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Latvijas izlasi trenēs Ķēstutis Kemzura

Latvijas izlasi trenēs Ķēstutis Kemzura
Ķēstutis Kemzura

Lietuvas speciālists Ķēstutis Kemzura šodien pieņēmis piedāvājumu vadīt Latvijas vīriešu basketbola izlasi, un tuvākajā laikā tiks apstiprināts komandas galvenā trenera amatā, apstiprināja LBS sporta direktors Edgars Šneps.

38 gadus vecais Kemzura bija vadošais no trim pretendentiem, ar kuriem tika konkrēti runāts par iespēju uzņemties Latvijas izlases vadību. Savu galējo atbildi lietuvietis bija apņēmies sniegt jau trešdien, taču šonedēļ tika uzaicināts tikties ar savas valsts basketbola vadību apspriest iespējamo dalību Lietuvas nacionālajā izlasē. Tomēr arī pēc tās lēmums tika pieņemts par labu Latvijas izlasei.

Latvijas Basketbola savienības (LBS) sporta direktors Edgars Šneps pastāstīja, ka Kemzura Rīgā ieradīsies pēc Ziemasvētkiem 29. decembrī, kad arī tiks parakstīts līgums un plašāk informēta sabiedrība. Tā galvenie nosacījumi jau tika pārrunāti tikšanās laikā Viļņā. Šobrīd skaidrs, ka Kemzura Latvijas izlasi vadīs gaidāmajā Eiropas čempionāta finālturnīrā. Līgums automātiski tiks pagarināts gadījumā, ja komanda kvalificēsies pasaules čempionātam.

"Man ir pagodinājums strādāt ar Latvijas izlasi. Latvijas basketbolā ir daudz labu spēlētāju un esmu pārliecināts, ka kopā ar viņiem var sasniegt labākus rezultātus kā līdz šim. Latvijā mīl basketbolu, tā ir zeme ar senām basketbola tradīcijām, turklāt ļoti tuvu manām mājām," LBS izplatītajā paziņojumā citēts Kemzura. "Kemzura kā komandas vadītājs ir labākā izvēle. Otrs svarīgākais darbs ir izveidot spēcīgu treneru kolektīvu, kurš spētu pilnībā izmantot visu mūsu izlases potenciālu," uzskata LBS prezidents Ojārs Kehris.

Ķēstutis Kemzura savulaik strādājis kā Lietuvas izlases trenera asistents, kā arī tādos klubos kā "Lietuvos rytas", Trevizo "Benetton" un Maskavas apgabala "Khimki", no kura tika atbrīvots 4. decembrī.

  -1 [+] [-]

, 2008-12-19 18:07, pirms 16 gadiem
Galvenais, lai Vētra nav. Būs labs, es domāju.

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, 2008-12-19 18:07, pirms 16 gadiem
skotijs rakstīja: jā, lai gan var tikai nojaust, tomēr šis komentārs iespārda:
"busi zirgs kemzuris"
uzraksti , luudzu preciizu linku ...

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, 2008-12-19 18:18, pirms 16 gadiem

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, 2008-12-19 18:27, pirms 16 gadiem
mjaa, paldies , iegaaju tur , nu bet saprast praktiski neko nevar

  +5 [+] [-]

, 2008-12-19 18:28, pirms 16 gadiem
You lucky bas.tards!

Congrats, braliukai! Really good choice. Together we are disappointed about out Basketball Federation job. We are missing all the best lithuanian coaches, and our best players are coached by such a weak specialist as Butautas... Our president of basketball federation is really an old as.shole, so we just can dream about such coach as Kazlauskas. By the way, we - lithuanian bbal fans, were really affraid about Latvian intensions to invite Kazlauskas to your NT. Kazlaukas can do a team of any group of players, especially if they are Latvians, who are very similar to lithuanians... Of course, we are a little bit better on the court, but now, having such a good coach as Kemzura - I would say 50/50 for the game of LTU - LAT. You obviously need time, but you will see - that Kemzura will do goods things with your players. Kazlaukas would be a better choice - but Kazlauskas is Kazkauskas. One the best coaches these days in the basketball world.

So, good luck, guys! We really jelous about you having Kemzura See you all in the Eurobasket 2009 or maybe even in preparations of it
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  +2 [+] [-]

, 2008-12-19 18:35, pirms 16 gadiem
Un tagad, lai tik kāds pamēģina atteikties no spēlēšanas izlasē:
1) tāpēc, ka treneris nekompotents;
2)tāpēc, ka sagatavošanas process ir nepareizs;
3)tāpēc, ka par maz minūtes, vai par maz punktus vāc;

Ja kāds no spēlētājiem atteiksies, un tam nebūs attaisnojoša iemesla, tad šis spēlētājs manās acīs (domāju, ka ne tikai manās) ir pēdējā lupata. BEIDZOT Latvijai ir kārtigs ārzemju speciālists, ar pieredzi, ar autoritāti ne tikai Latvijā, bet Eiropā....

  +5 [+] [-]

, 2008-12-19 18:57, pirms 16 gadiem
Well said - "If everything go well..." See the little word "if.."

Guys, don't understand me wrong - but saying we can defeat any except spain - is a nonsense. Why except Spain? If everything go well, why can't you defeat USA? Like Lithuania did in 2004 Olympics

Guys, of course you have good players - shooters and centers. There is no doubt about it. But you don't have to forget what happend to your team last two times. You didn't qualified from group to further play-offs. I'm not saying this as I want to laugh at you. I just want to say that every single time your team is going to Eurobasket - you need to think about a real thing first. And just then to talk what to beat, and what do not. For example, we - lithuanians, when our team is preparing for the Eurobasket, we always talk that would be good to go to semi-finals first. And when we are there - we just then talk about Gold. If your shooters score from any position then you can beat Spain, Argentina and other good teams. But when your shooters cannot score - then you guys are losing to Israel. I believe that Kemzura is there to fix firstly these things. And just then you can talk about killing everyone

Mine, as Lithuanian, opinion - it would be a good result for you to be in Top 6, and the AMAZING thing would be to see you in the Top 4. So I wish you luck to take such places in the EB2009. And after that, when you see that Kemzura will make a team from your guys little by little, then we are ready for the LTU - LAT final in the EB2011 in Lithuania

kuklitis25 rakstīja: If Kemzura will find good scheme playing together Biedrins and Kambala - we would be great force. We also have Kaspars Berzins - if he is motivated and plays hard - he also very TOP Europen level. And I even dont start to mention all very good smaller guys we have in our possesion.
Lithuanians should be afraid of loosing to Latvia next year in Poland. actually if all will go well - we ca beat almost any European team except probably just Spain

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, 2008-12-19 19:01, pirms 16 gadiem
lambijs rakstīja: KO?
taka no meness butu nokritis !!

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, 2008-12-19 19:05, pirms 16 gadiem
Shis bus istais.

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, 2008-12-19 19:06, pirms 16 gadiem
Vismaz kāda laba ziņa,Tas priecē ka mūsu izlasi trenēs labākais no esošajiem kandidātiem,

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, 2008-12-19 19:16, pirms 16 gadiem
priecīga zinja, gan būs labi!

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, 2008-12-19 19:40, pirms 16 gadiem
Labais Prieks ka Kemzura,biju par viņu, jo viņš bija vislabākais no visiem 3 variantiem

  -1 [+] [-]

, 2008-12-19 19:50, pirms 16 gadiem
viedoklis rakstīja: Tieši tā, daži te ceļ debesīs treneri, kurš ar LV izlasi nav pagaidām izdarījis NEKO...
un nomelno to, kas ar salīdzinoši maziem resursiem tika uz finālturnīru...
nu bet kas tad mums bija par kval. pretiniekiem-portugalji,makedonija,esti..!!!
Par sito veci vismaz ir kkas zinaams,tas trajko vispaar hvz ko dariijis...
Neskataamak speeleet vairs nevareeja.JAABUUT LABAAK TGD!!!
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Slēpts komentārs no bloķēta lietotāja
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  -1 [+] [-]

, 2008-12-19 20:13, pirms 16 gadiem
ASK Rulzzz rakstīja: Vajadzēja kazlausku!!
Šitas pa jaunu!!
es arī domāju ka Kazlausks būtu labāks, jo pieredze ir lielā Kemzura arī var izveidot labu izlasi.

     [+] [-]

, 2008-12-19 20:14, pirms 16 gadiem
Mainisies tikai trenera uzvards speļu protokolos.... Interesanti, kapec viņu padzina no citiem klubiem?

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, 2008-12-19 20:15, pirms 16 gadiem
buus labs variants..

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, 2008-12-19 20:20, pirms 16 gadiem
YES !!!!
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, 2008-12-19 21:15, pirms 16 gadiem
Tas ienesīs pozitīvas pārmaiņas LV izlasē

  +3 [+] [-]

, 2008-12-19 21:29, pirms 16 gadiem
Uz neredzēšanos, Trajkovič! Jau no sākta gala bija sajūta, ka nekas labs nav gaidāms no tāda luņa.

Kemzura ir cita klase, turklāt lietuvietis Vienkārši lieliska izvēlē, turklāt prieks, ka piekrita!

Sarauj, Latvija!!!
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     [+] [-]

, 2008-12-19 22:01, pirms 16 gadiem
ASK Rulzzz rakstīja: Vajadzēja kazlausku!!
Šitas pa jaunu!!
nebutu kazlausks, butu veetra, kazlauks bij variants tikai reklamas variants
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     [+] [-]

, 2008-12-20 00:05, pirms 16 gadiem
Nu tad novēlu viņam automātisku līguma pagarināšanu pēc EČ. Labu veiksmi!!!

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, 2008-12-20 03:13, pirms 16 gadiem
Kemzura liekas ka bija pats labākais no visiem variantiem, APSVEICU!!! Sekmes un panākumus!!! Labu saprašanos ar spēlētājiem!

     [+] [-]

, 2008-12-20 03:37, pirms 16 gadiem
DariusLTU rakstīja: Well said - "If everything go well..." See the little word "if.."

Guys, don't understand me wrong - but saying we can defeat any except spain - is a nonsense. Why except Spain? If everything go well, why can't you defeat USA? Like Lithuania did in 2004 Olympics

Guys, of course you have good players - shooters and centers. There is no doubt about it. But you don't have to forget what happend to your team last two times. You didn't qualified from group to further play-offs. I'm not saying this as I want to laugh at you. I just want to say that every single time your team is going to Eurobasket - you need to think about a real thing first. And just then to talk what to beat, and what do not. For example, we - lithuanians, when our team is preparing for the Eurobasket, we always talk that would be good to go to semi-finals first. And when we are there - we just then talk about Gold. If your shooters score from any position then you can beat Spain, Argentina and other good teams. But when your shooters cannot score - then you guys are losing to Israel. I believe that Kemzura is there to fix firstly these things. And just then you can talk about killing everyone

Mine, as Lithuanian, opinion - it would be a good result for you to be in Top 6, and the AMAZING thing would be to see you in the Top 4. So I wish you luck to take such places in the EB2009. And after that, when you see that Kemzura will make a team from your guys little by little, then we are ready for the LTU - LAT final in the EB2011 in Lithuania
I think, that your opinion is very objective.
Top6 would be great.
It's nice to see that there are some more intelligent people around, not just some dumbasses and spamers

     [+] [-]

, 2008-12-20 04:48, pirms 16 gadiem
DariusLTU rakstīja: Well said - "If everything go well..." See the little word "if.."

Guys, don't understand me wrong - but saying we can defeat any except spain - is a nonsense. Why except Spain? If everything go well, why can't you defeat USA? Like Lithuania did in 2004 Olympics

Guys, of course you have good players - shooters and centers. There is no doubt about it. But you don't have to forget what happend to your team last two times. You didn't qualified from group to further play-offs. I'm not saying this as I want to laugh at you. I just want to say that every single time your team is going to Eurobasket - you need to think about a real thing first. And just then to talk what to beat, and what do not. For example, we - lithuanians, when our team is preparing for the Eurobasket, we always talk that would be good to go to semi-finals first. And when we are there - we just then talk about Gold. If your shooters score from any position then you can beat Spain, Argentina and other good teams. But when your shooters cannot score - then you guys are losing to Israel. I believe that Kemzura is there to fix firstly these things. And just then you can talk about killing everyone

Mine, as Lithuanian, opinion - it would be a good result for you to be in Top 6, and the AMAZING thing would be to see you in the Top 4. So I wish you luck to take such places in the EB2009. And after that, when you see that Kemzura will make a team from your guys little by little, then we are ready for the LTU - LAT final in the EB2011 in Lithuania
thank you for objective and realistic comment
and it is interesting lithuanian people opinions ...
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