Ivanānam kautiņš, "Kings" uzvara Čikāgā
Nacionālās hokeja līgas regulārā čempionāta spēlē uzvaru izcīnījis Raita Ivanāna pārstāvētā komanda Losandželosas "Kings" izbraukuma spēlē ar rezultātu 2:1 pārspēja Čikāgas "Blackhawks" hokejistus.
Raitis Ivanāns laukumā pavadīja gandrīz četrarpus minūtes, izdarīja vienu spēka paņēmienu, vienu reizi meta pa pretinieku vārtiem, kā arī izkāvās ar Deividu Koči. Kopumā Ivanāns sapelnīja 9 soda minūtes (2 min. un 2+5 min.), bet spēli noslēdza ar neitrālu lietderības koeficientu.
Citā mačā, joprojām spēlējot bez Kārļa Skrastiņa sastāvā, zaudējumu piedzīvoja Kolorado "Avalanche", izbraukumā pēcspēles metienu sērijā ar 3:4 piekāpjoties Edmontonas "Oilers" hokejistiem. Izšķirošo un Edmontonas kluba uzvaru nesošo "bullīti" iemeta Mārtijs Rīzeners. Lieliski "Oilers" vārtus sargāja Dveins Rolosons kurš atvairīja 43 no 46 pretinieku metieniem, kā arī tvēra visus četrus "Avalanche" hokejistu raidījumus pēcspēles metienu sērijā.
Video: Ivanāna - Koči kautiņš
Nacionālā hokeja līga.
Rezultāti (23. marts)
Bufalo "Sabres" – Toronto "Maple Leafs" 5:4
Čikāgas "Blackhawks" – Losandželosas "Kings" 1:2
Edmontonas "Oilers" – Kolorado "Avalanche" 4:3 (pēcspēles metienu sērijā)
Anaheimas "Ducks" – Dalasas "Stars" 3:2 (spēles pagarinājumā)
Izmantotie resursi:
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p.s. to marcelitos
PČ par kautiņu diskvalificē uz nākamo spēli ...
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Vienīgi ja nu kāds skatītājs ar savu kameru nofilmējis....
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Vienigaa vieta - Black Hawks lapaa Speles apskats, bet nikanais kautinjsh!Ivanans galigi izgjerbaas!
kachaat: http://yy.lv/download.php
(bet pagaidit kamer ieladejaas, pagarsh fails....
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Great scrap. They grab on and almost immediately start trading rights back and forth with left jersey jabs going at the same time. Koci did a little better here in the first part of the fight and managed to dodge a huge right that probably could've sent him down to the ice. Both their helmets come off and Koci gets Ivanans' jersey up and throws four or five lefts, a few landing but nothing major. They trade a few rights again as Ivanans's jersey comes up over his head completely and he can see again. They keep trying to get an advantage and grapple with each other before Ivanans looks to land a nice right. They struggle for position again and Ivanans shakes his right elbow pad off. Ivanans kind of takes over at this point, landing a few rights before spinning Koci around and hitting Koci with a left to the side/back of the head. Then Ivanans lands a few more decent rights but at this point they're both completely exhausted and the linesmen come in.
Koci early, pretty even in the middle, Ivanans late. It's a draw.
Bet gan jau Kamaziņš Ivanānam uzvaru ''noformēs'''...
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Publicējis oxa
Video BUUS!!!
Vienigaa vieta - Black Hawks lapaa Speles apskats, bet nikanais kautinjsh!Ivanans galigi izgjerbaas!
kachaat: http://yy.lv/download.php
(bet pagaidit kamer ieladejaas, pagarsh fails....
Paldies! Noskatījos. Žēl, ka beigās arī Ivanānam aizsita elpu, jo Koci tikai stāvēja... Manuprāt- neizšķirts.
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Publicējis b2
Kaut kā vēl neizdodas nolādēt, bet dropyourglovēs izlasīju-
Great scrap. They grab on and almost immediately start trading rights back and forth with left jersey jabs going at the same time. Koci did a little better here in the first part of the fight and managed to dodge a huge right that probably could've sent him down to the ice. Both their helmets come off and Koci gets Ivanans' jersey up and throws four or five lefts, a few landing but nothing major. They trade a few rights again as Ivanans's jersey comes up over his head completely and he can see again. They keep trying to get an advantage and grapple with each other before Ivanans looks to land a nice right. They struggle for position again and Ivanans shakes his right elbow pad off. Ivanans kind of takes over at this point, landing a few rights before spinning Koci around and hitting Koci with a left to the side/back of the head. Then Ivanans lands a few more decent rights but at this point they're both completely exhausted and the linesmen come in.
Koci early, pretty even in the middle, Ivanans late. It's a draw.
Bet gan jau Kamaziņš Ivanānam uzvaru ''noformēs'''...
formāli tikai vārdos varu to izdarīt
paldies b2 par video, jāpagaida wmv formātā
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Publicējis kamazinsh
Publicējis b2
Kaut kā vēl neizdodas nolādēt, bet dropyourglovēs izlasīju-
Great scrap. They grab on and almost immediately start trading rights back and forth with left jersey jabs going at the same time. Koci did a little better here in the first part of the fight and managed to dodge a huge right that probably could've sent him down to the ice. Both their helmets come off and Koci gets Ivanans' jersey up and throws four or five lefts, a few landing but nothing major. They trade a few rights again as Ivanans's jersey comes up over his head completely and he can see again. They keep trying to get an advantage and grapple with each other before Ivanans looks to land a nice right. They struggle for position again and Ivanans shakes his right elbow pad off. Ivanans kind of takes over at this point, landing a few rights before spinning Koci around and hitting Koci with a left to the side/back of the head. Then Ivanans lands a few more decent rights but at this point they're both completely exhausted and the linesmen come in.
Koci early, pretty even in the middle, Ivanans late. It's a draw.
Bet gan jau Kamaziņš Ivanānam uzvaru ''noformēs'''...
formāli tikai vārdos varu to izdarīt
paldies b2 par video, jāpagaida wmv formātā
Paldies par video jāsaka oxam, jo viņš vainīgais...
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Publicējis b2
Publicējis oxa
Video BUUS!!!
Vienigaa vieta - Black Hawks lapaa Speles apskats, bet nikanais kautinjsh!Ivanans galigi izgjerbaas!
kachaat: http://yy.lv/download.php
(bet pagaidit kamer ieladejaas, pagarsh fails....
Paldies! Noskatījos. Žēl, ka beigās arī Ivanānam aizsita elpu, jo Koci tikai stāvēja... Manuprāt- neizšķirts.
Jā, OXA, paldies par VIDEO, reāli niknais kautiņš - Austrumeiropas duelis
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The fight starts at the blue line with each player throwing a few rights along with a few jersey jabs. Then Ivanans throws a couple of rights followed by a couple from Koci. Then Koci gets Ivanans' sweater over his head and throws a flurry of lefts. Ivanans then gets the sweater off and fires back with a right. Then Koci fires three rights followed by two from Ivanans. They then trade a few more followed by a short flurry of rights from Ivanans (at this point they're clearly exhausted and the linesman come in). Good spirited bout. I'd call it a solid draw, but could see a slight edge either way. The fight's at the 1:45 mark of the clip.
Izskatās, ka laikam Lavīnu mēģinājums iekļūt playoffos ir galā pēc šī zāģa.
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Publicējis Pidrinkjis
beigas labi var redzeet kaa ivanaans uzkachaajies beigas vinjsh tieshaam labaak sameta pa gjiimi
Varēja redzēt, ka tas ''skapis'' nau uzpolsterēts, bet gan tīrā gaļa...
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Lai gan 100000 reizes redzēta bilde, tomēr ielikšu vēlreiz!
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Gribētos lai Raitis noslēdz veiksmīgi sezonu, un kapēc lai neizdara to ar tīru uzvaru pret milzi Bugārdu???
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