Carcillo par Ivanānu
Carcillo par Ivanānu
Daniels Carcillo par kautiņu ar Latvijas hokejistu - "policistu" Raiti Ivanānu:
"I fought Raitis Ivanans in L.A. even though I really didn't want to. I'd score a nice goal and was kind of revved up and skating around being an idiot. Wayne told me, "If he comes out, I want you to come right off the ice". Sure enough, on my last shift, Ivanans came out looking for me. He's pretty scary guy: 6-3, 263 and incredebly strong. But I didn't listen to Wayne because I though it would be cowardly to back down. We traded punches, he hit me on the forehead and I went down. It was quick, but it was one of the worst beatings I've taken in hockey."
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Pat "bezbašennais" Carcillo.
Tur vēl šis tas ir par Raiti... izskatās, ka Cacillo tā ir ne tikai fiziska, bet arī psiholoģiska trauma... nekas, nākamsezon dabūs vēl!
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