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Tims Dankans nepārstāvēs ASV izlasi

NBA kluba Sanantonio "Spurs" līderis Tims Dankans oficiāli ir paziņojis, ka nepārstāvēs ASV basketbola izlasi šī gada pasaules čempionātā un 2008.gada Olimpiskajās spēlēs.

Dankans spēlēja ASV izlases sastāvā 2004.gada Olimpiskajās spēlēs Atēnās, kur kopā ar komandu izcīnija bronzas medaļas.

Tāpat par nespēlēšanu ASV izlasē vakar paziņoja Maiami "Heat" centra uzbrucējs Šakils O'Nīls. Kā izteicās pats O'Nīls, tad viņam tas nesagādā prieku un, ka jādod ceļš jaunajiem talantiem. Tomēr pašās sarunas beigās ar ASV basketbola izlases ģenerālmenedžeri Džeriju Kolandželo, "Heat" zvaigzne piebilda, ka tagad viņam ir nepieciešams laiks, lai visu kārtīgi apdomātu, tādējādi dodot cerības Kolandželo.
1 2 3 4 118 komentāri

     [+] [-]

, 2006-01-08 16:48, pirms 19 gadiem
Nekaads iipashais zaudeejums naw ja neatteiksies citas vinja poziicijaa speeleejoshaas zvaigznes!!!!

     [+] [-]

, 2006-01-08 16:48, pirms 19 gadiem
tas gan nav labi!!!!!!!!!!!!

     [+] [-]

, 2006-01-08 16:50, pirms 19 gadiem
jaa, bet visas lielaakas zvaigznes gandriiz vienmeer iisteniibaa, galvenais nav zvaigznes, bet gan laba, saliedeeta komanda ar labu saspeeli!

     [+] [-]

, 2006-01-08 16:50, pirms 19 gadiem
gribeetos lai shaks uzspeelee izlasee...........

     [+] [-]

, 2006-01-08 16:51, pirms 19 gadiem


Pirmais publicējis karlitoss
jaa, bet visas lielaakas zvaigznes gandriiz vienmeer iisteniibaa, galvenais nav zvaigznes, bet gan laba, saliedeeta komanda ar labu saspeeli!

kaa Detroitas Pistons!!!!!!!!!

     [+] [-]

, 2006-01-08 16:51, pirms 19 gadiem
NU jaa protams, bet nu tas jau nenoziimee ka Dankans ir neaizvietojams!!!!

     [+] [-]

, 2006-01-08 16:55, pirms 19 gadiem
moshka viss Piestons starta 5inieks vareetu paarstaaveet ASV izlasi!

     [+] [-]

, 2006-01-08 16:55, pirms 19 gadiem
ne piestons bet pistons!

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, 2006-01-08 16:56, pirms 19 gadiem
nu un asv paarstaavees kobe

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, 2006-01-08 17:02, pirms 19 gadiem
diezgan preciizi par shaka speeleeshanu izlasee izteicaas viens amerikas portaals, kur bija mineets, ka lai asv izlase atkal sevi vareetu pieteikt kaa speeciigaakaa pasaules komanda, tai nepiecieshami labi speeleetaaji, bet ne shaks, kursh vnk ir fiziski paaraak speeciigs lai kaads pasaulee vinu vareetu nosegt. respektiivi - asv izlasei vajag paraadiit taas talantu nevis shaka speeku.

p.s. es personiigi negribu lai kobe speelee izlasee, jo nav vinsh komandas speeleetaajs, bet asv shobriid censhas izveidot komandu.
Slēpts komentārs no bloķēta lietotāja
Slēpts komentārs no bloķēta lietotāja

     [+] [-]

, 2006-01-08 17:12, pirms 19 gadiem
mulkja dankans teelo baigo krutaku...

     [+] [-]

, 2006-01-08 17:18, pirms 19 gadiem
ASV gaidāms vēlviens nenopietns sastāvs, ka izskatās. Ok, bez viena Dankana vēl ta varētu iztikt, bet ja atsakās Šaks, Dankans, tulīt ņems vēl kāds atteiksies, tad nu nekas labs tur nav gaidāms. ASV vajag savākt visus labākos un ne mazāk, savādāk uz zeltu šances mazas.

     [+] [-]

, 2006-01-08 17:23, pirms 19 gadiem
tas tikai taadeelj, ka vinji atkal negrib izblomeeties un aplauzties pret Eiropieshiem...

     [+] [-]

, 2006-01-08 17:33, pirms 19 gadiem


Pirmais publicējis laams
tas tikai taadeelj, ka vinji atkal negrib izblomeeties un aplauzties pret Eiropieshiem...

ar labaako sastaavu vini eiropieshiem uzliek miiksto!!!!!!!!!!!!!neviens eiropas baltais vai naturalizeets amiitis tur nestaav klaat!!!!!!!!

     [+] [-]

, 2006-01-08 17:37, pirms 19 gadiem
Viņi arī tikai art dažiem all stariem visus iznīcinātu, ja treners zinātu ko grib un komanda ticētu trenerim, nevis paņemt 12 labākos spēlētājus kādus var dabūt un beigās iznāk , ka neviens pat 2nīti regul';ari iemest nevar - tīri skumji, bet tā tik ir ideja no 1 komandas paņemt 1 5nieku. Pistons starting 5 visus sagrautu - viņiem var teikt ka nav vājās vietas...

     [+] [-]

, 2006-01-08 17:41, pirms 19 gadiem


Pirmais publicējis Hļebs
Viņi arī tikai art dažiem all stariem visus iznīcinātu, ja treners zinātu ko grib un komanda ticētu trenerim, nevis paņemt 12 labākos spēlētājus kādus var dabūt un beigās iznāk , ka neviens pat 2nīti regul';ari iemest nevar - tīri skumji, bet tā tik ir ideja no 1 komandas paņemt 1 5nieku. Pistons starting 5 visus sagrautu - viņiem var teikt ka nav vājās vietas...

taa ir!!!!!!iedomaajies-bens voless nostaatos ar saviem pinkainajiem matiem priekshaa eureelijam zhukauskam!!!!!!!vinsh apmaldiitos,jo nezin kas notiek!!!!!!!saaktos panika leishiem!!!!!!!!!

     [+] [-]

, 2006-01-08 17:43, pirms 19 gadiem
Man jau gribeetos redzeet taadu tas laikam nebuus reaali...

C- O'Neal / Camby /
PF- Garnet / J O'Neal / Stoudemire
SF- McGrady / James
SG- Iverson / Bryant / Wade
PG- Kidd / Davis

Manupraat shii buutu taada variaacija, ka vareetu pielaagoties jebkuriem apstaakljiem... taatad, 2 augstas klases PG (ja gadiijumaa kaads traumeejas vai kas cits notiek var ielikt arii Iversonu) .. taatad playmakings buus, tad naakamajaas 2 poziicijaas SG un SF var speeleet 3 speeleetaaji... JAmes,Kobe un T-Mac... PF un C ar ljoti universaals, O'Neal ir izteikts speeka centrs, bet paareejie 4ie un 5ie var speeleet abaas poziicijaas, Garnets vajadziibas gadiijumaa var arii kaa SF's ...

Var jau pasapnjot.. ko taada komanda dariitu ar muusu Eiropu

     [+] [-]

, 2006-01-08 17:47, pirms 19 gadiem


Pirmais publicējis ^h00P^
Man jau gribeetos redzeet taadu tas laikam nebuus reaali...

C- O'Neal / Camby /
PF- Garnet / J O'Neal / Stoudemire
SF- McGrady / James
SG- Iverson / Bryant / Wade
PG- Kidd / Davis

Manupraat shii buutu taada variaacija, ka vareetu pielaagoties jebkuriem apstaakljiem... taatad, 2 augstas klases PG (ja gadiijumaa kaads traumeejas vai kas cits notiek var ielikt arii Iversonu) .. taatad playmakings buus, tad naakamajaas 2 poziicijaas SG un SF var speeleet 3 speeleetaaji... JAmes,Kobe un T-Mac... PF un C ar ljoti universaals, O'Neal ir izteikts speeka centrs, bet paareejie 4ie un 5ie var speeleet abaas poziicijaas, Garnets vajadziibas gadiijumaa var arii kaa SF's ...

Var jau pasapnjot.. ko taada komanda dariitu ar muusu Eiropu

vienkaarshi izniicinaatu!!!!!!!!!!

     [+] [-]

, 2006-01-08 18:00, pirms 19 gadiem
nu manuprat nevajadzetu spiest uz baigam zvaigznem, bet sataisiitu tadu komandu kas grib pieradit un atdod visu savu speku katraa machaa , lai butu saliedeeta komanda un plus vel diezgan meistariigi katraa poziicijaa !!!

     [+] [-]

, 2006-01-08 18:06, pirms 19 gadiem
Vispaar... tas manis ieprieksh mineetais sastaavs buutu neapstaadinaams, ja vien vareetu sapseeleeties... bet ja iznaaks HEAT gadiijums... tad atkal augstaak par bronzu var netikt... uzvaru nesoshs sastaavs buutu taads... MANUPRAAT, lai nesaaktu te dazhi [cenzēts]

C - Wallace / Stoudemire / Mourning
PF - Brand / Martin
SF - Lewis / Carter
SG - Redd / Allen / James
PG - Kidd / Davis

Shinii nebuutu taadu individuaalistu kaa kobe un Iverson... sheit noteikti domineetu komandas speele, un Davisam nevajadzeetu mest sasteigtus metienus, jo buutu respekteejama groza apaksha...

     [+] [-]

, 2006-01-08 18:27, pirms 19 gadiem
Taa kaa dazhi ASV izlases puzles gabali ir zinaami, es piedaavaju sastaavu, kaadu ses domaaju vajadzeetu izveeleeties
C Amare / Shaq
PF Merions / D Hovards
SF Pols Piirss/ Maikls Reds
SG Kobe / Aiversons
PG Arenas jau uzaicinaats/ Kriss Pols

Kobe, Arenass, Reds ir jau uzaicinaati un vinji ir piekritushi speeleet. Amaarijs un Merions ir sanjeemushi uzaicinaajumus.Aiversons grib zeltu un visticamaak speeelees arii. Kriss Pols - jauns, jau pirmajaa gadaa kruts, 2008 buus veel labaaks un vinju noteikti vajadzeetu iekljaut.

     [+] [-]

, 2006-01-08 18:27, pirms 19 gadiem
Paaris raksti par ASV izlasi:


A whole new world

USA Basketball takes new approach to Olympic team
Posted: Tuesday January 3, 2006 11:21AM; Updated: Tuesday January 3, 2006 6:15PM

Kobe Bryant has received the call. So has LeBron James. Allen Iverson might get his this week.

Yes, it's time to start thinking about the Olympics again. USA Basketball has begun the process of putting together the team that will compete in Beijing in 2008. Duke's Mike Krzyzewski already has been named coach. Now it's just a matter of finding players.

Suns CEO Jerry Colangelo, who has been given charge of putting together the men's senior team, has reportedly contacted 30 to 35 NBA players and is expected to announce a core group of six to 12 by the end of the month. No player has been officially named to the team just yet. But Bryant and James are among the handful who have confirmed that they have been contacted.

"I feel pretty good about it," James said recently. "I think most likely if I decide to be part of the team, I think it will be much better experience than it was two summers ago."

"[Colangelo] said he and Coach K are excited to have me play on the team," Bryant told the Orange County Register. "He wanted to know where I stood as far as my commitment and time. I just told him: It's not a problem to me. Whatever you need me to do, I'll do. I'll be there. The important thing is us getting that gold back."

Embarrassed by its bronze medal finish in the '04 Games (and a sixth-place finish at the World Championships in '02) USA Basketball is changing the way it goes about putting together the next Team USA. Gone are the days when the U.S. team would consist of 12 NBA All-Stars thrown together for a month. This next Olympic team, Colangelo vows, will consist of the right mix of players. It will also require players to give a three-year commitment in some form, with some likely to be asked to compete at the '06 World Championships in Japan.

"The international game is a lot different game than people truly recognize," Colangelo said when he took the post last April. "It's more than just the trapezoid lane compared to our lane. It's a different game, and so as you prepare a team you need role players, you need players who can shoot the ball, pass the ball and understand the game as much as you need players who are just athletic."

In other words, the 2008 Olympic team might have a few lesser-known guys playing alongside bigger-name stars like Kobe and LeBron. Think Michael Redd, Kirk Hinrich, Shane Battier, Brad Miller. Maybe even a Brian Cardinal.

Some of the NBA's biggest names, in fact, have appeared lukewarm to the idea of playing in '08 -- especially if it involves a three-year commitment. Shaq, Tim Duncan and Kevin Garnett, for example, are all considered unlikely to participate. Each has represented the U.S. in previous Olympics.

Colangelo says the reception overall, however, has been enthusiastic. He won't comment on his conversations, but several players in recent days have come out and said they would love to be on his call list. Dwyane Wade, Jermaine O'Neal, Elton Brand and Iverson are just a handful of All-Stars who have said they would be interested. Iverson could get his chance to meet with Colangelo on Wednesday, when the Sixers play at Phoenix.

As for James, he too seems genuinely interested. While he has expressed frustration in the past about his stint at the Athens Games, the 21-year-old Cavs phenom now seems open-minded. Before a game in Chicago a few weeks back, he was asked why he felt this Olympic experience might be better than his previous one.

"I think knowing what I got myself into two summers ago, I didn't get a full-fledged explanation of what my role was going to be," James said. "I think this time I will. Also, just knowing what the Olympic experience is and being more comfortable with it."

If nothing else, Colangelo's work this month should help make clear to James and other NBA stars what this next Olympic commitment will entail. If they don't want to do it, Team USA will move on without them.

     [+] [-]

, 2006-01-08 18:29, pirms 19 gadiem



Boston Herald: In appreciation of the improvements Paul Pierce has made in his game and his attitude, Doc Rivers is looking to add to his 5,360 regular-season and playoff career assists.

The Celtics coach said yesterday he will work the phones to promote Pierce’s candidacy for the U.S. national team.

Rivers would like to see that kind of play rewarded with a berth on the U.S. team as it works toward the next Olympics, and he’s ready to boost his phone bill to do it.

“I’ve got a great relationship with most guys out there on the committee,” Rivers said. “But at the end of the day, Paul just has to keep doing what he’s doing. Your game will talk for itself. As much as I’m going to make the calls, what he’s doing will say the most for him.

“Paul has proven that he’s a different player, a different guy. I mean, he’s been phenomenal and I think he will earn it. If he doesn’t earn it, then that will be a shame. But I do think that he will be on. . . . your play and your actions always speak, and I think Paul’s play and actions are starting to speak pretty loudly around the league.”

Rivers’ actions here are speaking to Pierce. Told yesterday morning that his coach was planning to campaign for him, Pierce said, “I definitely appreciate that. I think coach has a big influence around the league. He’s the one that sees me the most, and the coaches pretty much talk to each other all the time. To hear that he wants to do that for me, that’s big.

Boston Herald: Charged with returning USA basketball to its glory days, Jerry Colangelo hopes to name a core group of five to six players to the team by the new year. While it's unlikely Paul Pierce will be among that number, the Celtics captain has previously stated he would like to be considered.

''I think it would be a great honor to be able to go back once again and represent the USA and have a chance to win a gold medal," Pierce added yesterday before the Celtics beat the Knicks, 102-99. ''Regardless of what happened on the US team when I played a few years ago, I'm a lot older, a lot more mature, and I'll be willing to accept my role, whatever that may be."

Executive director of basketball operations Danny Ainge supports Pierce in his desire to play for Team USA. Ainge plans to talk with Colangelo about putting Pierce on the national team destined for the 2008 Olympics. Colangelo and Ainge have a strong relationship dating to the days Ainge played and coached in Phoenix.

''Absolutely, I will do that," said Ainge. ''I will never do it for players just because they're my players. If I feel they're worthy of something and I feel they deserve something, I will be the first one to be their campaign manager. At this stage, I feel what Paul has done in his career, the maturing that he's gone through, his age, and his experience [make him a good candidate]. I think Paul would like a second crack at it. I believe he's ready to play with that group of guys."

Ainge has no worries about the three-year commitment required of NBA players, calling Pierce a ''basketball junkie" who won't wear down mentally or physically. A willingness to make that commitment could help the Pierce candidacy.

''That's a big commitment that hasn't been set upon us before when playing for USA teams, and guys are going to take that into consideration," said Pierce, who had 28 points yesterday. ''Some guys are going to be injured, some guys are going to be coming up on contract years, so a lot of things play into that when you make that three-year commitment.

''There's definitely been an adjustment knowing that you've got a three-year commitment, knowing that Team USA struggled the last time out. So they really want to put extra emphasis on making sure things go right this time around."

     [+] [-]

, 2006-01-08 18:29, pirms 19 gadiem


Journal Times: Even before Jerry Colangelo met with Michael Redd last week at a swank Chicago hotel, he knew quite a bit about Michael Redd's myriad basketball abilities.

That is why Colangelo, the chairman and chief executive officer of the Phoenix Suns who is overseeing the selection of the 2008 United States Olympics men's basketball team, arranged for an interview with Redd in the first place.

Colangelo believes Redd, with his exceptional perimeter shooting skills, could be a valuable asset for the U.S. team.

"He's a very talented young guy,'' Colangelo said in a telephone interview from his office in Phoenix Tuesday. "He can score, and he can shoot. Those are strong attributes when putting together an international team.''

Indeed, the 6-foot-6 Redd is averaging 24.8 points a game and shooting a blistering .468 from 3-point range. He is a career 40 percent 3-point shooter. But while Redd’s scoring and shooting assets helped him gain consideration for the U.S. Olympic team, Colangelo wanted to get a better feel for Redd's personality and measure how interested he was in representing his country in the 2008 Games, which will be held in Beijing, China.

Colangelo had an in-depth and candid conversation with Redd for approximately 1 1/2 hours, and came away even more impressed with the 26-year-old.

"The interview went extremely well,'' Colangelo said. "He's a fine young man. He should be very proud of what he's accomplished. He's a good one, a good person. Everyone speaks very highly of him.
"He came as advertised.''

Colangelo said Redd was one of around 30 players whom he has interviewed or will interview before the NBA All-Star Game in February. Colangelo has said he wants a three-year commitment from the players he chooses. He said Redd was up front with him during the interview and appreciated his candor.

"He told me about his personal situation,'' Colangelo said. "He told me he's getting married this summer and about his honeymoon. So, there's a little bit of a conflict there. But we talked that through also.''
While Colangelo was impressed by Redd's words, he was just as impressed by his actions.

"He jumped into a limo and it took him 2 1/2 hours to get there,'' Colangelo said. "I was really impressed that he'd go out of the way on his off day to do this. That shows you something about him.''

Colangelo said after he's done interviewing candidates for the team, he'll whittle the field to 20. Colangelo politely refused to reveal any of the players on his list, although guard Kobe Bryant of the Los Angeles Lakers recently said he would be on the team. Dwyane Wade, a former Marquette University and current Miami Heat star, is also believed to be on Colangelo's short list.

In addition to the 30 players Colangelo will personally interview, it is believed he'll assemble another group of about 15 players who are either in high school, college or young NBA players. They’ll be evaluated and given serious consideration for future international competition.

Colangelo declined to mention any candidates for that group, but there has been speculation that New Orleans/Oklahoma City guard Chris Paul, New York forward-center Channing Frye and Bucks point guard T.J. Ford will be among the top prospects.

     [+] [-]

, 2006-01-08 18:30, pirms 19 gadiem


The Free Lance-Star : GILBERT ARENAS SAYS he’s been contacted by USA basketball managing director Jerry Colangelo about becoming a member of the U.S. national team.

The Washington Wizards point guard said he would accept an invitation to join the squad, which will compete at the world championships in Japan this summer and at the 2008 Olympics in Beijing.

“I couldn’t keep a smile off my face just to be mentioned,” Arenas told The Free Lance–Star. “Even if they don’t pick me, just to be thought about is a great honor. [Colangelo] asked me for a com mitment, and I have no problem with that.”

Arenas says Colangelo told him a small group of players will be selected in January while the rest of the pool—which is expected to total about 20 players—will be chosen in February.

“I told [Colangelo] like I tell everybody,” Arenas said, “If I’m not playing with you guys in the Olympics, I’m going to be playing basketball on the street anyway.”

     [+] [-]

, 2006-01-08 18:30, pirms 19 gadiem


ESPN: Allen Iverson wants to be a part of the U.S. basketball team for the 2006 world championships and 2008 Olympics, USA Basketball managing director Jerry Colangelo said.

Colangelo met with Iverson on Wednesday before the Philadelphia 76ers played the Phoenix Suns.

"He wants to win a gold medal," said Colangelo, the chairman and CEO of the Suns. "He said that very clearly. He said if asked, he would be honored."

Colangelo, solely in charge of developing the pool of players invited to the team's training camp, plans to meet later this week with Shaquille O'Neal, Dwyane Wade and Tim Duncan. The Suns host the Miami Heat on Friday night and the San Antonio Spurs on Saturday.

Colangelo said he had never spoken at length with Iverson and wondered how the talk would go.

"He looked me right in the eye and said it would be an honor for him," Colangelo said. "It was a very positive experience."

Iverson was co-captain and the leading scorer on the U.S. team that won the bronze medal at the 2004 Olympics in Athens.

Colangelo has made it clear that the U.S. team would not be a collection of superstars hastily put together. Instead, he wants a group, including role players, that would make a three-year commitment to participate in the camps and form a cohesive team for the worlds this year in Japan and the Olympics in Beijing.

Colangelo said he planned to announce the first batch of players for the camp by the NBA's All-Star break in mid-February.

Colangelo indicated that the Suns could have two players invited -- Shawn Marion and Amare Stoudemire. Colangelo called Marion "the most underrated player in the league." He also said that Stoudemire, out for at least four months following knee surgery, agreed to make the three-year commitment "about 30 seconds" into their conversation.

     [+] [-]

, 2006-01-08 18:33, pirms 19 gadiem
Mans variants lai ASV buutu arii komandas speele!!!!!

C - Wallace / Camby
PF - Brand / Stoudemire / Garnet
SF - Anthony / Lewis
SG - Allen / James / Artest
PG - Billups / Kidd

     [+] [-]

, 2006-01-08 18:33, pirms 19 gadiem
es teiktu, ka paskataties dream team speeli pret horvaatiem, gadu gan nezinu, bet ihackaa var dabuut tagad un tad spriediet to, ka zvaigznes nemaak saspeeleeties. visu maak, ja ir kas piespiezh, treneri vajag, treneri vajag + vajag speeleet priekam

     [+] [-]

, 2006-01-08 18:40, pirms 19 gadiem
Nu jau mees te Artestu saakam smagi paarveerteet...nekas tur iipash no vina nav...nevajag te paarspiileet...average speeleetaajs, tas arii viss.

     [+] [-]

, 2006-01-08 18:44, pirms 19 gadiem


Pirmais publicējis matleets
Nu jau mees te Artestu saakam smagi paarveerteet...nekas tur iipash no vina nav...nevajag te paarspiileet...average speeleetaajs, tas arii viss.

NU ne gluzhi, jo vinsh tomeer ir viens no labaakajiem aizsardziibas speeleetaajiem NBA un arii uzbrukuma arsenaals vinjam naw nemaz tik slikts!!!!!
UN kaapeec tad Pacers neko nevar paraadiit kaa Artests nekapaa????

     [+] [-]

, 2006-01-08 18:57, pirms 19 gadiem
Nav nekaads iipashai zaudeejums ja nebuus Tima
Man gribeetos lai ASV izlasee piedaliitos
C - WalleceCamby
PF - GarnettStoudemire
SF - JamesAnthonyMcGrady
SG - BryantIversonHughes
PG - DavisArenas vai Billups
Ar shaadu sastaavu vinji buutu neuzvarami

     [+] [-]

, 2006-01-08 19:05, pirms 19 gadiem
juus paaraak esat saskatiijushies NBA labaakos momentus...panjemtu vinjus cieshaak aizsardziibaa un vaaks buutu! pat ar zonu pietiktu!

     [+] [-]

, 2006-01-08 19:08, pirms 19 gadiem


Pirmais publicējis laams
juus paaraak esat saskatiijushies NBA labaakos momentus...panjemtu vinjus cieshaak aizsardziibaa un vaaks buutu! pat ar zonu pietiktu!

ASV jau reekjinaas, ka pret vinjiem izmantos zonu, taapeec Kolandzhelo teica, ka vajag atleetiskus speeletaajus, snaiperus un vienkaarshi labus speeleetaajus.
1 2 3 4 118 komentāri