Šovakar pret Jaunzēlandi
Šovakar Latvijas vīriešu basketbola izlase aizvadīs noslēdzošo spēli starptautiskajā pārbaudes turnīrā Rīgā, tiekoties ar Jaunzēlandes komandu. Spēles sākums "Arēnā Rīga" plkst. 19:30 un to tiešraidē translēs LTV7.
Šodien izlases sastāvā vajadzētu būt izmaiņām – mačā ar Jaunzēlandi, visticamāk, piedalīsies Sandis Valters un Raitis Grafs, bet kopā ar izlasi vairs nav Ivars Timermanis, kurš devies uz savu jauno klubu Vācijā. Izlases un Ivara ceļi šķīrušies pēc savstarpējas vienošanās. Joprojām nespēlēs Uvis Helmanis, kurš savu pirmo spēli izlases formā šosezon aizvadīs 10. augustā pret Krievijas valstsvienību.
Neskatoties uz to, ka turnīra tabulā šī spēle būtiskas korekcijas neieviesīs (izņemot to, ka kāda komanda palielinās uzvaru, cita – zaudējumu skaitu), diez vai latvieši, kā pirms nedēļas turnīrā Igaunijā, atļausies pēdējā mačā piedzīvot zaudējumu. Pagaidām viss liecina, ka Latvijas basketbolisti savu sniegumu uzlabo ar katru spēli, tāpēc arī šajā mačā būs favorīti. Šovakar šo statusu jāapliecina arī laukumā.
Ekspertu viedoklis
Latvijas uzvara - 1.20
Jaunzēlandes uzvara - 4.05
Foto: Romāns Kokšarovs, Sporta Avīze
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Publicējis butterbean
Neaizmirsisim tomer ka Jaunzelandes izlase pasaules reitingaa ir 12 vietaa bet musejie 35...tomer tas ir lidz bridim kad musu izlasei nebija papildinajis Andris.
suda reitings skatoties pēc pč
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Janicenoks-Skele sodien nespeles atiecigi SG Vaikulis-Valters
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J Blūms
S Buškevics
A Šķēle
R Vaikulis
S Valters
A Vītols
G Jahovičš
J Porziņģis
U Helmanis
K Bērziņs
R Grafs
A Biedriņš
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Publicējis Feimiss
Latvijas satāvs EČ
J Blūms
S Buškevics
A Šķēle
R Vaikulis
S Valters
A Vītols
G Jahovičš
J Porziņģis
U Helmanis
K Bērziņs
R Grafs
A Biedriņš
Aizmirsi par Janičenoku. Droši vien Porziņģa vietā, jo nez kāpēc, bet Jahovičs KM patīk.
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Varētu ņemt visus 13 līdzi, bet kā tur ar to pieteikšanu
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un tiem, aks te [cenzēts] virsu grafam laikam esat barona vai ventspils fani ko ???
[cenzēts] sitadi tirlini
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Respect ANDZAM, ka atbrauca un pacell to liimeni virs videejaa, vismaz ceriiba ir!!!
Ja nebuutu ANDRA , ta vienalga kurss buut centra poziicijaa-liela atsskkiriiba nav, a tagad gudri norok ciprusu, grafu, veel veselovs dabuu-sannematies taccu vienreiz!
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Latvijas satāvs EČ
J Blūms
S Buškevics
A Šķēle
R Vaikulis
S Valters
A Vītols
G Jahovičš
J Porziņģis
U Helmanis
K Bērziņs
R Grafs
A Biedriņš
Aizmirsi par Janičenoku. Droši vien Porziņģa vietā, jo nez kāpēc, bet Jahovičs KM patīk.
man gan liekas, ka Janičenoks jāliek Vaikuļa vietā.
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Publicējis Prankster
Helmani nevajag, bremzees speeli....
Pārī ar Biedriņu arī Helmanis labāk varēs izmantot savus plusus. Ja viņam jāspēlē ar Ciprusu, tad sanāk rauties par diviem.
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I'm the "braliukas". Congrats on winning the game last saturday You have played better, so you had to win this game. If I'm not wrong you did 14/29 three pointers! Wow! It was a good day for you snipers. The last time I have seen so good percantage of shooting was a game in Athens olympics semifinal between LTU - ITA (we lost this game, because these macaroni guys killed with 3pts), and the second such game was during the same tournament between LTU and GRE. You can find this game on the youtube, just write the keywords "Lietuva Graikija".
Anyway... After the game, every commentator in our basketball web pages talked, that there would be better if we lost that game -12p. Not just -1p. In our NT is a little bit mess... Starting from the basketball federation and finishing with our players... We elected Butautas for head couch... I can tell you the same as the most part of our nation says - Butautas is still not ready to handle such team as Lithuania. The only good couch is Jonas Kazlauskas, but he's training China NT. Why? Because of the stupid our basketball federation. There are too many old guys who still think they are in 1995-1996... [cenzēts] it.
It is nice to see how you were celebrating the saturday victory, despite it was a friendly match And it is good We are missing this "fire in the eyes" in our guys.. So Klerks is talking about the same level as I understand. I do not want to look unfriendly or something like this, but still we are one or two steps higher. You are doing well, but still, you can play wonderfull baltic basketball lets say 3 games in row... But later you stop... So that is what you need to solve and if you do this, you could fight for medals.
However, I wish good luck for Latvia's NT in EC! I'll support "braliukus" in your group games! Beat the spain!
See you
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Publicējis Prankster
Helmani nevajag, bremzees speeli....
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Anyway, I was little upset by some [cenzēts] from LV and Lithuania in Delfi after that game...
I'm always supportig Lithuania, not just becouse you're broliukas or brachkas, but becouse Lithuanian team always played interesting and fast basketball, much more interesting to watch than Greece or Spain.
Good luck.
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Yeah, we should prove it. No one else can prove it Like Serbia. It lost so many tournaments during the last years, but still every lithuanian respects those guys. And in the same way we do with you guys. We respect you. You have 1mln less people in your country, but you already made it that every game with is rather difficult for us. But like you said, not only three pointers win the game. So it's pitty that you gyus stop after some goods games in a row... There is an opinion in Lithuania that if you could play your game all the matches, we will see you between 6 or even 5 best European teams. Because you play the same basketball as we do (now I can only say "did"). So what do you guys talk about it? I mean about your stop after some good games? What happens?
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Despite we have some guys in the NBA, we hate it. I mean we hate the fact that our guys are going to NBA. Look what it for Macijauskas, Jasikevicius. They were superstars in Europe and what who they were there? They were nothing. Clever Macijauskas who pissed on the name "NBA" and returened to europe, and stupid stuborn Saras, who still think that he could shine in this coulns league. He's wasting his time. So when you ask me to look at where these guys are playing we do not pride. We would better has a team from europe. It is just our opinion...
Like a simple example is our game on saturday Saw the difference?
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Publicējis darius
Yeah, we should prove it. No one else can prove it Like Serbia. It lost so many tournaments during the last years, but still every lithuanian respects those guys. And in the same way we do with you guys. We respect you. You have 1mln less people in your country, but you already made it that every game with is rather difficult for us. But like you said, not only three pointers win the game. So it's pitty that you gyus stop after some goods games in a row... There is an opinion in Lithuania that if you could play your game all the matches, we will see you between 6 or even 5 best European teams. Because you play the same basketball as we do (now I can only say "did"). So what do you guys talk about it? I mean about your stop after some good games? What happens?
No, the explanation is simple - we don't have as much talent as you, so when we play ordinary, we are in the 9 - 12 th place in Europe. BUT, when we play on emotion, we can play better that that. For some games only, because there can't be enough and luck emotion for all tournament.
It's the same as with you - you won the EC recently, I guess, beucause of the sam reason, and now, when you play ordinary, you are a bit weaker.
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