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Carcillo par Ivanānu

Juris Miņins
Juris Miņins

Carcillo par Ivanānu

Daniels Carcillo par kautiņu ar Latvijas hokejistu - "policistu" Raiti Ivanānu:

"I fought Raitis Ivanans in L.A. even though I really didn't want to. I'd score a nice goal and was kind of revved up and skating around being an idiot. Wayne told me, "If he comes out, I want you to come right off the ice". Sure enough, on my last shift, Ivanans came out looking for me. He's pretty scary guy: 6-3, 263 and incredebly strong. But I didn't listen to Wayne because I though it would be cowardly to back down. We traded punches, he hit me on the forehead and I went down. It was quick, but it was one of the worst beatings I've taken in hockey."

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  +9 [+] [-]

, 2008-05-23 20:35, pirms 17 gadiem
No Ivanaana neviens negrib dabuut!

  +1 [+] [-]

, 2008-05-23 20:37, pirms 17 gadiem
anD_One rakstīja: No Ivanaana neviens negrib dabuut!

Pat "bezbašennais" Carcillo.
Tur vēl šis tas ir par Raiti... izskatās, ka Cacillo tā ir ne tikai fiziska, bet arī psiholoģiska trauma... nekas, nākamsezon dabūs vēl!
Slēpts komentārs no bloķēta lietotāja

     [+] [-]

, 2008-10-18 11:04, pirms 16 gadiem
gan jau ka neta kkur kadam hokejistam ir blogs kura vins statsta ka dabujis no Raita.. - vajag tik rakt!