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Rojs Kīns pamet Mančestras "United"


Ilggadējais Mančestras „United” kapteinis Rojs Kīns šodien pēc vienošanās ar kluba vadību nolēmis pamest komandu. Kīns šajā klubā pavadīja 12 ar pusi sezonas.

„Man ir bijis liels gods un privilēģija spēlēt 12 gadus Mančestras „United”. Šajā laikā esmu spēlējis kopā ar labākajiem futbolistiem pasaulē, labāko līdzjutēju pasaulē priekšā. Lai gan šī ir skumja diena, domāju, ka ir pienācis laiks doties. Pēc tik daudziem gadiem man pietrūks ikviena šajā klubā,” sacīja Kīns.

Pagaidām nav zināms, ko Kīns gatavojas darīt turpmāk. Kā viens no Kīna iespējamajiem jaunajiem klubiem tiek minēts Glāzgovas „Celtic”. Tāpat Kīna vārds parādās spekulācijās par Irījas izlases galvenā trenera amatu.
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     [+] [-]

, 2005-11-18 17:46, pirms 19 gadiem
Arī es domāju, ka pienācis laiks aiziet. Vajag svaigas asinis MU viņa vietā. Kā Ballaku piemēram.

     [+] [-]

, 2005-11-18 17:57, pirms 19 gadiem
Lai nu ko ko, bet Ballaku Man U nu toča nevaig! Man U vaig jaunos talantus - moš kādu no jaunajiem holandiešiem vai ko tmldz.

     [+] [-]

, 2005-11-18 18:08, pirms 19 gadiem
Būtu intresanti viņu redzēt kā Īrijas galveno treneri Tad neviens tur vairs neslaistītos un būtu jēdzīgi trenniņi.

Tā grāmatā ir baigi labā

     [+] [-]

, 2005-11-18 19:16, pirms 19 gadiem
zheel...patika kaa speeleetaajs un tieshi MU ://

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, 2005-11-18 20:25, pirms 19 gadiem
Bhoys interested in Keane
By Simon Fudge - Created on 18 Nov 2005

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Celtic have confirmed they would be interested in speaking with former Manchester United captain Roy Keane.

The Old Firm club's response comes after Friday's announcement that the former Republic of Ireland international had suddenly left The Red Devils by mutual consent.

A life-long Bhoys fan, the 34-year-old stated in the past that he would love the chance to play for the Scottish giants before the end of his playing career.

With the former Nottingham Forest midfielder surprisingly deciding to end his 12-year spell at Old Trafford at this stage of the season, speculation has immediately linked the fiery Irishman with a move north to Parkhead.

The news has prompted Celtic to declare that they have not spoken with Keane or his representatives at this stage, but expressed they would consider opening talks with the midfielder in the future.

"Roy Keane was a magnificent player and servant for Manchester United, but he also knows all about Celtic," a Celtic spokesperson told the club's official website.

"If, at any time, Roy would like to speak to us about his future and Celtic's, we would be only too happy to speak to him, but as yet there have been no discussions."

Should Gordon Strachan's side make a move for Keane, it would likely be with a view to a deal in the January transfer window, when Keane will be free to sign for a new club.

With Keane moving on from Old Trafford, Manchester United legend Lou Macari told Sky Sports News that the midfielder will miss being a Red Devil.

"No matter what Roy may say in the weeks and months ahead, Roy will be gutted that he is no longer a Manchester United player," Macari said.

"It has been his life for his last 13 years and you are not at one club for all those years unless you enjoy being there.

"Obviously, Roy enjoyed being a Manchester United player."

Macari believes there may be a chance that Keane might return to United to manage the club, but not to expect it in the near future.

"It's not that easy to be manager of Manchester United because you have been a fantastic player," added Macari.

"I wouldn't for one minute think Roy expected that to happen.

"Roy has said among his close friends that he will serve an apprenticeship somewhere and if things go okay for him, then one day, he will have a big job and that job could be Manchester United.

"I think there is a long, long way to go before you can talk about Roy being Manchester United manager."

Meanwhile, Celtic chairman Brian Quinn is to undergo an operation to replace a defective heart valve next week.

The 69-year-old will have the scheduled operation in a London hospital before taking several weeks to recuperate from the surgery.

Board director Brian Wilson will assume the position of acting chairman during Quinn's absence.

"I've known for some months that I needed this operation and it's been a matter of scheduling it in," said Quinn.

"I'm looking forward to getting back into the fray before too long."

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, 2005-11-18 20:25, pirms 19 gadiem
Beckham: Fans will be upset
By Adam Marshall - Created on 18 Nov 2005

David Beckham admits Roy Keane's exit from Manchester United is a shock and believes the Old Trafford supporters will be very upset with the news.

The Real Madrid midfielder, preparing for El Clasico on Saturday against Barcelona on Sky Sports 2, responded to Friday's dramatic news that the former Republic of Ireland captain is leaving United with immediate effect.

Beckham played alongside Keane in midfield as United completed the Treble in 1999 and is as stunned by the departure as the club's fans.

"It's a big shock," he told Sky Sports News. "Still, really, because Roy Keane's been at Manchester United for 12 years, I think it's been.

"He's been one of the best servants for United, won everything in his career on the club side and it is a big shock because I thought he'd stay there for a few more years; go into coaching maybe.

"He's made his decision and everyone will respect his decision.

"I know the fans will be upset because they loved him down there. So did I, when I played there.

"He was a great leader. The best thing about Roy Keane was you knew where you stood with him. If you did something wrong, he'd tell you, but if you played well, he'd also tell you in his own way."

Beckham admitted Keane has been a major influence on his career.

"When you've got a captain like that, leading the team and the players, of course every player looks up to him for leadership," he stated.

"What he did for me and the rest of the team is one of the reasons why we won so many trophies at that club because of the inspiration he gave to the team."

The Real Galactico also tipped Keane to have a bright future in the coaching side of the game.

"One day he could become a manager," he continued. "I'm not saying right away because it's difficult to go straight into a manager's job when you are as young as he is.

"But I believe his potential to succeed in whatever he does is very high."

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, 2005-11-18 20:26, pirms 19 gadiem
Reaction to Roy Keane's departure

Roy Keane (left) and former team-mate David Beckham
Roy Keane's career statistics
David Beckham said Manchester United have lost "a great leader" following Roy Keane's decision to leave the club.

"The fans will be upset because they loved him down there - and so did I when I played there," he said.

"He was a great leader. The best thing about Roy Keane is that you knew where you stood with him.

"If you did something wrong he'd tell you but if you did it right then he'd also tell you - in his own way. Every player looks up to him for leadership."

Beckham, who played alongside Keane for several seasons in United's midfield, said the Irishman's input was one of the reasons for the club's success in recent times.

"It is a big shock because I thought he'd stay there for a few more years, and go into coaching maybe, but he's made his decision and everyone will respect his decision," he said.

But while Beckham was shocked, Steve McClaren, former assistant boss at United and now manager of Middlesbrough, said only the timing of the announcement came as a surprise.

Keane is exactly the kind of positive character Portsmouth would welcome
Statement from Portsmouth FC

"Every relationship ends and you move on quickly. It was never going to go on forever," he said.

"I feel privileged I had three years working with him. He certainly opened my eyes to what it takes to be a top athlete at a top club and I've taken many lessons from working with Roy."

Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger believes Keane's departure is a huge blow to United.

"He was certainly their most influential player in the last 10 years," said the Frenchman.

"It's a complete surprise that he's gone in the middle of the season. It looked like he was a bit upset recently. Why, I don't know."

Asked whether Keane might go to another Premiership club, Wenger replied: "I wouldn't be surprised."

However, Wenger laughed off suggestions that Keane might be Highbury-bound.

"Not at the moment, no," he added. "We have put our confidence in our players and will keep doing that."

Sir Alex Ferguson (left) and Roy Keane
It may be that Ferguson saw this as a move too far by Keane and he had to go
Michael Crick
Ferguson's unofficial biographer

Struggling Portsmouth became the first club to show an interest in signing the 34-year-old midfielder.

A statement from the club read: "Following instruction from Portsmouth chairman Milan Mandaric, the club's chief executive Peter Storrie is making enquiries about Keane's availability.

"Mandaric believes Keane is exactly the kind of positive character Portsmouth would welcome."

The announcement of Keane's departure came just over three weeks after the skipper gave an interview to MUTV in which he criticised several team-mates.

The interview was never broadcast but Michael Crick, Sir Alex Ferguson's unofficial biographer, thinks Keane went too far for the United manager.

"Ferguson laid down very strict rules for all his players but then he made exceptions for the really great players like Cantona and Keane," Crick told BBC Radio Five Live.

"Ferguson gave Keane a huge amount of leeway. He turned a blind eye to some of the things Keane's been up to and some of the comments he's made.

"We don't know the full story but it may be that Ferguson just decided that this was a move too far by Keane and he had to go."

Tony O'Donoghue, sports editor of Irish national broadcaster RTE, went further.

Sad as it is, it's for the best - for too long there's been reluctance to make difficult changes at the club
From TR
Have your say on 606

"This was a game of poker that went too far for United," he told Five Live.

"Roy was not going to have a contract extension or a contract renewal and basically I think we've seen Roy Keane sacked."

Paul Parker, a former team-mate of Keane's at Old Trafford, is not convinced the MUTV interview was solely to blame.

"There's more to it than that," he told News 24.

"That didn't help him but that was Roy and I think the club and the boss understood that.

"But I think a lot of it all was down to what he wanted to do and it wasn't that one isolated situation."

Keane had already stated that he did not expect to sign a new contract with United but Ray Wilkins said he was still "flabbergasted" by Friday's announcement.

"This will be a total shock to everyone in football," the former United midfielder told BBC Sport.

"There was a lot of talk about him leaving the club in the summer, but for him to go before the January transfer window is a major surprise.

"Roy was an extremely powerful figure at Manchester United and an exceptional player. I'm flabbergasted."

Wilkins added that he would not be surprised to see Keane now join Celtic, the club at which the midfielder once stated he wanted to end his career.

"Roy has publicly stated that he wouldn't want to play against United in the Premiership, so that might be the obvious choice for him," he said.

"It would be interesting to see Roy working with Gordon Strachan. Two Celts together might be a bit fiery, but he survived 12-and-a-half years with Sir Alex so I'm sure he wouldn't have a problem."

The day they tell you your career is no longer going to be with Manchester United, it's a real bolt from the blue
Lou Macari

Lou Macari believes Keane will first need time to come to terms with the end of his United career.

"I was there for 11 years, but the day they tell you your career is no longer going to be with Manchester United, it's a real bolt from the blue," the United legend told BBC Five Live.

"It takes a while for you to recover from it and I would think Roy will be no different at the moment."

Keane's last game for United was against Liverpool in September, when he broke his foot.

Since then, United have endured a torrid time, losing to Middlesbrough in the Premiership and Lille in the Champions League.

Andy Mitten, founding editor of the United We Stand fanzine, said Keane would be sorely missed.

"I feel he had something to contribute. He was such a big influence on the club and the fact he is driven by success would only have been a good thing for the club," Mitten told BBC News 24.

"He's the best player I've ever seen in a Manchester United shirt, the driving force behind much of the club's success since he joined in 1993 and a legend in the eyes of most United fans."

Mark Longden, chairman of the Independent Manchester United Supporters' Association, is angry the club did not do more to keep the midfielder at the club.

"I'm absolutely staggered," he said.

"We've been trying for years to replace Roy Keane and then we get rid of the one we've got in the middle of the season. It seems absolutely crazy to me."

"The season seems to be going from moderate to worse."

Man Utd messageboard

Reaction from fans on the BBC's 606 messageboards was also mixed, but many are upset they will not get a chance to give Keane a send-off.

"He may not be the player he once was but he was still our best midfielder and the best captain in the league," read one post from Black_Bag-TFBBL.

"If he was leaving at the end of the season at least we could say goodbye to him properly from the stands. This is the wrong way to do it."
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