Detroitas "Pistons" arvien bez zaudējumiem
Detroitas “Pistons” basketbolisti aizvadītajā naktī ir spējuši turpināt savu uzvaru sēriju Nacionālajā Basketbola asociācijā, savā sezonas piektajā mačā izcīnot piekto uzvaru. Šoreiz “Pistons” spēles galotnē izcīnīja grūtu 111:104 uzvaru pār Fīniksas “Suns”.
LA Clippers 102 - Atlanta 95
Houston 84 - Miami 88
Detroit 111 - Phoenix 104
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ROckets bez T-Mac playoffs neredzeeet, Wade kaut bez Shaqa censhaas speelet liimenii, lai gan ieprieksheejaa spele bija 10!!!! kljuudas. Heat jau taa ir speeciigs sastaavs.
Detroita izvilka machu pret Suns. Detroita un Spurs viennoziimiigii galvenie favoriiti. Pacers un Heat ar labaakajiem speeletaajiem ierindaa varees pakonkureet. Nezinu kas veel.
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aizsardzībā no Portlendas - Dariuss Mailzs
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fonā Portlendas līderis Zaks Randolfs
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Mainītās lomās brālēni
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Owens labs, pats NFL spēlēju ar Eagles.
Labi ka Detroita salika Fīniksu
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ATLANTA (AP) -- Suspended Philadelphia Eagles receiver Terrell Owens received a mixed reaction of cheers and boos from fans at the Atlanta Hawks' home game against the Los Angeles Clippers on Thursday night.
Owens, an Atlanta resident, was suspended from the Eagles team this week for criticism of the organization and his teammates.
Owens had a courtside seat near the Clippers' bench. He was shown on the Philips Arena video board in the first half.
After the public address announcer said ``Terrell Owens is in the house!'' there was a loud and mixed response from the fans.
Owens smiled and waved at the camera.
Owens wouldn't say why he was attending the game. His publicist, Kim Etheredge, said Owens ``is still a Georgia resident, so why not?''
Owens' six-bedroom Atlanta home was recently put up for sale. The 18,000-square-foot home in south DeKalb County includes a full gymnasium and sits on 5 acres overlooking a lake with a sandy beach.
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