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Stelmahers: "We worked hard to get the result"

Jānis Cīrulis
Jānis Cīrulis @ciiruls

Stelmahers: "We worked hard to get the result"
Roberts Štelmahers un Gints Fogels
Foto: Romāns Kokšarovs, F64.

Bojan Subotic, Budocnost VOLI Podgorica:
In the first quarter we played very bad, especially in defence and this is why we lost to „Ventspils” 50 points so fast. In the second half we came out more better, we even had a chance to win, but we didn’ t use it. We have to move on now and think about the next game.

Igor Jovovic, head coach, Budocnost VOLI Podgorica:
Congratulations to „Ventspils”! We knew that the game is going to be hard, because this is a game on the road and we spent many hours to get here. This is probably why we performed so bad in the first half – I think we did not manage to adapt yet. Our mistakes gave confidence to oponents and they scored. We came out with more character in the second half, even managed to reduce the gap to -6, however we did not win. Today the strongest team won and it was our oponent.

Mire Chatman, BC Ventspils:
Today we fought like team with 100% effort. The first three quarters were good, but in the last fourth quarter I guess we got too relaxed. It is good that we came back and win the game. Feels good to return to „Ventspils” with a win – I was ready to do whatever it takes to win today. It feels good to start Eurocup at home court where I started my career many years ago.

Roberts Stelmahers, head coach, BC „Ventspils”:
I am happy that we played three wonderful quarters where we dominated. The last qurter was different, but also not bad if we look at it from the perspective of fans and supporters of „Ventspils”, because it created more tension. A win is a win and I am happy about it. We knew that we are playing against a strong team and we worked hard to get the result we could see today at the court.