ASV basketbolisti sagrauj Puerteriko
ASV basketbola izlase ir izcīnījusi uzvaru pārbaudes spēlē pirms pasaules čempionātā, ar rezultātu 114:69 sagraujot Puerteriko basketbolistus.
Lai arī ASV izlase lēni uzsāka spēli un pat nokļuva zaudētājos 29:33, abpus puslaika pārtraukumam NBA profesionāļi veica 31:2 izrāvienu, sagraujot jebkādas sāncenšu cerības.
Nākamās pārbaudes spēles ASV izlase aizvadīs jau Ķīnā, uz kurieni dosies 14 basketbolisti. Pirms pasaules čempionāta tiks nosaukti tie 12 spēlētāji, kas lūkos izcīnīt zelta medaļas.
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Publicējis KB
nu vo saakums pirms veetras pasaules chempii, vajag piemineet ka poerto-rico speeciiga izlase ja nemaldos ar saspeeles vadiitaaju kursh speelee NBA...P.S bet tik un taa neticu ka uzvarees pasaules chempionaatu, pasaules chempju tronii buus kaads cits...
jaaa pleimekers viniem Karloss Aroijo no Magic
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Publicējis Jamal
Publicējis KB
nu vo saakums pirms veetras pasaules chempii, vajag piemineet ka poerto-rico speeciiga izlase ja nemaldos ar saspeeles vadiitaaju kursh speelee NBA...P.S bet tik un taa neticu ka uzvarees pasaules chempionaatu, pasaules chempju tronii buus kaads cits...
jaaa pleimekers viniem Karloss Aroijo no Magic
aha apmeeram taa arii domaaju, paldies!
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PUR - Toro's men lose badly in Las Vegas scrimmage against USA
LAS VEGAS (FIBA World Championship) - The United States hammered Puerto Rico 116-82 in the first of two warm-up games ahead of this month’s FIBA World Championship.
The US Team dominated the game, playing fast and with a dunking-show from LeBron James, Dwyane Wade, Carmelo Anthony and Dwight Howard during the second half.
Anthony was the man-of-the-match, having top-scored with 20 points at Las Vegas’ Thomas & Mack Center. James provided the support with a 15-point haul of his own for Mike Krzyzewski’s team.
Carlos Arroyo led Julio Toro’s Puerto Rico with 17 points, accompanied by the 13-point contribution of Rick Apodaca.
Toro said: “It was a good practice. Their (United States) defense was very tough to beat, but it was good because now we have the experience of what we’ll face in Japan.
"My players took this game very seriously. It is like they are on a mission.”
It was the first clash between both sides since the extraordinary 92-73 triumph of Puerto Rico in the 2004 Olympic Games.
They will meet again on Thursday.
Puerto Rico and the US Team will also meet in the FIBA World Championship in Group D, along with Italy, China, Senegal and Slovenia.
By PA Sport
Exclusively for FIBA
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PUR - Toro's men lose badly in Las Vegas scrimmage against USA
LAS VEGAS (FIBA World Championship) - The United States hammered Puerto Rico 116-82 in the first of two warm-up games ahead of this month’s FIBA World Championship.
The US Team dominated the game, playing fast and with a dunking-show from LeBron James, Dwyane Wade, Carmelo Anthony and Dwight Howard during the second half.
Anthony was the man-of-the-match, having top-scored with 20 points at Las Vegas’ Thomas & Mack Center. James provided the support with a 15-point haul of his own for Mike Krzyzewski’s team.
Carlos Arroyo led Julio Toro’s Puerto Rico with 17 points, accompanied by the 13-point contribution of Rick Apodaca.
Toro said: “It was a good practice. Their (United States) defense was very tough to beat, but it was good because now we have the experience of what we’ll face in Japan.
"My players took this game very seriously. It is like they are on a mission.”
It was the first clash between both sides since the extraordinary 92-73 triumph of Puerto Rico in the 2004 Olympic Games.
They will meet again on Thursday.
Puerto Rico and the US Team will also meet in the FIBA World Championship in Group D, along with Italy, China, Senegal and Slovenia.
By PA Sport
Exclusively for FIBA
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