are drunk skinheads who are searching place to fight but then i have question... can't Zalgiris fans enjoy their victory without fire? Maybe in Lithuania you have traditions like this but you have to respect Latvian rols...maybe you have many beautiful basketball halls to burn...we don't have and we wan't to save those what we have.

     [+] [-]

, 2007-10-07 18:59, pirms 17 gadiem
it dosen't hurt but it might is saftey standarts in Latvia. Security behaved stupid and fans too but all has got a reason... and for this reason was not a victory of your team but the pyrotechnics they used...nobody argue that Zalgiris is stronger than Valmiera it's realitiy but now you know that pyrotechnics in Latvia is forbiden and i hope that there won't be any conflicts again between lithuanian and latvian fans...

     [+] [-]

, 2007-10-07 19:10, pirms 17 gadiem
kurmix said enough - forbiden is forbiden, you take the risk - take the consequences and don't cry like a baby or ait for team players come to the rescue. Chickens

  -1 [+] [-]

, 2007-10-07 19:22, pirms 17 gadiem
Linyte and Eleniukas - forgive these useless people, they don't know nothing about surporting the team. Such questions like "for what?" shows it. Those who stared firing petards (fajeriai) automatically should know that they did a small crime and police or security have every right to bring them to police station. It seems like zalgiris fans decided they are out of the order and can do everything with no consequences. Well, maybe next time they think again.

And about Zalgiris fans - you should forgive them, they know nothing about ultras things and still think petards are allowed (just because they did it few times in the past). Next time if Rytas and Zalgiris be in Latvia we will help security to beat those losers

Zalia kurva - ismokyt taisykles, tada imkit i rankas fajerius ir rekit kad nesuprantat uz ka jus "musa".

  -1 [+] [-]

, 2007-10-07 19:31, pirms 17 gadiem
tai man nereikia buti ten kad suprasti situacija. Apsauga norejo paristi tuos kurie dege fajerius - kiti zalfaniai juos uzstojo. Viskas, po sito apsauga galejo daryti ka nori, nes nera paklustama ju reikalavimams

  +1 [+] [-]

, 2007-10-07 19:40, pirms 17 gadiem
olso i have a question...don't you have your own sport portal...i just interesting, because it's really wierd to read comments in Lithuanian...i think you have the same situation in Lithuania when fans of diifferent teams hate each Latvia ASK fans hate Ventspils and Barons and they both hates ASK.

  -1 [+] [-]

, 2007-10-07 19:47, pirms 17 gadiem
You hate what you can't handle.

  -1 [+] [-]

, 2007-10-07 19:54, pirms 17 gadiem
žirgu galvas

  +1 [+] [-]

, 2007-10-07 19:57, pirms 17 gadiem
It will be interesting BBL season and i hope there won't be any conflicts... I respect Lithuanian power in basketball but also i have heard that infrastructure you don't have in such a good level. Okey you have Simens arena and recently you have build new hall in Šauļi , but you have to admit that Žalgis hall suks and is too small...but we have good halls in Valmiera, Riga(two halls), Ventspils... and Liepaja also are building new hall for 4500-5000 fans...i think that after some 5 years Latvia will be such a strong in basketball as Lithuania.

  -1 [+] [-]

, 2007-10-07 20:00, pirms 17 gadiem
kurmix, Lithuanian's shame called Zalgiris will probably need help with arena in the near future so make sure arena in Ryga is in good shape, Rygas Zalgirs is coming to you to play Euroleague games.

  -1 [+] [-]

, 2007-10-07 20:04, pirms 17 gadiem
Eleniukas>> yra toks posakis, kuris prasideda "You" todel tai nereiskia kad yra kreipiamasi tiesiogiai i zmogu. Eleniukas, na ir kas tu? Boruzele? Tatjana? Tarsi nuo to kas nors pasikeistu

  +1 [+] [-]

, 2007-10-07 20:07, pirms 17 gadiem
i would like it, because i live in Riga, but i also would be very happy if i would be able went to some new hall in Kauna. Why Zalgiris can't play euroleauge games in Simens arena...? Is it too expensive...example Barons and ASK both are playing in Arena Riga.

  -1 [+] [-]

, 2007-10-07 20:18, pirms 17 gadiem
Probably many reasons. Don't know exactly but firstly arena's owners are close to the owner of Zalgiris biggest rivals - LR. Secondly Zalgiris one of the main people Navikaukas didn't even think about playing in Siemens as it's the area of LR. Finally most of Rytas fans can't even imagine zalgiris playing in Siemens. If they would play here I would buy ticket and cheer against Zalgiris. I think a lot of people would do the same.

It's our space, and we don't need people who throw bear to the arena in their own town come here. Plus possible fights between LR and Z supporters (i'm not talking about real fans) after the games.

     [+] [-]

, 2007-10-07 20:29, pirms 17 gadiem
I think that bigger shame will be when Zalgiris will play in Riga, because it take it to national shame...I think that latvians wouldn't laugh so much if Zalgiris would play in Vilnius than Riga. example i would be shame that legendar club must move from my state, because hate betwen two best clubs are too powerful. I wish you luck!!!

  -1 [+] [-]

, 2007-10-07 20:38, pirms 17 gadiem
Zalgiris fans feel the same but as long as Euroleague boss Bartalomeu will be feeding with Z promises I think he will suely let them play in their old Hall even for 2009-2010 season despite saying that there are some certain rules about the capacity of the arena. As he said "as long as Zalgiris we be doing something with new arena don't push them too hard"

  +2 [+] [-]

, 2007-10-07 21:01, pirms 17 gadiem
About this incident in Valmiera, you better be thankfull, that there was only 4 guards, who not done they job, to prevent some incitents.
Yea and if you Zalgiris fans are saying something about beating from guards side, then say also about how one Zalgiris fan kick guard in face. About this one incidents be better thankfull, that this hero are not put in prison.

Ok, I understand that you wanted only celabrate a victory, but next time do not use these fires, simply go to some pub and drink some beer.
I Latvia are not allowed use thees fires in indoors, but in futboll stadiums can.

I hope such incidents between latvian and lithuanian fans and police or guards will not repeated.

Good luck for your team in BBL. Hope to see a interesting BBL season.

  -1 [+] [-]

, 2007-10-07 21:17, pirms 17 gadiem
wow, zalgiris fans can even punch somebody? That's something new

     [+] [-]

, 2007-10-07 21:25, pirms 17 gadiem
--> Nobody86
I don`t know. I wasn`t on this game but about this punch from Zalgiris fan side, where written some users who was on this game.

     [+] [-]

, 2007-10-07 21:58, pirms 17 gadiem
Mantass, tu truputeli atsilikes, senokus ivykius aptarineji. cia sitai temai visai netinka . ar tik pats nebusi gyvulys, apsiziurek, gal ragai dygsta
tikriausiai busi vieno is tu apsauginiu giminaitis, nervo guzas.
Zalgiris ir Zalgirio fanai - saunuoliai!!!

     [+] [-]

, 2007-10-07 22:11, pirms 17 gadiem
don't you think, that some your users Latvians could blow up a little bit?
if you had been there you would see, that there was nothing, for what to start fight and beat fans of Zalgiris. and it is normal, that our fans started to protect each other, because your guards began to beat for nothing.
i don't think, that their job is only to hit everyone.

  -1 [+] [-]

, 2007-10-07 22:13, pirms 17 gadiem
what a shit-heads are latvian guards... wtf? the first time they saw red light? or what? what's wrong?

  -1 [+] [-]

, 2007-10-07 22:31, pirms 17 gadiem
okey if you don't understand then i have to explain in other words...we don't want that our halls burns can use your redlights in your stinky Zalgiris hall and hope that it burns least then you have chances for new one...actually i don't know any RESPEKTABLE BASKETBALL TEAM which fans are using readlights... you have a great team but you are to besmirching your teams honor...and if Zalgiris will play in Riga don't dare use these redlights, because there are more few guards who can to bring order. These fans in Valmiera just showed their IQ which is quite small...there are many different ways how to enjoy the victory, but Zalgiris fan burn his red light and feels very happy about it... real fans don't do that and i think that Zalgiris has got real fans but they weren't in Valmiera.

  -1 [+] [-]

, 2007-10-07 22:38, pirms 17 gadiem
--> Linyte
And why I shoud belive you??? I think you Zalgiris fans overreact a little bit about this incident.

--> liongis

Same reaction from guards side about these fires will be also in Arena Riga, so you better do not use these fires.
I don`t know why guards was reacting like they did. But I suggest you better not take actions whit them. In Riga Popovich will not gonna save Zalgiris fans.

  +1 [+] [-]

, 2007-10-07 22:47, pirms 17 gadiem
kurmix>> now here I don't agree with you. I'm LR fan and I really don't think red or whatever color lights are bad. Lots of basketball teams' fans using them and it's the good way to celebrate the victory. I'm almost sure in the near future (maybe even in this season) in Latvia somebody from our clubs fans will do it again.

BTW, last year in RIga Zalgiris and LR fans had these lights (Rytas 5, Zalgiris 2 as I remember). (middle of the page)

And here you can see LR fans in the season opener - (first post)

So, please, don't tell us, lithuanians, how to support our teams. It has nothing to do with IQ, maybe you will know that in the future then you finally understand that "Barons, Barons", "ASK, ASK" is just not enough in order to support your team

     [+] [-]

, 2007-10-07 23:08, pirms 17 gadiem
okey acttualy you can support your team in way you understand basketball...maybe my sense can't understand how smoke and fire can help supporting the team, but the main reason is safety standarts...example Latvia has got best ice-hockey fans in the world, but it is really stupid when they use those horns and after the games many have hearing problems...the same situation is with these all pyrotechnics it is dangerous and it makes stinky smokes in hall. I also think that barons, barons don't help but there are many songs or slogans what they can use or drums and other instruments.

     [+] [-]

, 2007-10-07 23:14, pirms 17 gadiem
"all pyrotechnics it is dangerous and it makes stinky smokes in hall"
That's why it is used at the end of the match.

"it is really stupid when they use those horns"
Horns are the biggest enemy in our minds too and it would be great if they wouldn't be allowed

Everything else is clear to me and I understand that. GL

  -1 [+] [-]

, 2007-10-07 23:24, pirms 17 gadiem
hall can burn down also after the game...

     [+] [-]

, 2007-10-07 23:52, pirms 17 gadiem
Izlauzt rokas un taas petardes zinaamaas vietaas tiem pashiem faniem sabaazt.
visur ir raxtiits, ka ir aizliegts ienest shaadus priekshmetus telpaas.
patiesiibaa apsardzes nolaidiiba 2reizes speeles laikaa - 1. ielaizhot 2. ljaujot mieriigi dedzinaat.
taa pat nesaprotu apsardzi, kas atljauj speeleetaajiem savaakt fanus. uz policiju prom, protokolu par siiko huligaanismu un lai maksaa, ja nevar iegaumeet elementaaras lietas. jau 2o reizi zalgiris fani izceljas, varbuut buutu laiks saakt ar to reekjinaaties un ieviest sankcijas? (soda naudas klubam)

     [+] [-]

, 2007-10-08 10:08, pirms 17 gadiem
ko juus te stresojat? pastieties, kaa reagje cilveeki, kas seezh blakus Zhalgiris sektoram! nekaa! vienaldziigi! tad kaapeec jaalecas ir apsardzei un vel dazhiem? Apsardze ljaava ienest iekshaa, tad nu ir par veelu peec tam vicinaat dures. un tas intelegjents bruunaa jakaa, kas sakjeeris mazu achkariku aiz riikles pats drizaak buutu pelniijis kaut kaadu protokolupar siiko huligaanismu kaadaa sakaara cilveeks no malas kjeras kaadam pie riikles? ja jau buutu tiesham tur nez kur metushi tos shtruntus vai ko vel dariijushi, bet nosvilinaat untad nodzeest.. kamon.... pastieties, kas citur eiroopaa daraas un tad trakojiet. negribat, lai juusu zaalee svilina, no liiigstiet apsardzi. kas speejiiga izkjert fajeru ieneseejus.

     [+] [-]

, 2007-10-08 14:42, pirms 17 gadiem many comments....I guess most of you have nothing better to do than argue and try to make your points with stupid comments!go find some girlfriends (or boyfriends) you losers!!!both LV and LT!!!

  -1 [+] [-]

, 2007-10-08 15:00, pirms 17 gadiem
Kāpēc tāds satraukums? Ko tad teikt apsardzei, skatītājiem un spēlētājiem šajā telpu futbola spēlē Polijā? Lūk, video ( Lai iet laiks, cerams, ka ultras sfērā drīzumā pie mums viss sāks attīstīties līdzīgi

     [+] [-]

, 2007-10-08 15:30, pirms 17 gadiem
te nav nekas ko apspriest. Žalgira fani, komanda un treneri rīkojās bezatbildīgi attiecībā pret spēles organizatoriem un visiem pārējiem, kas bija uz šo spēli atnākuši, 'tajā skaitā arī mazi bērni. Visiem labi ir tikmēr kamēr nenotiek nekas ārkārtējs. Telpās dedzināt nedrīkst. žalgira fani te var netaisnoties un nebuldurēt, ka mums ir agresīvi apsargi, jo agresīvi bija viņi paši - nepakļāvās apsargu aizrādījumam. Nav ko te sūdzēties. Likumu nezināšana neatbrīvo no atbildības.
Slēpts komentārs no bloķēta lietotāja

     [+] [-]

, 2007-10-08 19:31, pirms 17 gadiem
100 + 1 % piekrītu Tevis teiktajam.Apsardze rīkojās neprofesionāli un neadekvāti pakļaujot briesmām apkārtējos,+ vēl daži "palīgi".

     [+] [-]

, 2007-10-08 22:54, pirms 17 gadiem
fu..k off polish(lithuanians)!!! you all are so stupid.... i have never heard something more stupid about latvians..(this zirga galva) even russians are not so stupid to call us like you....there is a lot people who always laugting about this!!! only fools can call somebody like this, 5-10 year old kids and offcourse lithuanians(polish)......... yeah, and zalgiris fans are jerks!!