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Autors: LHF preses daļa


Foto: Leta

Dear Latvian Ice Hockey Federation,

There are no words to describe the shock, disbelief and sadness what the entire ice hockey community experienced with the tragic plane crash in Yaroslavl.
We lost not only great players, dedicated coaches and staff members, we lost tremendous individuals, caring fathers, sons and friends.

Despite being just an ordinary hockey fan from Hungary, I would like to extend my deepest sympathies to the Latvian Ice Hockey Federation, family and friends of Kārlis Skrastiņš. I followed his career in NHL and on international level too in recent years, and became one of my favourite players. He was the model of the solid, hardest-working defencemen, who sacrifices his body to block shots and plays the game with heart and soul. His style of play, attitude and contribution to the teams' success he ever played for must be evident for everybody who understands hockey.

As a hockey fan, I am happy to see that small country like Latvia can produce great talents like Kārlis Skrastiņš. Latvia can only be proud of him!

The passing of Kārlis left a big hole in hearts and I hope his legacy will be honored the way he deserves!

I will never forget him!
With the deepest condolences from Hungary,
László Hunyadi

Dear Friends,

On behalf of the Slovak Ice Hockey Federation we extend our deepest sympathies to families, friends and colleagues of the players that were involved in the recent tragic air disaster near Yaroslavl.

Let their souls rest in peace!

Kind regards,
President of Slovak Ice Hockey Federation.

Izsakām visdziļāko līdzjūtību Kārļa Skrastiņa ģimenei, tuviniekiem, draugiem, kolēģiem un visai hokeja draugu saimei.

Kārļa Skrastiņa zaudējums Brocēnu hokeja ļaudīm ir ļoti personīga un dziļa traģēdija.
Trīs gadus Kārlis ir bijis patrons mazo hokejistu-sezonas debitantu, turnīram „Kārļa Skrastiņa starptautiskais turnīrs hokejā „Balex metal” kauss. Kārlis atrada laiku , lai atbrauktu uz Brocēniem un personīgi pasniegt balvas maziem hokejistiem, tas viņiem bija liels pagodinājums un neaizmirstams notikums.
Brocēnu ledus hallē ir sēras- mēs nevaram aptvert notikušo traģēdiju, kas ir atņēmusi dzīvības tik daudziem talantīgiem hokejistiem.

Visdziļākie līdzjītības apliecinājumi „Lokomotiv” komandas tuviniekiem.

Brocēnu Sporta Centrs, Brocēnu sporta skola, Hokeja klubs „Brocēni”

The Andorran Ice Sports Federation and Andorran Ice Hockey Club wishes to extend their deepest sympathies to families, friends and relatives of the players of Lokomotiv Yaroslavl that were involved in a fatal plane crash on Wednesday.

We hope that all the people who has lost a relative or a friend may have peace in solace in the future, and we walk with them in this sad moment.

Please be sure that all of them are in our thoughts and prayers in this sad hour.


Mūs tapat kā citus ir satriekusi šī traģēdija, kurā bojāgājuši ir izcili cilvēki - sporta un savu valstu patrioti - Jaroslavļas hokeja komanda "Lokomotiv"...

Ļaujiet man izteikt visdziļāko līdzjūtību Jums Kārļa Skrastiņa piederīgajiem savā un visas Latvijas florbola piederīgo vārdā, saistībā ar nesen notikušo traģisko aviokatastrofu Krievijas Federācijā, kurā aptrūkās viena no izcilākā latviešu hokejista, olimpieša, Latvijas izlases kapteiņa, tēva, vīra un brāļa - Kārļa Skrastiņa dzīves gājums.

Šajā traģiskajā brīdī savās domās esam kopā Jums un sērojam par izcila cilvēka un sportista pēkšņo dzīves gājumu pārtrūkšanu. Mēs paužam Jums savu visstingrāko atbalstu, jo sportā kā lielā ģimenē, notikušais satricina ikvienu - gan sportistu, gan līdzjutēju.

Latvijas Florbola savienības prezidents Ilvis Pētersons

A.god.Lipmana kungs,

Es, Turcijas Republikas vēstniece, savā vārdā, kā arī visas manas tautas vārdā vēlos izteikt visdziļāko līdzjūtību sakarā ar aviokatastrofu, kuras rezultātā gāja bojā Jaroslavļas hokeja komanda "Lokomotīve". Šī traģēdija, kas paņēma daudz talantīgu sportistu, izraisīja patiesu manas tautas līdzjūtību.

Mēs dalām skumjas kopā ar bojā gājušo radiniekiem un draugiem.

Serap Ozcoskun
Turcijas Republikas vēstniece Latvijā

The Spanish Ice Sports Federation-Spanish Ice Hockey, wishes to extend their deepest sympathies to the Latvian Ice Hockey Federation, families and friends of Karlis Skrastins, Latvian player of Lokomotiv Yaroslavl who lost his life in the recent devastating air crash.

We walk together hand in hand in this sad moment and rest assure that he will forever be in our thoughts and prayers in this sad hour.

May his soul rest in peace.

Respectfully yours,

M- Teresa Samaranch

Frank Gonzalez
Ice Hockey Vice president

Dear Friends,
As the all world and the all hockey family, we are chocked and affected by the terrible accident the Lokomotiv Team, the KHL and your federation in facing.

Tomorrow at the beginning of all our senior club games, all our team, fans, ice officials and volounteers will observe a minute of silence, to express the Victim's family, your federations and fans his support.

With all my personal friendship,

Luc Tardif

Latvijas Televīzija sēro kopā ar Latvijas Hokeja federāciju un izsaka visdziļāko līdzjūtību Kārļa Skrastiņa ģimenei un tuviniekiem.

Tas ir milzīgs zaudējums visai sporta pasaulei un emocionāls trieciens ikvienam hokeja līdzjutējam visā Latvijā un ārpus tās robežām.

Ar cieņu,
LTV7 direktore
I. Circene-Groša

The whole staff and players of the Moroccan Ice hockey Association wishes to extend their deepest sympathies to families, friends,relatives and fans of the players and staff of Lokomotiv Yaroslavl that were involved in a fatal plane crash onWednesday.

We are sorry for your loss.
As hockey fans we looked up to these fine players when we watched them play in different leagues!

We hope that all the people who have lost a relative or a friend may have peace in solace in the future, and we walk with them in this sad moment.

Our thoughts and prayers goes to the families and relatives of the Lokomotiv Yaroslavl in these dark hours

Association Nationale Marocaine De Hockey Sur Glace

The Malaysia Ice Hockey Federation wish to express our deepest sympathies to the families and relatives of the players from Lokomotiv Yaroslavl in this time of sorrow. We wish them courage and faith to guide them through this moment of grief.

As a mark of respect, a minute of silence was held in our Malaysia International Ice Hockey Tournament.

Kind Regards

Susan Loh
Secretary General
Malaysia Ice Hockey Federation

Dear friends, dear members of the ice hockey family.

The horrible tragedy that happened to the team of Lokomotiv Yaroslavl has not left a single heart untouched. The team was composed of the best of the best – renowned stars and promising young players – of many countries. They were also beloved sons, brothers, husbands and fathers. We are sending our condolences to all families, friends, fans and ice hockey community and share the deep shock and grieve of this enormous loss.

Evgeny Vorsin, Chairman.
Belarusian Ice Hockey Association

Ice Hockey Federation of Italy wishes to extend deepest symphaties to families, friends and relatives of the Lokomotiv Jaroslav players that suffered yesterday.

Our thoughts and prayers are with all them, may they rest in peace.

Alberto Berto, Karl Lintner IIHA – FISG

Izsaku savu dziļu līdzjūtību Kārļa Skrastiņa Ģimenei.
Sēroju līdz.

Ar Cieņu,
Andrejs Štolcers

PS. Kādreiz spēleju ar Kārli kopā Dinamo Riga (1974.g.). Biju priecīgs par viņa panākumiem hokejā, viņš bija vienīgais no mūsu gada kurš izsitās tik augstā līmenī.
Un tagad viņa vairs nav!
Nevaru tam noticet. Ļoti, ļoti žēl.

Уважаемый господин Липман,

В связи с авиакатастрофой в Ярославской области, в результате
которой погибла команда КХЛ «Локомотив», хотел бы выразить самые
искренние соболезнования по поводу безвременного ухода из жизни одного
из лучших игроков национальной сборной Латвии Карлиса Скрастиныша.
Ужасная авиакатастрофа оборвала жизни множества прекрасных
спортсменов. Это огромная потеря для мирового хоккея и невосполнимая
утрата для родных к близких.

Глубоко скорблю вместе с Вами.
А. Вешняков

Izsaku visdziļāko līdzjūtību trešdien Krievijā notikušajā aviokatastrofā bojā gājušās Kontinentālās hokeja līgas komandas Jaroslavļas „Lokomativ” tuviniekiem un daudzajiem hokeja draugiem Latvijā, Krievijā un citur pasaulē, ko satriekusi šī negaidītā traģēdija. Kārtējais traģiskais negadījums Latvijai ir atņēmis vienu no spožākajiem hokeja talantiem, un šajā grūtajā brīdī sērās esam kopā ar izcilā latviešu hokejista Kārļa Skrastiņa ģimeni. Kārlis Skrastiņš sniedzis nenovērtējamu ieguldījumu Latvijas hokeja attīstībā, mūsu izlases panākumu kaldināšanā un ir bijis un turpinās būt piemērs ikvienam Latvijas sportistam, kā ar pašaizliedzīgu darbu un neatlaidību iespējams sasniegt visaugstākās panākumu virsotnes.

Latvijas Republikas Ministru prezidents
Valdis Dombrovskis

Dear ice hockey colleagues and friends

We are sending our condolences and compassion to all members of club Lokomotiv Yaroslavl, all families, relatives, friends and fans after the enormous tragedy with the airplane accident in Russia at Wednesday. We are in shock and it is so difficult to accept such a big loss of many good people.

Christer Englund, President
The Swedish Ice Hockey Association

Viss izjusts. Izciests. Izsāpēts.
Ceļš galā.
Vien sāpēm sirdī nenorimt...

Izsakam lidzjutibu Skrastina gimenei,draugiem un faniem!!!


Dear Hockey friends,
It is with great disbelief and shock that we all had to face yesterday's terrible plane crash in Yaroslavl and the fatal consequences which have deeply saddened the whole hockey family .
We understand that players and/or officials from your federation are among the victims of this tragic accident.
May we ask you to forward heartfelt condolences to the families, friends and relatives of the players and/ or officials of the KHL team of Lokomotiv Yaroslavl.
All of them will be kept in our thoughts and prayers during the difficult time ahead. May they rest in peace.

Your faithfully
International Ice Hockey Federation
Rene Fasel

Dear Friends,
There are no words we can offer that will make this any easier, but hopefully
just knowing that people care will allow you to lay some of the burdens on us. If
there is any way to help, we are more than willing to do so.
We here at Slovenian Ice Hockey Federation were deeply shocked to hear of
the loss of a whole hockey team, so please allow me, on behalf of Slovenian Ice
hockey Federation and our hockey fans, to extend my deepest sympathies to
you and all families as you struggle through this period of shock and grief.

With deepest sympathies,
Matjaž Rakovec
Slovenian Ice Hockey Federation

Cienījamie kolēģi!

Esam dziļi satriekti par vakardienas Jaroslavļas traģēdiju - sportistu, treneru, hokeja komandas "Lokomotīve" palīgu un mūsu tautieša Kārļa Skrastiņa bojāeju.

Latvijas Svarubumbu Asociācija, visi mūsu biedri un sportisti, sakarā ar traģēdiju, izsaka dziļu līdzjūtību Kārļa Skrastiņa un visu bojāgājušo ģimenēm un tuviniekiem kā arī Latvijas Hokeja federācijai.

Viņi paliks mūsu atmiņās.

Ar cieņu,
Latvijas Svarubumbu Asociācijas
valdes priekšsēdētājs
Vasilijs Giņko
Visu LSCA biedru un sportistu vārdā

The Croatian Ice Hockey Association wishes to extend deepest sympathies to the families and relatives of the players and team staff from Lokomotiv Yaroslavl who lost their lives in the devastating air crash on Wednesday, September 7, 2011.

We also wish to extend our deepest condolences to the club Lokomotiv Yaroslavl and the national associations whose members perished in this horrible tragedy.

Nikola Svigir President of Croatian IHA
Iva Teuber General Secretary of Croatian IHA

The Brazilian Ice Hockey would like to take this opportunity to send our
respectful condolences to the Russian Ice Hoquei Federation and the
Lokomotiv Ice Hoquei Team.

Our thoughts are with their families at this very difficult time.

Respectfuly yours,

Eric Leme Walther Maleson
Brazilian Ice Hockey

Tragiska diena sporta pasaulei :(

Pieminot visus sodienas aviokatastrofas upurus es aizdedzu svecites, izkaru Latvijas karogu un uzvilku izlases fanu kreklu. Loti velejos piedalities pieminas pasakuma kopa ar parejiem faniem, tacu sobrid dzivoju Anglija un man nebija tadas iespejas. Godinot tragedijas upurus man radas ideja, ko loti gribetu ierosinat Rigas Dinamo un varbut ari KHL vadibai. Doma ir tada ka varetu izveidot sava veida pieminas simbolus,nozimites vai kaut ko tadu, ko varetu pievienot hokejistu formam, lai godinatu sodien muziba aizgajusas hokeja zvaigznes...

So ideju esmu publicejis portala un cilveku atsauksmes ir pozitivas, tapec domaju ka tas butu labs veids ka godinat boja gajusos.

Ceru uz jusu atbalstu, lai so ideju istenotu.

Ar cienu,
Kristaps Melko

Nevar pazust tas, ko mīli,
Nezūd darbs, kas krietni veikts,
Arī tad, ja mūža gājums
Šķiet pārāk negaidīti beigts...

SIA „GEKA” izsaka visdziļāko līdzjūtību Latvijas Hokeja federācijas darbiniekiem, cīņu biedriem, hokeja faniem no izcilā hokejista Kārļa Skrastiņa atvadoties.
Skumju brīdī esam kopā un mierinājuma vārdus sūtām arī Kārļa ģimenei un tuviniekiem.
Aiz Kārļa paliks viņa dzīves turpinātāji un padarītie darbi. Viņu vienmēr pieminēs ar labu, mīļu vārdu un pateiksies par viņa mūžu...

SIA „GEKA” kolektīva vārdā
Gūrijs Bulle

Vienīgi laikam ir laiks, un tas nekad nepārtrauc bezgalīgo augšanu... (N. Stenesku)

Jelgavas Ledus sporta skolas audzēkņu, pedagogu un jelgavnieku - hokeja līdzjutēju vārdā izsakām visdziļāko līdzjūtību Kārļa Skrastiņa tuviniekiem un kolēģiem piedzīvojot neatsveramo zaudējumu.
Kārlis mūsu atmiņās vienmēr paliks Latvijas hokeja Dzelzs vīrs.

Jelgavas pilsētas pašvaldības iestādes
"Sporta servisa centra" direktors
Juris Kaminskis

Rīgas Sergeja Žoltoka vidusskola izsaka visdziļāko līdzjūtību Kārļa Skrastiņa ģimenei, tuviniekiem un Latvijas Hokeja federācijai sakarā ar kontinentālās hokeja līgas komandas "Lokomotiv" bojāeju 2011. gada 7. septembrī.

Sergeja Žoltoka vidusskolas kolektīvs,
skolēni un viņu vecāki

The Argentine Ice Hockey and InLine Association wishes to extend their deepest sympathies to families, friends and relatives of the players of Lokomotiv Yaroslavl that were involved in a fatal plane crash on Wednesday.
We hope that all the people who has lost a relative or a friend may have peace in solace in the future, and we walk with them in this sad moment.
Please be sure that all of them are in our thoughts and prayers in this sad hour.

Comisión Directiva AAHHL
Héctor Iannicelli Jorge “Dicky” Haiek
President AAHHL Vicepresident AAHHL

Dear Hockey family,

The Korea Ice Hockey Association wishes to extend our deepest sympathies to families, friends and relatives of the players of Lokomotiv Yaroslavl that were involved in a fatal plane crash on Wednesday.
We hope that all the people who has lost a relative or a friend may have peace in solace in the future, and we walk with them in this sad moment.
Please be sure that all of them are in our thoughts and prayers in this sad hour.

Korea Ice Hockey Association

Dear Ice Hockey Friends,

In this really “black day” we pray all together with all of you…

Kazakhstan IHF

The Ice Hockey Association of India wish to offer their deepest sympathies to the families and relatives of the players from Lokomotiv Yaroslavl who lost their lives in the devastating air crash.

May their souls rest in peace !!!

Akshay Kumar
CEO, Mercury Himalayan Explorations Ltd.

Dear friends

Be half of Ice Hockey Association of Thailand,I would like to offer my sincerest condolences to to families, friends and relatives of the players of Lokomotiv Yaroslavl that were involved in a fatal plane crash on yesterday.

May their souls rest in peace.

ML Krisada Kasemsunt
President Ice Hockey Association of Thailand

Latvijas Izlases hokejista Kārļa Skrastiņa tuviniekiem
A.god. Kirovam Lipmana kungam
Latvijas Hokeja Federācijai
Visiem hokeja faniem

Izsakām visdziļāko līdzjūtību sakarā ar Latvijas izcilā hokejista
Kārļa Skrastiņa un Jaroslavļas hokeja komandas "Lokomotiv" traģisko

Mēs zinām, kā tas sāp... Ir jāraud...
TTT Dāmu klubs

Mīļie, Partneri!

No visas sirds izsakām visdziļāko līdzjūtību Kārļa Skrastiņa tuviniekiem un kolēģiem! Spēku un izturību visiem šo traģēdiju pārdzīvot! No mums aizgājis lielisks un ģeniāls hokejists un vienkārši labs cilvēks. Mums patiesi žēl un lai viņam vieglas smiltis!

Izsakot līdzjūtību,
Regīna Lubgane
AAS „Baltikums” valdes locekle

Dear Ice Hockey Friends!

In the name of whole Polish ice hockey family I honestly declare compassion
with Latvian ice hockey community after aircrash in Yaroslavl. It's an
enormous tragedy for us and still it's hard to believe that such a wonderful
people gone forever.

Zdzisław Ingielewicz Ph.D.
PIHF President

Estonian Ice Hockey Association extends their deepest sympathies to families, friends and relatives of the players of Lokomotiv Yaroslavl that were involved in a fatal plane crash on Wednesday. In this really Black Day we have You in our thoughts and prayers.

We hope that all the people who has lost a relative or a friend may have peace in solace in the future, and we walk with them in this sad moment.

On this sad hour we join You in the moment of silence and believe that there is brighter tomorrow still coming. We firmly beleive that the strenght and soul of Yaroslavl will rise from the ashes and hockey will remain in the hearts of people there even in the deepest hour.

Riho Soonik Secretary General, Jaan Mölder President, Priit Vilba Vice President