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Autors: Zinu labaak

Video: VIDEO: RALLY MADONA 2012 | ASRTmedia

Watch in HD, LIKE and SHARE!Rally Madona 2012 took place June, 8 and 9, - 4th stage of Latvian Rally and Rally Sprint as well as 2nd stage of Estonian Rally Championship. There were organised several new special stages. 116 crews participated in the event - both racers and spectators expected to have real fun.ASRT was presented by Estonian crew SIIM PLANGI/MAREK SARAPUU driving newly built Mitsubishi EVO X N4. Our racers noted that the beginning of the race was quite difficult for them - it took time to adapt to the new car. Then from stage to stage the crew increased the speed and finally they won their medals. Crew SIIM PLANGI/MAREK SARAPUU won the 2nd place in Estonian Championship (Group N4) and 3rd place in Absolute. In Latvian Championship (N4) our crew won the 3rd place and the 4th place in Absolute. Winning the 2nd place at Powerstage they earned two additional points.This Rally will remain in our memory not only by sunny days, perfect roads, crowds of spectators and amazing victories but by tragedy - in the accident the co-driver Igors Bartaščenoks (crew of Normunda Verbeļa) died.
ASRT team expresses its condolences to the family of Igors.


WRC leģenda Sainss iesaka veidu, kā atgriezt čempionātam agrāko popularitāti

Divkārtējais pasaules rallija čempions Karloss Sainss uzskata, ka labākais laiks čempionāta vēsturē bija A grupas ēra. Šobrīd, kad WRC piedzīvo ne to vieglāko periodu un tiek plānotas lielas izmaiņas tehniskajos noteikumos, aizvien nav skaidrs, kāda būs nākotne.
Inguna Grišāne. Foto: Dace Janova,

Inguna Grišāne: "Nākamais solis ir minirallijs"

Par spīti stereotipam, ka autosports  - tā ir vīriešu pasaule, ir sievietes, kas pierāda pilnīgi pretējo, sacensību trasē jūtas kā zivs ūdenī un nereti izrādās ātrākas arī par stiprā dzimuma pārstāvjiem. Tāda ir arī Inguna Grišāne, šī gada pirmās vietas ieguvēja Dāmu klasē gan Rīgas Ziemas kausā, gan Kurzemes Ziemas kausa izcīņā.
Foto: Dace Janova,

Pēc mēneša tiks rīkota minirallija diena

Jau pēc mēneša, 18. maijā Ulbrokā un Ropažos tiks rīkota minirallija diena.