fucking awesome. broke as fuck, no job, barely going to school, need a haircut, new shoes, car fucking up. but hey, got a fucking concert this fucking friday where a bunch of fucking die hards will be there to recite my fucking verse and who would suck my dick for a hi five. fucking swag me out. got damn, im fucking depressed, i want to fucking just fucking kill myself. fuck. i personally thnk im going to die on friday. gonna be way to fucking hyper and trying to perform, my fucking asthma is going to flare up to the max, adrenaline pumping, then lungs are going to close more and more, im gonna try to take a puff of my inhaler, thinking its gonna work i keep performing, then BAM,. im on the floor. dead. fucking DEAD. truthfully, i dont if ill be happier that way. i mean, i wont, but, fuck it. if you want, you should come to the show. info is at oddfuture.com. fuck t im gonna rant some more. my bitch ass mom is bugging on me. she failled as a fucking parent. all my life she wanted me too be something that im not. she would prolly be suprised her son has made a name for himself among teenagers and fucking college students all around the nation, videos with over 30 thousand plays and a fucking album that has done really fucking well with no site or anyone big to tell people to cop.
sportacentrs.com parasts lietotājs, reģistrējies pirms 12 gadiem, 2013. gada 2. aprīlī.
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