Mārtiņš Ābele tēmē uz NBA
Jaunais latviešu basketbolists, centra spēlētājs Mārtiņš Ābele (17) pēdējās nedēļās piesaistījis vadošu Ziemeļamerikas Nacionālās studentu sporta asociācijas (NCAA) pirmās divīzijas basketbola programmu uzmanību.
Pitsburga, Virdžīnijas Tehniskā Universitāte, Klemsona, Ziemeļrietumu Universitāte ir tikai dažas no programmām, kas izrāda interesi par 216 centimetrus garo un 135 kilogramus (300 mārciņu) smago Virdžīnijas „Blue Ridge” vidusskolas spēlētāju.
Ābele no Latvijas uz ASV devās šovasar. Viņa mērķis ir kādu dienu spēlēt NBA, tāpat kā Goldensteitas „Warriors” spēlētājam Andrim Biedriņam. „Tas ir sapnis, bet visu vēl nezinu,” teica Ābele. „Vēlos iegūt labu izglītību, spēlēt basketbolu un tālāk redzēsim.”
Pazīmes liecina, ka basketbola skolas „Rīga/Pols” un 3. BJSS audzēknim Ābelem iespēju būs daudz. „Viņu labi trenējis viens no Latvijas valstsvienības treneriem,” teica „Blue Ridge” treneris Bils Remzijs. „Viņš var mest no 4,5 metriem un tuvāk, ir labs snaiperis. Trūkst atlētisma, bet viņš nav vājš. Labas rokas, var lēkt, bet trūkst rāviena. Pie tā jāpiestrādā.”
„Viņam ir teicamas bloķētāja dotības,” saka Remzijs. „Un viņš ir noturīgs atlēkušo bumbu savākšanā. Kad viņš kādu bloķē, viņu nav iespējams izgrūstīt. Viņš noķer bumbu un met. Un, ja izdarāt pārkāpumu, viņš met soda metienus. Viņš ir ļoti labs soda metienu izpildītājs.”
Ābele, kuram abi vecāki ir gari – tēva augums ir 2 metri, māte pāri 180cm – vēl nezina, kuru koledžu izvēlēsies. „Esmu tikai juniors un man jāpiestrādā pie daudzām lietām, ieskaitot spēku.”
Izmantotie resursi:
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1) viņš ir viens liela izmēra bēbis!!!
2) viņš nav tāds kā raksta...tur kkāds snaiperis un sazin kas vēl
3) amerikāņi taču vienmēr saka tev ir potencials tu esi labs..tev ir iespejas utt. vini tachu ir blatnjiki pa dziivi un sheit jau ar treneris runaa tieshi taapat!!!
TUR NEKĀ NEBŪS...tas te viss ir bullshit...AIZMIRSTAM!
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Latvija saniektais vsp nav nekaads raadiitaajs
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domaju ka stipri japieliek pie aatruma tagad domaju kadas 10 moska var noskriet! itkaa liels garsh cghalis bet skrien ar ljoti maziem soliishiem
arii atspere noteikti ir jatrenee NBA domaju ir parak augsti nosprausts merkjis...
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Clemson. Pittsburgh. Northwestern. Virginia Tech.
These are just a few of the high-level Division I basketball programs that have descended on the Blue Ridge School in recent weeks to check out 7-foot-1, 300-pound man-child Martins Abele.
Abele, a junior, moved to the states from his native Latvia over the summer. He says his goal is to someday make it to the NBA, just like Andris Biedrins, his countryman who plays for the Golden State Warriors.
“It’s a dream, but I don’t know,” said Abele, who recently turned 17. “I want to get a good education, play basketball and then just see.”
All indications point toward Abele having a number of options.
“He’s been well-coached by one of the coaches from the Latvian national team,” said Blue Ridge coach Bill Ramsey. “He has good range from 15 feet and in. He’s a good shooter.
“His athleticism is his weakest part, but it’s not bad. He’s got good hands. He can jump, but he’s not real explosive yet. We need to work on that.”
In a recent pickup game against some quality competition, including former Virginia player Lars Mikalauskas, Abele — who wears a size 18 shoe — showed pretty good coordination for someone his size. He also displayed soft hands and a pretty jump hook.
He was by no means just a big body, although that clearly was an advantage for him, particularly on the defensive end.
“The best part of his game is his shotblocking,” Ramsey said. “and his rebounding is very consistent.
“When he sets up down on the block, you can’t move him. He has good hands, catches the ball and finishes. And if you foul him, he makes his free throws. He’s a very good free-throw shooter.”
Abele, whose parents are both tall — his father is 6-foot-8, his mother is 6-foot-1 — says he hasn’t given any thought yet as to where he will attend college.
“I’m just a junior and I have a lot of things to work on,” said Abele, whose English is a work in progress, “like my power.”
What will be interesting to see is whether Virginia has any chance at landing Abele. The way that Mikalauskas’ career played out over the summer may have left a bad taste in Ramsey’s mouth. His former Blue Ridge star, currently weighing competing offers from pro clubs in Greece and Turkey, was kicked off the team by UVa coach Dave Leitao in August.
“I respect the job that the coaching staff does at Virginia,” said Ramsey, when asked about his relationship with UVa, “and they undoubtedly have some of the best facilities in the country.”
Ramsey said Mikalauskas may have more of a say than he does in where Abele — and a number of other Division I prospects who are at Blue Ridge this season — end up.
“Lars has been living here and working out with these guys,” Ramsey said. “He definitely talks to them all the time. He’s a true Virginia guy through and through, just like he said in his [press conference], but I don’t know whether that will steer them toward Virginia or not.
“He’s talking to them all the time, but I don’t know if that means it would be toward Virginia or away from Virginia.”
According to Ramsey, Virginia hasn’t come out to look at Abele yet. With two 7-foot prospects — John Brandenburg and Assane Sene — already in the fold, the UVa staff could be looking to fill other positions.
Regardless, Ramsey is confident that Abele will eventually land at a “high D-I” program.
“He just needs the right situation,” Ramsey said. “He needs a school that is more of a grind-it-out type school rather than a speedy, up and down the court type of team.”
Tā par Mārtiņu raksta ASV, un jakāds nevar pārrakstīt no laikraksta lai mācās angļu valodu, varam palīdzēt!
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meerktieciba 0... ja izdosies to mainit tad jau rezultai neizpaliks
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neviens no jums nav aizdomājies kādā sakarā pēkšņi kkāds raksts par praktiski nezinamu Ābeli
jau kopš pirmajiem gadiem basketbolā viņam daudz kas ticis ar naudas palīdzību!!!
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