Zane Teilāne neiekļūst Marta trakumā
Šovakar Amerikas studentu basketbola līgas (NCAA) „Mid Continent” konferences finālā latviešu basketbolistes Zanes Teilānes pārstāvētais klubs ”Western Illionois” ar 56:65 piekāpās ”Oakland”.
Šis zaudējums Teilānes pārstāvētajam klubam liedza iespēju iekļūt starp 64 labākajam NCAA komandām un piedalīties play-off cīņās jeb tā dēvētajā Marta trakumā.
Spēle nupat beidzās, komentētāji turpina slavēt Zani un Oklendas komandu...
PPG Teilane 16.2
REB Teilane 10.3
AST Teilane 3.3
FG% Myers 58.6
FT% Boss 100.0
3PT% Reeves 45.8
BLK Teilane 4.1
STL Teilane 1.2
Publicējis zirx
Individual Leaders
PPG Teilane 16.2
REB Teilane 10.3
AST Teilane 3.3
FG% Myers 58.6
FT% Boss 100.0
3PT% Reeves 45.8
BLK Teilane 4.1
STL Teilane 1.2
Publicējis Beck
Un žēl, ka Zanei nebūs marta trakuma...
Nu, viņai ir visas iespējas tikt pie govju trakuma, vai vismaz putnu gripas!
Bet ja nopietni, nez kā tur būs ar WNBA... Izlases spēlēs viņa vairāk izskatījās kā tāds apmulsis milzu zirneklis laukumā. Baigi garās viņai tās rokas un kājas, bet šausmīgi tieva - masas nekādas. Liene Jansone daudz perspektīvāka - vismaz var kārtīgi grūstīties zem groza. A Teilānei, kā te jau kāds rakstīja, točna var izskriet cauri un nepamanīt!
MACOMB, Ill. - Senior Zane Teilane was named Mid-Continent Conference Player of the Year and Defensive Player of the Year for the second-straight season.
Par vakardienas spēli -
CNN SI.COM (Associated Press)
Zane Teilane scored a career-high 28 points and set a conference tournament record with 22 rebounds for Western Illinois (23-6), but the Westerwinds lost in the conference tournament after winning the regular-season title for the fourth straight season. It was the first time they made it as far as the championship game.
As a consolation this season, they automatically receive a bid to the Women's NIT.
Western Illinois rallied from a 12-point second-half deficit to get within 58-53 on back-to-back baskets by Teilane, the two-time conference player of the year, but didn't make another field goal after that.
Teilane, who also had seven blocks, was still able to pass Robin Hasemann to set the Westerwinds' career record for scoring. She's already the school's all-time leading rebounder.
"She's an incredible player. I was thinking if they go to her every time, we're in trouble,'' Francis said. "I don't know how Western Illinois coaches, but I would almost be like, `Don't anybody else shoot it. Just give it to her.'''
Senior Zane Teilane became Western's all-time scoring leader with her career-high 28 points, raising her career total to 1,537. The record, 1,525, was set by Robin Hasemann between 1987-91.
- Teilane also recorded a career-high 22 rebounds.
- Teilane's 26 field goals attempted tied her for second in the Mid-Con Tournament record book with Katie Wolfe (Oakland) and Penny Armstrong (UIC).
- Teilane's 22 rebounds set the Mid-Con Tournament record and her seven blocked shots tied the blocks record.
pec sitas sezonas vajadzetu iet uz kadu normaalu klubu
Pēc spēles Zane Teilane teica:
"They really boxed us out, which made it easier for them to get the rebounds. I was really hoping that we could win this game; it's very disappointing. I was having troubles with shooting today, but I played my hardest today. We've been working hard all year long, and I really thought that we deserved to go." (
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