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Lāgerbeks: "Grupa ir grūta priekš visiem"

Edmunds Novickis
Edmunds Novickis @EdmundsN

Zviedrijas izlases galvenais treneris Larss Lāgerbeks jau paspējis komentēt 2008.gada Eiropas futbola čempionāta kvalifikācijas turnīra grupu izlozi: "Tā ir sarežģīta grupa, bet var teikt, ka tas tā ir priekš visiem."

Lāgerbeks turpina: "Spānija un Dānija ir lieliski pretinieki, bet Ziemeļīrija, iespējams, ir spēcīgākā komanda no 6. groza." Latvijas izlasi Lāgerbeks nepiemin, lai gan noteikti nav aizmirsis savas komandas nespēju iesist kaut vienus vārtus pret mūsu izlasi divās pagājušā cikla spēlēs.

Zviedri nav vēlējušies A grupu, toties ir apmierināti, ka varēs samēroties spēkiem ar kaimiņiem dāņiem.

Izmantotie resursi:

     [+] [-]

, 2006-01-27 14:40, pirms 19 gadiem
ja jau nepiemin, ta jau baidaas

     [+] [-]

, 2006-01-27 14:42, pirms 19 gadiem
Vajadzeetu atkal shiem vietu ieraadiit!!!

     [+] [-]

, 2006-01-27 15:01, pirms 19 gadiem
Laikam Vikingam galvaa sakaapis!!!

     [+] [-]

, 2006-01-27 15:08, pirms 19 gadiem
futbolistiem jāņem piemērs no Skrastiņa

     [+] [-]

, 2006-01-27 15:54, pirms 19 gadiem
Lai atcerās kā Nilsonam sanāca...

     [+] [-]

, 2006-01-27 16:27, pirms 19 gadiem
Nu Svensoni, pēdējā lakā ir riktīgi nekaunīgi palikuši attiecībā pret Latviju! Jāseko Kārļa piemēram!

     [+] [-]

, 2006-01-27 16:52, pirms 19 gadiem
ja jau nepiemin tad nenoverte, tas labi ka nenoverte vieglak bus zviedrus uzvaret!

     [+] [-]

, 2006-01-27 17:00, pirms 19 gadiem

New Republic of Ireland manager Steve Staunton said he was quite happy with the Euro 2008 draw despite being up against Germany and the Czech Republic.
"It could have been a lot worse. We always knew it would be tough," said Staunton whose side also face Wales, Slovakia, Cyprus and San Marino.

"Slovakia just missed out on qualifying for the World Cup, and Cyprus have caused us problems recently.

"But, for travelling and everything, it is not a bad draw."

The Republic, under Brian Kerr, beat Cyprus twice in the qualifying series for the World Cup but were relieved to get away with a 1-0 sucess in the away match last October.

"But for keeper Shay Given we could have come away with no points," added Staunton.

"It is a competitive group and I am excited about it.

"I do not see any one team running away with it. The Czech Republic, as number one seeds, will be favourites.

"Germany, like ourselves, have been in transition, but they still qualified for the World Cup.

"Two places are up for grabs, you do not have to qualify though the play-offs and I think everybody is happy with that.

"I am a young manager and I am going straight home to contact Bobby Robson. He has the experience of playing against most of these countries, especially Germany.

"I will be using his expertise. I think we can work well together against these teams."

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, 2006-01-27 17:02, pirms 19 gadiem


Northern Ireland manager Lawrie Sanchez believes Friday's Euro 2008 draw offers plenty of opportunities to his team.
N Ireland will take on Sweden, Spain, Denmark, Latvia, Iceland and Liechtenstein in Group F.

"At first I thought it was not what I wanted but the more you look at the draw you realise that it is very good," Sanchez told BBC Sport.

"If we do things right there are a lot of points to be garnished in this qualifying group."

He added: "I know Spain and Sweden are the top seeds but there are plenty of points to be had.

"Latvia, Iceland and Liechtenstein - I expect to get points off those teams while Denmark should take points off Sweden."

Sanchez also pointed to the off-the-pitch attractions of his group opponents.

"We can get everywhere in the group in three hours which is good for the team and especially the fans," said the former Wimbledon player.

"The countries we have to visit have got beautiful cities and culturally they are great trips.

"We also know that the facilities will be very good in each country."

A meeting will be held in Copenhagen on 14 February to decide the schedule of fixtures in the group.

     [+] [-]

, 2006-01-27 17:03, pirms 19 gadiem


Publicējis skotijs

New Republic of Ireland manager Steve Staunton said he was quite happy with the Euro 2008 draw despite being up against Germany and the Czech Republic.
"It could have been a lot worse. We always knew it would be tough," said Staunton whose side also face Wales, Slovakia, Cyprus and San Marino.

"Slovakia just missed out on qualifying for the World Cup, and Cyprus have caused us problems recently.

"But, for travelling and everything, it is not a bad draw."

The Republic, under Brian Kerr, beat Cyprus twice in the qualifying series for the World Cup but were relieved to get away with a 1-0 sucess in the away match last October.

"But for keeper Shay Given we could have come away with no points," added Staunton.

"It is a competitive group and I am excited about it.

"I do not see any one team running away with it. The Czech Republic, as number one seeds, will be favourites.

"Germany, like ourselves, have been in transition, but they still qualified for the World Cup.

"Two places are up for grabs, you do not have to qualify though the play-offs and I think everybody is happy with that.

"I am a young manager and I am going straight home to contact Bobby Robson. He has the experience of playing against most of these countries, especially Germany.

"I will be using his expertise. I think we can work well together against these teams."

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Šķiet tās nav nevis Ziemeļīru, bet gan īru domas par izlozi

     [+] [-]

, 2006-01-27 17:34, pirms 19 gadiem


Publicējis jdex


Publicējis skotijs

New Republic of Ireland manager Steve Staunton said he was quite happy with the Euro 2008 draw despite being up against Germany and the Czech Republic.
"It could have been a lot worse. We always knew it would be tough," said Staunton whose side also face Wales, Slovakia, Cyprus and San Marino.

"Slovakia just missed out on qualifying for the World Cup, and Cyprus have caused us problems recently.

"But, for travelling and everything, it is not a bad draw."

The Republic, under Brian Kerr, beat Cyprus twice in the qualifying series for the World Cup but were relieved to get away with a 1-0 sucess in the away match last October.

"But for keeper Shay Given we could have come away with no points," added Staunton.

"It is a competitive group and I am excited about it.

"I do not see any one team running away with it. The Czech Republic, as number one seeds, will be favourites.

"Germany, like ourselves, have been in transition, but they still qualified for the World Cup.

"Two places are up for grabs, you do not have to qualify though the play-offs and I think everybody is happy with that.

"I am a young manager and I am going straight home to contact Bobby Robson. He has the experience of playing against most of these countries, especially Germany.

"I will be using his expertise. I think we can work well together against these teams."

Z-īru domas par izlozi!

Šķiet tās nav nevis Ziemeļīru, bet gan īru domas par izlozi

lol pareizi

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, 2006-01-27 18:44, pirms 19 gadiem


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Lai atcerās kā Nilsonam sanāca...

laikam tas treneris atceraas kaa Nilsonam sanaaca