Biedriņam karjeras rekords NBA
Aizvadītajā naktī Nacionālās Basketbola Asociācijas spēlē latvieša Andra Biedriņa Goldensteitas ''Warriors'' izcīnījuši otro uzvaru pēc kārtas, apspēlējot Denveras ''Nuggets'' ar 122:114. Biedriņš šajā mačā sešas reizes bloķēja pretienieku metienus, kas ir basketbolista karjeras rekords NBA.
''Warriors'' spēli iesāka šādā virknējumā - Deiviss, Ričardsons, Mērfijs, Foils un Pietruss.
Biedriņš spēlē iesaistījās pirmās ceturtdaļas piektajā minūtē, nomainot Adonalu Foilu. Pēc nospēlētām aptuveni divām minūtēm pēc Ričardsona piespēles Biedriņš guva savus vienīgos punktus spēlē no groza apakšas, turklāt paspēja sakrāt arī divas personīgās piezīmes. Otrs uznāciens spēlē latvietim sekoja trešās ceturtdaļas sākumā.
Lielu artavu uzvaras kaldināšanā ieguldīja ''Warriors'' aizsargs Dereks Fišers, kurš guva 12 no saviem 14 punktiem guva tieši spēles pēdējā ceturtdaļā. Rezultatīvākais uzvarētājiem bija Džeisons Ričardsons ar 28 gūtajiem punktiem.
''Nuggets'' rindās ar 34 punktiem izcēlās Karmelo Entonijs.
Denver 114 - Golden State 122
Houston 87 - Philadelphia 81
Orlando 82 - Washington 94
Milwaukee 86 - Cleveland 89
New Orleans 91 - New Jersey 99
Boston 98 - Miami 114
Seattle 106 - Charlotte 119
Minnesota 103 - Phoenix 101
Chicago 107 - Utah 109
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GS fani ir sajuusmaa par biedrinu un foils arii tiek smuki nolikts
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taa turpinaat
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Peec tam, kad AB beigaas nomainiija skatiitaajie pieceelaas kaajaas un aplaudeeja AB.
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Publicējis lasitajs
Un šiten mūsu Andri slavē ne pa jokam:
labs raxtinsh
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Varbūt kāds zin kādu adresi, kur var redzēt kādu fragmentu (varbūt pat šitos blokus) no warriors spēlēm.
Es zinu tikai šito adresi bet tur sen nav nekas jauns ielikts.
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P.S. Raksta autors gan pacenties..
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``Andris was active last year, too,'' Coach Mike Montgomery said. ``He's got real quick feet. He's long.''
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Six blocked shots for Biedrins
Janny Hu
Tuesday, February 7, 2006
Andris Biedrins one-upped himself Monday. To top his fourth straight stellar game, he recorded a career high in blocked shots against the Nuggets.
He rejected six Denver attempts, two more than his previous best and more than he could remember blocking in a single game in Europe.
"That's what coach expects from me," Biedrins said. "That's my job. Rebounding the ball and bringing energy. Go for every ball and try to help my teammates."
His six blocked shots are the most by a Warrior this season. Biedrins also had two points and six rebounds and is averaging 7.5 points, seven rebounds and two blocks in his last four games.
Hello, bench: A game later than originally intended, coach Mike Montgomery started Mickael Pietrus at small forward and sent Mike Dunleavy to the bench. The coach said he wasn't quite sure what to expect, but made the move, anyway, to evaluate some lineups.
"It's just the more combination of things we look at, the more chemistry issues that we see, how things fit," Montgomery said. "We have about seven, eight guys -- any of (whom) can start -- so it's not really important how they start. It's how they fit together and what kind of flow we get.
"We'll just have to wait and see what happens."
If Dunleavy had any problems with the move, he showed no signs on Monday. The forward, who signed a five-year, $45 million contract extension prior to the season, said he was "kind of excited" about coming off the bench and hoped it was something "that'll be able to last."
Dunleavy said he wasn't viewing the benching as a demotion because he was playing his best basketball of the season, and he didn't ask Montgomery to explain the switch.
"I don't need to know why. He's the coach. He makes all the calls," Dunleavy said. "I'm absolutely fine with this. I think it's going to be good for the team.''
All-Star emptiness?: The reserves for the Western Conference All-Star team will be announced Thursday, and Montgomery doesn't like the Warriors' chances. "When you start putting out a list and you have nine guys, without your guys," Montgomery said, "and you recognize that everybody else is going to have the same nine guys and have to eliminate (two) people, it makes it pretty tough."
Each coach selects seven reserves but cannot vote for his own players
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